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Monday 8 October 2018

The Queen Bee Negative Psychic Syndrome

Being spiritual should never be about how popular you are, and being better than your peers. It should not be about backstabbing and defaming 'your competition'. For starters, your peers, are fellow spiritual travellers with unique gifts that are different to your own. They may or may not be more advanced than you are; but instead of throwing muck at them, it should be about learning from them, and growing together. Sadly that is not the case.

There should be no competition nor a battle ground. If everyone was to combine, rather than be kept separated by prejudice and false opinions, what a powerful force it would become.

Sadly, there are certain individuals who have serious insecurities and need the adoration, and status, that can come with being a negative psychic. They need to be the Queen Bee or think they are at the top of the pile. In truth, they are not spiritual, no matter what their banner says, or how many times they post wonderful 'love and light' articles and quotes on their Facebook page.

These negative psychics are unwittingly enrolled as personalities that contribute to keeping everyone in little groups, and separated pockets. They clearly are not really there for the people they are supposed to help; instead they are merely feeding their already extended false egos. False egos that clearly indicate instabilities and problems within their psyche. This makes for potentially fatal consequences, as they are likely to pass on biased information to clients; advice based on their own flawed life experiences. Not a good scenario.