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Thursday 21 April 2022

KILLING THE YOUNG: Millennials, Gen X and Gen Z experience record 84% excess mortality in fall of 2021, after vaccine mandates were rolled out

[Natural News]: In the Fall of 2021, jobs, education opportunities and entire careers were on the line, as governments, corporations, colleges, hospitals and other institutions implemented multiple vaccine mandates. These punitive, discriminatory vaccine mandates were rolled out illegally, in violation of personal beliefs and body autonomy rights. By the time these “life-saving” vaccines were forcefully rolled out, they had a REVERSE effect on mortality. From September to December 2021, the vaccine mandates rapidly increased EXCESS mortality rates for Gen X (ages 40-55), Gen Z, and Millennials (ages 25 to 40).

According to mortality data from the fall of 2021, the Millennial generation experienced a staggering 84% increase in excess mortality after the vaccines were rolled out. Further spikes in excess death were observed after the mandatory boosters shots were enforced. Blackrock portfolio manager, Edward Dowd, said this is the “worst-ever excess mortality…in history.”

A study from John Hopkins University analyzed monthly data on U.S deaths from 1999 to 2021. The federal government’s initial “14 days to flatten the curve” turned into years of ongoing, escalating medical tyranny. Oppressive hospital protocols were used to separate families, automate nursing protocol, and deprive patients of advocacy and informed consent. Viable treatments were withheld. Financial incentives drove hospital systems to sedate and ventilate patients to their death. Various anti-virals and immune system modulating protocols were censored, as Remdesivir was forced onto patients, shutting down vital organs. But all of this medical malfeasance was coded as “covid-19” – creating further, misguided hysteria....<<<Read More>>>...