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Friday, 12 July 2019

Kundabuffer and the Personal Self

[The Gurdjieff Legacy]: There is a latent force of meaning hidden within this idea of Kundabuffer which, at certain moments, when we pause long enough for it to touch us, can penetrate to another level of our consciousness—to a level where it is able to disturb us. To disturb us in a way we know and intuit that we need to be disturbed.

Yet such moments are rare. Why? Because the shock inherent within an objective truth so easily gets deflected, neutralized, by one or another form of buffer—that is, through that unseen predisposition by means of which we are 'protected' from the discomfort of having to deal with what otherwise would be disturbing to our familiar and cozy frame of reference.

The various and sundry forms of these buffers are beyond count, but, for our purpose here, two will suffice. One is to inwardly genuflect to the authority of the personage who has communicated the shock, thereby sidestepping its intrinsic awakening force. The other is all too readily to 'agree' with the formulation within which the shock of a newly revealed truth is hidden—on however superficial a level. After all, who of us is not able to generate a virtual litany of absurdities of human behaviour? Having thus 'agreed', we are then at liberty to proceed as usual, and thus to escape the thrust of the new more>>>...