Many writers in the resistance try to figure out when the crisis began –
the crisis being that global monopoly capitalism is trying to enslave
the entire developed world via chronic illness.
“When one works
through a wide range of different possible points of origins one can
make a strong case that the problem goes back to original sin,” Toby
Rogers writes
Lots of writers in the resistance try to figure out
when the crisis began – the crisis being that global monopoly
capitalism is trying to enslave the entire developed world via chronic
Obviously, the problem began well before SARS-CoV-2 was released in 2019.
Many people in the Resistance point to the 1986
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act as the start of the crisis. But
the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) has been running the country at
least since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Perhaps the crisis began when the US imported Nazi and Japanese bioweapons scientists after World War II?
Others pinpoint the start of the crisis to the creation of the Federal Reserve and the imposition of the federal income tax in 1913 that enabled the US to become a modern global empire.
I’ve argued before that covid is just the continuation of global conquest, colonisation, and empire that began in 1492.
Perhaps the problem began when we stopped being hunter-gatherers and first became farmers (to make beer, according to one leading theory)
one works through a wide range of different possible points of origins
one can make a strong case that the problem goes back to original sin.
It’s the flaw that is unique to humans amongst all of the other animals –
we are conscious of the difference between good and evil and yet we
often choose evil. I actually think this is the correct answer – the
problem goes all the way back to the problem of sin itself.
And so, it occurred to me recently that the covid crisis represents an extreme example of the Seven Deadly Sins......<<<Read More>>>...