Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 13 February 2023

Why are governments still promoting “vaccines” and not investigating excess deaths? Have they been affected by vaccine-induced cognitive decline?

 Every day, my attention is drawn to efforts to extend the reach of mRNA vaccines. For example, nightly news anchor Mark Steyn of GB News has just been removed to make way for a pro-vaccine, pro-lockdown advocate. Mark was famously asking hard questions about vaccine safety. The CDC and the NHS have included mRNA Covid vaccines in the advised regular schedule of childhood vaccination freeing the providers from any legal liability forever.

I can understand if people feel depressed by these and other trends. Following three years of misleading official pandemic advice fuelled by carefully placed public relations – paid for by commercial pharmaceutical interests and governments – people who are vaccinated feel different and want to keep separate from the unvaccinated. Many believe the unvaccinated are deserving of censure, segregation, and even punishment.

The US Federal government is actually tracking people who are unvaccinated (for any reason other than a medically approved exemption). In other words, the unvaccinated are subject to surveillance and listed as obstinate (or dare I say it—asocial).

This is not a random piece of Federal record-keeping. A paper ‘Estimating the risk reduction of isolation on COVID-19 nonhousehold transmission and severe/critical illness in nonimmune individuals: September to November 2021’ published 8 February 2023 seeks to estimate how many “nonimmune” individuals need to be isolated from society to stop the spread of infectious disease. The results of this paper are obscure even to a careful reader, but the intent is obvious – the authors set out to calculate just how many unvaccinated individuals you need to lock up and for how long to prevent the spread of a disease....<<<Read More>>>...