The latest effort is a new “study” claiming that World War II-style rationing (but only for the West, of course) of meat and fossil fuels is in order to ensure the planet’s climate doesn’t wipe us all out.
“In this paper, we argue that rationing has been neglected as a policy option for mitigating climate change. There is a broad scientific consensus that avoiding the most severe impacts of climate change requires a rapid reduction in global emissions,” says an abstract of the study.
“We argue that rationing could help states reduce emissions rapidly
and fairly. Our arguments in this paper draw on economic analysis and
historical research into rationing in the UK during (and after) the two
world wars, highlighting success stories and correcting misconceptions.
However, although the empirical details play an important role, the
paper is primarily based on philosophical and ethical argument and
policy analysis, particularly highlighting the normative assumptions
behind policy choices,” the abstract continues...<<<Read More>>>...