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Sunday, 26 February 2023

Climate Change Conference: The world’s best scientists reveal the truth

Yesterday, The Heartland Institute held its 15th International Conference on Climate Change (“ICCC15”) to bring together the world’s best experts to analyse the latest climate science and the wrong-headed energy and policy solutions the world’s governments are determined to impose on us all.

From the green energy boondoggles in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” in the United States to the ongoing wind-power disaster in Germany and threats of energy cuts in the winter in the UK, the climate policy “solutions” are a real and growing problem for the people of the world. Why are we making life poorer and more miserable for most of the people on the planet when there is no climate crisis?

ICCC15 aims to reveal the truth and inspire viewers to spread that truth around the globe.

There are four panels or sessions during the one-day conference held in Florida, USA, on 24 February 2023.

During the first session titled ‘Taking the Temperature of Global Temperatures’, Anthony Watts discusses how the US temperature data has been hopelessly corrupted; Willie Soon, PhD, speaks about the effect of the sun on global temperatures, and how that is not taken well enough into account; and Joe Bastardi speaks about the effect of the oceans on global temperatures....<<<Read More>>>....