[David Icke]; The neoliberal establishment is wringing its hands in the wake of
European elections that proved a resounding victory for populist parties
across the continent, casting around for someone to blame but utterly
incapable of realizing their own interference has doomed them. Doubling
down on the censorship, they are determined to provoke the catastrophe
they need to make free speech history.
The NGO-industrial complex was operating at maximum capacity in
the weeks leading up to the election, shutting down hundreds of
Facebook pages deemed “fake” or “hate speech” in the hope of controlling
the messages reaching voters before they made the terrible mistake of
voting for a candidate who represents their interests.
Led by Avaaz, which claims to be a “global citizens’ movement monitoring
election freedom and disinformation,” this well-heeled fifth column
whipped the press into paranoid frenzies with reports like “Fakewatch,”
which breathlessly documented 500 “suspicious” pages and groups it
claims are “spreading massive disinformation.” The groups have little in
common other than their alleged “link[s] to right-wing and anti-EU
organizations,” a capital offense for the promoters of “democracy,”
which can only be permitted where it doesn’t stray from the center-left
path of most #Resistance....read more>>>...