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Tuesday 2 July 2019

Actual demonic energy now channeling out of drag queens as humans morph into creatures from hell, right in front of children

[Natural News]: enton Public Library in Renton, Washington, recently held a so-called “teen pride” event that featured a deranged, gender-dysphoric young man dressed as a woman who actually got down on all fours and started roaring incoherently like a demon from hell, this being the latest installment of satanic LGBTQ propaganda aimed at America’s impressionable youth.

On her Twitter page, Harms posted a video clip of the drag portion of the event, which depicts the young man in drag quite literally morphing into what would appear to be some kind of creature from hell. One can only imagine the demonic energy that was released into the room during this stunt.
“This is what demonic possession looks like,” Harms commented below the clip she shared, encouraging viewers to watch it all the way to the end. “I know a lot of y’all don’t believe in the spiritual realm, but thanks for bearing with me anyway. In my opinion, this is it. On all fours. Growling. At the teen pride event at the public library.” more>>>...