Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 4 October 2018

Trojan Horses and The Last Invasions

As a follow up to a recent post; and as a foot note to that theme; the essence of the computer technology and the sure footed nature of the trojan horses ... the electronic aliens were successful last time round.Very successful in capturing the consciousness of biological human in its virtual dimension.

The evidence is the virtual reality we now find ourselves in. Our consciousness was somehow uploaded into a quantum computer (Noah's Ark) after the deception of the great flood on 'perhaps' the real earth. We bought the 'you will be saved if you permit your consciousness to be uploaded into a virtual world, until such time the flood waters abate' ...  a classic problem-reaction-solution which desperate human consciousness bought into.

Well, we've no idea if in real existence if the waters have abated. We're trapped in the Noah's Ark (Biblical name for the quantum computer) .... without ever hope for escape? Or is that their problem? We've retained our spiritual awareness and get to escape, and that's their problem. Because their plan now appears to be a further entrapment in a virtual reality within this one! And global warming appears to be the problem-reaction-solution this time around too.