So who has a sentimental, or an emotional attachment, to 'inanimate objects'? Perhaps its an old jacket, or a piece of pottery, or a book from childhood? You find it hard to throw it away, or give it away, and you have a feeling like guilt when you look at the object?
It's not dumb to feel this way about 'things'. Inanimate objects after all are consciousness. They might not appear 'living' but they are created from the same living thoughts that we are. They are part of the conscious mind, and the consciousness field. So that feeling of guilt could be a little like having to part with a living person or a living pet. There can be a grieving process associated with getting rid of something you have an attachment to. Its not odd or strange to feel this way. Its because you are losing part of your own consciousness when you get ride of an inanimate object.
This connection can occur in different degrees ... from the extreme hoarder to the person who can throw things out without a second thought. It is part and parcel of human existence, and something that most people won't even give a second thought too. So next time you feel a tinge of guilt or sentimentality about throwing out some out grown goods, just spare a thought for the part of your consciousness you are waving goodbye to.
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