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Saturday 14 September 2024

They Won’t Be Content Until They Have Expunged Every Heretical Thought From Our Brains

As you are likely aware, there has recently been a global acceleration in the campaigns against ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech’, as evidenced by three stories that it would no doubt be conspiracy-theoretical to link together too closely: the arrest of Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov and associated threats against Elon Musk, the banning of X in Brazil, and the proposed clampdown in the U.K. on ‘legal but harmful’ speech. It seems as though something is afoot: not so much a change in the weather as a sudden picking up of the wind, as though heralding an onrushing storm.

This makes it an apposite time for a brief post on the political theology of the anti-disinformation movement. This, I hope, will allow readers to see past what to my mind is the rather unhelpful way in which the subject is generally framed – i.e., as a ‘free speech’ issue. As I hope to make clear, casting the struggle in free speech terms as such is really to speak in relation to symptoms rather than causes. The problem at root is not that there are people who are seeking to suppress freedom of speech (though there are such people); the problem rather is the underlying desire to manage what I will call – following Foucault – the ‘circulation of merits and faults’ in society, and how this relates in particular to speech-acts. Put more straightforwardly, the issue is not exactly that freedom of speech is being restricted, but rather that a global effort is underway to decide what is true, and to produce a consciousness of that ‘truth’ within each and every individual, at any given moment, so that their speech indeed can do nothing but declare it.

This, as we shall see, will take us to a difficult but important subject: Jesus Christ, and his description by René Girard as the ‘first political atheist’. The secularisation of society has largely taken the figure of Jesus out of the public consciousness; my aim here is in part to show that this has been a great tragedy in terms of the loss to our understanding of politics in the round (leaving matters of spirituality and theology entirely to one side).

Let us begin all of this, then, with Foucault. As regular readers will recall, in his 1977-78 lecture series, Foucault made plain that the state was only an ‘episode’ in the trajectory of government. This, to recap, was because government itself was a practice untrammelled by borders or indeed physical barriers of any kind; the task of governing was a project embarked upon precisely because, with the advent of modernity and the Scientific Revolution, it became possible to imagine the world itself as a domain which it was possible to act upon so as to improve it. This in the first instance became the project of the state. But implicit in that project was the notion the state was merely a kind of staging post to world government (what is nowadays called ‘global governance’) properly so-called....<<<Read More>>>...

Autumn Transformation

The birth of autumn is an event missed by many. Autumn reveals itself slowly, hovering on the edges of our consciousness until its crisp breezes are strong enough to be felt, and we notice for the first time the transformations taking place all around us. It is only when the last fruits and vegetables have emerged and the trees have begun to deck themselves in shifting patterns of crimson and gold that we internalize that fall has indeed returned. Autumn is invigorating and a time to gather our thoughts, in the same way that we might once have collected crops. Autumn also ushers in a new slowness of being for most of us, as the tone and tempo of our lives change along with all of Mother Earth's children.

As the days grow shorter and the blossoms that brightened our gardens through summer's heat begin to droop and wilt, we tend to acknowledge the changing season without understanding that we, too, are in transition. The brilliance of autumn's foliage, the flocks of southbound geese honking overhead, and the arrival of a bountiful harvest are all signs to slow down and take stock of our lives. Autumn's pleasures and rituals revolve around the gathering of abundance in preparation for the winter to come. There is ample time to contemplate what we accomplished during the warmer seasons while tasting the year's first cider or breathing in the sweet fragrance of leaves breaking down. The same stirring that inspires animals to burrow deep into the Earth compels us to celebrate the rich bounty we instinctively know will not appear again until springtime.

Your priorities will likely change as nature flares into sunset brilliance and then lapses slowly into slumber, but remember to rejoice in the beauty of nature where every finale serves as an overture for a new beginning. (Daily OM)


The Otherworldly Deception: UFO as Demonic Manifestation

This is a really interesting and unusual topic that combines elements of religion, mysticism and paranormal phenomena.

Considering the UFO phenomenon as possible demonic beings is an approach that suggests that UFO sightings and contacts with aliens may not be related to extraterrestrial civilizations, but to a spiritual or supernatural reality, including its dark side.

The idea that UFOs may be demonic entities originates from religious and mystical teachings. In the Christian tradition, for example, demons are often perceived as beings capable of invading human life through deception and manipulation.

The Bible and other sacred texts often mention that demons can take on different forms and mislead people. Some paranormal researchers claim that many modern stories of contacts with “aliens” are simidemolar to ancient stories of demonic interventions....<<<Read More>>>...


Kingdom Come - Do You Like It

Neil Oliver: We know they’ve told lies; what we need to know is how much and for how long

 Geoff Campbell was a British national who lost his life in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York on 11 September 2001. Jeff Campbell’s family, particularly his older brother Matt Campbell, has been vocal about their belief that the official narrative surrounding the Twin Towers’ collapse is incorrect.

Matt has stated that they have “scientifically and forensically-backed evidence” suggesting that internal explosions, rather than hijacked aircraft, brought down the Twin Towers.

Geoff’s family have been seeking justice and demanding a new inquest into his death. Matt, his father Malcolm, Maureen, Rob and Geoff’s fiancée Caroline have all signed a 3,000-page application for a fresh inquest into his death which was submitted to the UK Attorney General on 26 August 2021. The application challenges the 2013 London inquest’s conclusion that Geoff and nine other Britons were “unlawfully killed” in an “act of terrorism” by Al Qaeda.

In January, the Attorney General for England and Wales refused the Campbells’ application for a second time. In March, the Campbell’s filed an application seeking a judicial review of “the UK Attorney General’s blatantly unlawful refusal” of a new inquest into Geoff’s death.

Further resources: Family of British 9/11 victim demand new inquest to ‘prove’ towers were blown up, Metro, 11 September, Initiatives, International Centre for 9/11 Justice and you can follow Matt Campbell on Twitter HERE

As Neil Oliver explains in his latest monologue, “A lawyer alleged in a British Court this week that significant evidence showed both twin towers and building 7 were destroyed by explosives and incendiaries.”

“Perhaps the official narrative of 911 has lasted this long is still standing only because to contemplate the thought that we were given, let’s say, an inaccurate or at least incomplete explanation for it all is too much for too many to bear,” he said.

After giving a rundown of other lies our governments have told Oliver said, “People all over the world have felt inclined to review much, if not everything, they have been told about [the] world. Call it ‘conspiracy theory’ if you must, but for many a ‘conspiracy theory’ is just a matter of knowing first what everyone else will have to know eventually.

“Trust is gone. Faith in the establishment is gone as never before. We know they’ve told lies. What we need to know now is how much have they lied and for how long? In fact, have they ever told the truth?...<<<Read More>>>...

Kamala Harris doubles down on “climate crisis” narrative, says Americans need to accept “net-zero” and other economy-destroying carbon policies

 Center for Energy & Conservation Director Gabriella Hoffman is warning her followers that Kamala Harris, despite claims to the contrary, has not "moderated" on climate issues.

Kamala is still the same far-left "climate crisis" promoter that she has been for years, Hoffman says. Only now, just weeks before the election, is Kamala trying to pivot more to the center to garner more support.

The Kamala Harris for President campaign claims that while installed as attorney general of California, Kamala "won tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil and held polluters accountable." This, we are told, makes Kamala a winner against the climate crisis.

While in the office of vice president under Joe Biden, Kamala "cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act," which supposedly means that Kamala is qualified to make everyday life more affordable for Americans.

The Kamala campaign goes on to boast about how she supposedly performed "historic work in lowering household energy costs, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality, clean energy jobs, and building a thriving clean energy economy, all while ensuring America's energy security and independence with record energy production."

Hoffman says this is all a lie and that Kamala still supports so-called net-zero, which many warn will harm the stability of the energy grid, not to mention the destruction it will cause to agriculture and every other sector that relies on energy....<<<Read More>>>....

Quote for the Day


Friday 13 September 2024

The Power of the Mind to Heal

In the past, cures that occurred in shrines, cathedrals, old temples, and evangelical crusades (tent revival meetings, healing camps), faith healing, spontaneous remissions, and inexplicable medical recoveries were considered “miracles” or exceptional occurrences beyond scientific explanation. The cure was credited or ascribed to a saint or a relic, or it was supposedly the result of the intervention of a healer, hypnotist, priest, shaman, minister, etc, who usually had a reputation of having charisma and prestige in the healing business.

The aim of my research is precisely to find a rational and scientific explanation for those cases. The main hypothesis of my new book Healing Without Medicine: From Pioneers to Modern Practice is that all methods of mind/spiritual healing are self-healing. Man has an inner capacity to heal himself. It is said the effectiveness of healing with medicine is due to the fact that medicine and other medical implements remove obstacles that enable the body’s recuperative capacity.

I also have examined the exceptional healing of the most prominent contemporary religious leaders of the New Thought Movement, who recovered their health by mental and spiritual means from supposedly “incurable” diseases, and I elicit the mechanism that triggered their healing. Healing Without Medicine also explains why some people do not respond to any kind of treatment whether with medicine or without it.The phenomenon of mental/mind healing started in the mid-1800s with a layman known as Phineas P. Quimby (1802–1866); he was an unschooled clock maker in New England,1 who after curing himself without medicine, reached the conclusion that negative beliefs create most human illnesses. Quimby was diagnosed with a terminal illness by the medical profession of the time; his kidneys were disintegrating and he was also suffering from tuberculosis. Disillusioned with life he abandoned his successful business and retired to his farm expecting to die. To make a long story short, he healed himself with the help of his assistant Lucius Burkmar and discovered what is called Mental/Mind healing. Subsequently, he started curing all kinds of diseases by just changing the frame of mind of the sick person...<<<Read More>>>...

Being Receptive to What You Want

 In order to get what we want in life, we have to be willing to receive it when it appears, and in order to do that, we have to be open. Often we go through life with defenses we developed early on. These act as barriers, walls we needed at one time to feel safe but that now serve to shut out desired influences, like intimacy or love. An essential part of being receptive to what we want is to soften these barriers enough to let those things in when they show up. For example, we may spend a lot of time alone as a way to protect ourselves from being hurt by other people, but this prevents us from meeting new friends.

Another obstacle to our receptivity can be our tendency to believe that we have to act aggressively in order to achieve our desired goal. These types of beliefs can give us tunnel vision, so we fail to see and be open to other opportunities. Becoming receptive often involves softening our defenses and fostering a willingness to remain open to possibilities outside our immediate realm of vision.

If we are looking for love or friendship, it means first looking within ourselves to see where we are shut down and then, not getting too fixated on where we might find the love we want. In this way, we become more open as individuals and more expansive in terms of what we see as possible....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Scorpions - Rock Believer

The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime

The UN committee approved the text of the Convention on Combating Cybercrime. Human rights organizations and information technology experts have called it a threat to democracy and the free world.

“One of the world’s most dangerous surveillance treaties was approved with a standing ovation,” wrote Austrian digital rights group Epicenter Works.

The UN General Assembly is now due to vote on the adoption of the Convention in September.

“It can be assumed that the treaty will be accepted without difficulty at the UN General Assembly in September, and will thus be officially considered a UN convention. After that, it will be available for signature and subsequently it can be ratified,” said political advisor Tanja Fachathalerová. “It can be assumed that it will not be a big problem to achieve the necessary forty ratifications, which are necessary for the treaty to enter into force.”

Legitimization of Repression against Journalists and Opponents
The proposed international treaty aims to combat cybercrime and improve international cooperation between law enforcement agencies. However, more than a hundred human and civil rights organizations around the world have warned of a serious threat to human rights and criticized the fact that the text of the treaty lacks adequate safeguards. According to them, the planned agreement would oblige UN member states to introduce comprehensive measures for the supervision of a wide range of crimes.

“The contract is really a surveillance agreement with too few provisions on data protection and human rights. In practice, it legitimizes the more repressive measures against political opponents or journalists that we now see in authoritarian states,” writes the server.

China and Russia Stood at the Beginning of the Convention
It all started with a UN resolution initiated in 2019 by Russia, China, and other countries (such as Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and Uzbekistan) with 88 votes in favor, 58 against, and 34 abstentions.

European states have proposed changes, but according to experts, the resulting compromise does not even meet the conditions necessary to preserve privacy and protect human rights.

Unfortunately, a data access treaty has been drawn up that will allow governments around the world to exchange citizens’ personal information in perpetual secrecy in the event of any crime the two governments agree is ‘serious.’ This would include eavesdropping on location and real-time communications around the world, and force IT workers to divulge passwords or other access keys that would compromise the security of global systems that billions of people rely on every day. And it’s not just private sector systems – government systems are also at risk,” said Nick Ashton-Hart, Digital Economy Policy Director at APCO, who is also leading the Cybersecurity Tech Accord delegation to the Convention negotiations.

The Threat of Criminal Prosecution of Journalists and White Hackers
The Ashton-Hart treaty also puts journalists and whistleblowers at risk of prosecution. The International Press Institute was so concerned about this risk that it placed a full-page ad in the Washington Post. Independent security experts around the world also warned in February that they could face criminal prosecution for their work protecting IT systems from cybercriminals under the draft Convention....<<<Read More>>>...

Britain will be the first country to be killed off by “net zero”

 Doom and gloom according to Dr Doom. Controlled opposition to scare us? It reads very much like BS.


The Labour Party has only been in power for weeks but they are doing everything they can to destroy what is left of the country as they take us into the world of Net Zero. And they’re going to be very successful at it.

As globally they push us into the Great Reset via the pain of Net Zero, the world is coming to an end. And Britain will be the first country to die.

Everyone who has skills or a little money is leaving Britain. Most of the really rich have gone. Tourists aren’t coming to the UK because they know there is no health care and the transport system is broken. Soon all that will be left will be the scroungers, the long-term unemployed, the millions suffering from fake diseases such as long covid, the millions injured by the covid vaccine and the plane and boat loads of immigrants who aren’t making their way to Britain because they love Shakespeare, Dickens and Turner but because, although they hate Britain and the British, our Government will give them free money to send or take home.

The excuse, of course, is global warming – the greatest and most absurd fraud in human history. (The comedy reached new depths last week when I heard it claimed that 2024 had been the worst summer for years while at the same time also being the hottest summer in history. You’d think they’d settle on a story, wouldn’t you?)

Billions have been spent on promoting wind farms and solar farms that use up more energy than they produce. And Governments are having such a job finding enough suckers to buy electric cars that they are rationing “proper” petrol and diesel driven cars. The world is coming to an end as they push us into the Great Reset via the pain of Net Zero. And Britain will be the first country to die....<<<Read More>>>...

WEF admits COVID was a “test” of public obedience to new globalist world order

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has quietly revealed that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" was a "test" hatched by the globalists to see how compliant and obedient the public is to globalist tyranny.

On the "My Carbon" page of its website, the WEF makes a pitch for 15-minute "smart" cities as the solution to climate change. On that page, the WEF shows its hand about what COVID was really designed to do.

"COVID-19 was the test of society responsibility," the WEF openly admits. "A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world."

"There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility."

In other words, the WEF was testing us all to see how we would respond to ridiculously pseudoscientific measures like avoiding other people and covering one's breathing holes with cloth and plastic. This "new normal," as they called it, was meant to ease the world into a more permanent state of restricted living.

"They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a 'new normal' that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd," Leo Hohmann writes on his Substack.

"Why, for instance was it 'safe' to shop at Lowe's or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn't buy seeds for a garden?"...<<<Read More>>>....

Thursday 12 September 2024

Food for Thought #524


Scorpions - Big City Nights

How cancer behaves like an infection; our immune system is constantly fighting it off

 According to Dr. Jason Fung, cancer cells can evade the immune system by mimicking normal cells and hiding from immune surveillance. To boost cancer immunity, it’s essential to understand how cancer cells interact with the immune system,

In a recent episode of Vital Signs, an Epoch TV video series, Dr. Fung explains how cancer acts like an infection and how the immune system is constantly fighting cancer.

There are cases where a person’s melanoma is removed and it is thought to be gone, says “The Cancer Code’s” author, Dr. Jason Fung. “Twenty years later, that person dies in a car accident and their lung is transplanted to someone else; and later that person develops rampant melanoma, he says, “because the cancer was still there, it was just being kept in check so efficiently by the immune system.”

Hundreds or even thousands of cells are constantly mutating toward cancer, says Dr. Fung.

Dr. Fung is a nephrologist – a kidney health specialist – and an expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb dietary means to counter disease, including obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Yesterday, he joined Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon to reveal how our bodies naturally fight cancer and how this aligns with a new concept of cancer as an infectious disease, as seen with lung cancer caused by smoking, for example.

“That lung cell … has transformed into a sort of survivalist lung cell, it’s trying to survive at all costs against this chronic smoking damage,” says Dr. Fung. “Now, it actually behaves exactly like a single-celled organism, or, for example, an infection.”...<<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


DEADLY mRNA clot shots revealed to be a MILITARY PROJECT developed by NIH, not Moderna and Pfizer, as we were all led to believe

 Did you know that military contractors created the experimental gene therapy injections that trick human cells into producing billions of toxic spike prions in the blood? 

Did you know that NIH owns 50 percent of the patents for the mRNA vaccines that Moderna and Pfizer pushed out on the populace? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is blowing the whistle on the whole operation, and should Trump win the presidency this fall, look for the crooks and criminals responsible for this plandemic tragedy to serve hard time in federal prison for it. 

In fact, Pfizer and Moderna were “paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry,” according to RFK Jr., because it was a military project from the very beginning....<<<Read More>>>...

Los Angeles rocked by 5.0 magnitude earthquake in Malibu

Los Angeles has been rocked by an earthquake initially estimated to be 5.0 magnitude.

Residents in Malibu, 4.3 miles north of the epicenter of the quake, said their ‘pools were still shaking’ minutes after the initial incident.

The quake began at 7.28am local time on Thursday, impacting residents in Pomona, Pasadena and Riverside...<<<Read More>>>....

'From here Earth sure looks like a perfect world': Billionaire Jared Isaacman COMPLETES historic SpaceX Polaris Dawn private spacewalk and gives emotional first words

 A story from The Ridiculous To The Sublime category. A fake reality created in the NASA studies complete with green wall and CGI image projected on the wall..... 


More than 435 miles (700km) above our heads, the crew of SpaceX's Polaris Dawn mission have made history as they completed the world's first private spacewalk.

Shortly before midday today, billionaire Jared Isaacman became the first ever non-professional astronaut to step out into the vacuum of space. 

'Back home we have a lot of work to do, but from here Earth sure looks like a perfect world,' said Isaacman as he stepped out into space....<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Why is the Pentagon's UFO office so clueless about UFOs?

 On July 11, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) reintroduced the most extraordinary legislation in American history. The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act alleges that shadowy elements of the U.S. government have surreptitiously operated "legacy programs" that retrieve and seek to reverse-engineer UFOs of "unknown" or "non-human" origin.

As a remedy, the Disclosure Act would establish a blue-ribbon review board to gradually and strategically release long-withheld UFO-related records publicly via a "controlled disclosure campaign."

Schumer and Rounds's reintroduction of the legislation is particularly notable because it was largely gutted, at the request of the Pentagon's UFO office, by House lawmakers last December. The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — established in 2022 — also issued repeated categorical denials of the stunning UFO-related activities alleged in the Disclosure Act.

In a lengthy, error-laden report released in March, for example, the office stated that it "found no empirical evidence that the [U.S. government] and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology."

The reintroduction of the Disclosure Act, in full, is thus a stunning double rebuke of AARO. Notably, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who led the charge to establish the office, is a cosponsor of the legislation....<<<Read More>>>...

Introducing The Main Index

 There are now over 51,000 individual posts here on A Light In The Darkness. They have all been individually added into Main Index categories.

To get the full experience out of A Light In The Darkness and its very extensive library of items, covering virtually all things paranormal, supernatural etc ... we recommend that you flick down the Main Index, which runs down the right hand side of the blog page ... to find the indexed category in which the subject matter you seek is located.

Alternatively, why not use long search bar you will find towards the top of the blog page ...

Out-of-body experiences affect empathy levels, research shows

 Dr. Marina Weiler, a neuroscientist with UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies and lead author, explained that OBEs can trigger profound psychological transformations, fostering a deeper sense of understanding and compassion.

“Empathy is a fundamental aspect of human interaction that allows individuals to connect deeply with others, fostering trust and understanding,” Weiler noted.

OBEs, in which a person feels as though they are outside their physical body, can arise from various causes, such as sensory deprivation, hypnosis, or even spontaneously in critical situations.

While often linked to religious or supernatural events, Weiler and her colleagues’ research frames these experiences within a scientific context, underscoring their psychological and neurological significance.

Central to the study is the concept of “ego dissolution,” a state where one’s sense of individuality weakens, leading to a greater connection with the world. Researchers suggest that OBEs stimulate brain regions like the temporoparietal junction and the default mode network, which may amplify empathy and compassion...<<<Read More>>>...

Genesis - Turn It On Again

Quote for the Day


Australian Government to Ban Social Media for Children and Teenagers

 The Australian Government is set to impose social media age limits, amid increasing concern over the effect of social media on youth mental health, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced today.

Legislation is to be introduced later this year, and is expected to gain bipartisan support after the leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, called to ban social media for under-16s earlier this year.

“We know social media is causing social harm, and it is taking kids away from real friends and real experiences,” said Albanese in a statement today, which also happens to be World Suicide Prevention Day.

“The safety and mental and physical health of our young people is paramount.”

“We’re supporting parents and keeping kids safe by taking this action, because enough is enough.”

The federal commitment to legislate social media age limits follows similar announcements from the Victorian and South Australian Governments, both of which want to ban social media for kids under the age of 14.

The new legislation will build on a report by former High Court Chief Justice, Robert French, released on Sunday. The report, commissioned by the South Australian (SA) Government, includes draft legislation banning children under 14 from social media outright, and requiring companies to gain parental consent for 14 and 15-year-olds to use their platforms.

Recent polling shows strong public support for an age-based social media ban, with 61% of respondents agreeing that the government should restrict the use of social media platforms for Australians younger than 17. Unsurprisingly, support was lower among younger Australians: 54% of Aussies aged 18 to 24 agreed with the ban....<<<Read More>>>...

They’re keeping the hopes of a bird flu pandemic alive so here’s some basic vaccine information

 Corporate media are not letting up on the bird flu campaign. Needless to say, if you plan to get pricked, be informed, Aaron Siri says as he notes a little bit but important information about the three bird flu vaccines licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.

In the last week, the BBC reports that the “US confirms first case of bird flu with no known animal exposure” and Forbes headlined, “Bird Flu (H5N1) explained: CDC reports first case with no known animal exposure.” A couple of days before, the BBC seemed surprised, and perhaps disappointed, that “puffins increase on Farne Islands despite bird flu.”

Reuters has been more creative and published a story on “fake cows ready for milking at state fairs as bird flu looms.” While The Guardian goes for the bog standard nudging, “Forgotten epidemic: with over 280 million birds dead how is the avian flu outbreak evolving?” claiming that “the H5N1’s risk to biodiversity, farming and human health is little explored.”

Bird flu is all the rage, Arron Siri says. “As this issue heats up, here is a bit of information about each of the three bird flu (H5N1) vaccines.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change”

 The Communist-Democrat politicians in Washington DC and their globalist cohorts are engaged in a multi-faceted agenda rooted in profound deceit. Using extreme censorship of anyone who questions their agenda, they’ve (literally) gotten away with murder using schemes, plots and propaganda to further their goals of obtaining complete control of the populace, by any means.

One way the “powers that be” have manipulated and weakened the population is by having the military spray health-decimating toxins from airplanes flying over cities and farms on a regular basis. Independent media, for decades, has been calling this out and gave it the name “chem-trails” to signify that chemicals are being doused upon the people and the land in an insidious attempt to pollute food, discard hazardous waste, and sicken folks so they need expensive medical care.

This has been deemed as a conspiracy theory and anyone who speaks about it, posts information online about it, or blows the whistle on it has been labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” Guess what?

Truth news was right and it’s real, because now, the communists and globalists are outright admitting to it all, claiming it all has a bigger purpose with a positive outcome. Their reason for spraying horrific chemicals, heavy metal toxins, and hospital waste over the skies of America? To battle “climate change.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Tuesday 10 September 2024

UFO documentary director: Life is far weirder than just what is on this earthly plane

 As a director known for pushing boundaries and exploring the unconventional, Mark Christopher Lee has carved out a unique niche in the world of cinema. His work often delves into the realms of the extraordinary, blending creativity with thought-provoking themes that challenge the status quo. From UFO sightings to paranormal activities, Mark’s work explores the intersection of cinema and the supernatural.

In this exclusive interview, we’ll not only explore Mark’s filmmaking journey and his unique approach to these topics but also venture into the general landscape of unexplained phenomena....<<<Read More>>>...

Thunder – Love Walked In

Swan Medicine


Not Another Video About 9/11...

 As we approach another anniversary of 9/11, I continue to think about this event as one of the most powerful catalysts for breaking the illusion.

12 years ago I released a documentary about something I call the shift. It’s a concept people often call the Metacrisis today.

It simply states we are at a time where many unfolding ‘crises’ are happening on our planet at once. A loss of trust in institutions, reaching the limits of planetary boundaries, global polarization, the crumbling of major institutions etc etc, oh… and the rise of a new consciousness. This idea has been highly prophesized within ancient cultures as well.

In that film, I pointed to 9/11 as a key catalyst for breaking the illusion. If you recall, my concept of breaking the illusion refers to the shattering of a ‘truth’ around a major belief someone has in their life. It could be about something external to them or internal.

If this process is nurtured, it can lead to an expansion of consciousness, thinking, and seeking that opens a person up to a greater sense of the nature of reality and even potential for themselves.

If not nurtured, and someone goes ungrounded into ‘red pill’ mode, they may lose all sense of what is real, have no idea what to believe, and will often end up blackpilled. (Blackpilled refers to essentially believing everything is always bad or corrupt, and those in power have ultimate control, will always be evil, and we can never fix or change anything.)...<<<Read More>>>...

Unions pile pressure on Starmer over ‘cruel’ winter fuel payment axing for 10 million people TODAY – as poll shows half of elderly Brits will now heat their home less… but Rachel Reeves insists pensioners will be £1,700 better off

 Unions have piled the pressure on Sir Keir Starmer over the Labour government’s ‘cruel’ plan to axe winter fuel payments for 10 million people today.

Meanwhile a poll revealed that half of elderly Brits will now heat their homes less often despite the Chancellor Rachel Reeves insisting pensioners will be £1,700 better off.

The poll comes before MPs will vote this afternoon on the Government’s controversial cut, which critics have warned will force millions of older people to turn down their heating this winter.

Sir Keir Starmer is expected to use his huge Commons majority to force through the measure, despite protests by dozens of Labour MPs who fear a huge electoral backlash.

Union barons accused ministers of ‘picking pensioners’ pockets’. In an ominous intervention, the Unite union urged Sir Keir to abandon the ‘very cruel’ policy.

Tory work and pensions spokesman Mel Stride urged Labour to listen to their constituents.

Throwing down the gauntlet to Labour MPs, he said: ‘Do as you said you would and put the country before your party. Vote with us in Parliament, not against us.

‘Change course and reverse your cruel choice to remove the winter fuel payment from millions of vulnerable pensioners.

‘Many driven into fuel poverty this winter will have to choose between heating and eating because of Starmer. And, if Labour MPs let this abhorrent policy go through, it will be because of them too.’

Rachel Reeves last night told panicking Labour MPs she would not back down – and suggested pensioners could afford to tighten their belts this winter following a big rise in the state pension.

The Chancellor said she did not ‘relish’ the cut, but warned there would be ‘more difficult decisions to come’ in next month’s Budget.

Ministers have refused to publish an assessment of the likely impact of the cut, which will save £1.5 billion a year.

The Mail revealed yesterday that research commissioned by Labour in 2017 warned that means-testing the benefit, which is worth up to £300, would lead to almost 4,000 extra deaths each winter as pensioners struggled to keep the heat on.

A new assessment by the Resolution Foundation think-tank yesterday warned that 1.3 million of the poorest pensioners would be driven deeper into poverty by the move.

Former Labour frontbencher Richard Burgon said the plan ‘will result in the death of pensioners who won’t be able to turn the heating on’.

Unite union boss Sharon Graham called on ministers to abandon the plans and introduce a wealth tax....<<<Read More>>>...

Starmer is Tripping Over Himself to Make Us All Pay!

You would be forgiven for thinking that we had woken up recently in a weird and frightening parallel universe, however, I am sad to inform you this is our current normal, for now. Keir Starmer, along with his band of merry henchmen, have decided to wreak havoc and fear upon millions of unassuming British people. 

It is difficult to know where to start, due to the unfathomable amount of damage this Labour government has already caused since the 4th of July 2024.

From the elderly to the young, from heavy industry to the small business owners, this administration is on a mission to light a fire under every corner of the UK, indiscriminately targeting anyone they see fit, in order to dislodge any small amount of confidence that was growing slowly after the mayhem of the last four years.

There is a growing unease amongst the population, and confusion caused by a non-stop barrage of new implementations, it seems the foundations of this glorious nation are being shaken , with no end in sight....<<<Read More>>>...

Time to rebel: We are now entering the total censorship stage of global tyranny

The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a pattern of events that is generally predictable. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for “social justice”, collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good”, Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and finally, the adoption of Futurism. 

Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism. It’s a philosophy that has been present at the birth of nearly every major despotic government in recent memory and it’s the root of leftist ideology today. Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight. They believe that every notion of heritage, the lessons of the past, the ideals and principles of our forefathers are all irrelevant.

Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. Therefore, they claim, any society that clings to (or conserves) the old ways needs to be dismantled because it is holding humanity back from progress. In other words, anyone promoting or defending traditional norms must be silenced in the name of “progress.”...<<<Read More>>>... 

Monday 9 September 2024

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal

Kiev consulted with the US, UK and other allies during the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia and was told that the deal on the table was not a good one, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.

In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, former editor-in-chief of the opposition news channel Dozhd, which aired on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.

"Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on," she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye's largest city.

The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine "would basically be neutered as a military force," while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.

"People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart," Nuland said....<<<Read More>>>...

Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall

The human myopia prison cell: ‘England football boss Lee Carsley is branded an ’embarrassment’ after sparking fury by not singing God Save the King during clash with Ireland’.

 The world has truly gone mad. .....


England interim boss Lee Carsley has been branded an ’embarrassment’ after he sparked fury by not singing God Save the King during the Three Lions’ match with Ireland.

His first match as manager of the team has started in controversial fashion at the Aviva Stadium in tonight’s Nations League opener.

Carsley, who was born in Birmingham but represented the Republic of Ireland 40 times at senior international level, had warned prior to the match that he would not sing God Save the King.

But England fans were all the same alarmed to see their national team’s manager, who had been England U21’s manager since 2021, stand awkwardly with his lips firmly sealed while all the players sang.

Fans took to social media to slam Carsely’s decision to not sing the national anthem, asking ‘Who the f*** does he think he is?, while others said he ‘should be ashamed of himself’ after the ‘massive error of judgement’....<<<Read More>>>...

Scientists Now Suggest the Universe Itself May Be Conscious

 You don’t have to look far to find outlandish theories on the nature of the cosmos and human consciousness. These days, notions once relegated to science fiction are finding their way into esoteric academic journals, and from there, into mainstream discourse.

One example of this is the Simulation Argument, championed by Elon Musk; another is “time crystals,” a tantalizing non-linear phase of matter. The newest symphony of mind jazz being broadcast across the Internet posits new ideas about the embattled theory of “panpsychism,” or the belief that mind is a fundamental property of the physical universe and is imbued into all states of matter....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems, peer-reviewed paper says

 According to a peer-reviewed paper published in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology in May 2024, “Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems.”

The authors, Andy May and Marcel Crok, argue that the sceptical position on dangerous man-made climate change is supported by a comprehensive literature review. In other words, those who are disparagingly labelled by the establishment as “climate change deniers” have credible evidence on their side.

The main argument made in May and Crok’s paper is that the evidence presented by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) to support the claim that human-caused climate change is dangerous is not convincing.

Firstly, the IPCC claims that human greenhouse gas emissions are the “main driver” of warming since 1979, but this is disputed. Natural climate oscillations like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (“AMO”) can explain a significant portion of the 20th century warming.

The AMO is a cyclic phenomenon of sea surface temperature (“SST”) anomalies in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a significant impact on global weather patterns. The theoretical measure of the variability of the SST of the North Atlantic Ocean is called the AMO index.

The AMO index oscillates between positive and negative phases. During the positive phase, the North Atlantic Ocean experiences warm SSTs, while during the negative phase, SSTs are cooler. The AMO index is associated with shifts in hurricane activity, rainfall patterns and intensity, as well as changes in fish populations....<<<Read More>>>...

Here comes the infamous Russian collusion hoax part deux – despite media gaslighting Americans about Kamala Harris, they are already ‘colluding’ to blame Russia for a Trump win

 Whenever the MSM all starting using similar headlines, at the same time, one knows they are deliberately trying to program a narrative into the minds of the America people.

Remember 2016, and for years afterwards, how the media and Democrats, and yes I know they are one in the same, screeched about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, hired a special counsel, Robert Mueller, who eventually found no evidence of any coordination between Russia and the Donald Trump campaign.

There was no doubt in any mind that functions properly that the Democrats and their brethren in the media would again prepare for a loss in November by creating yet another conspiracy out of thin air, but one would think they would have at least created a new one.

But no....... they are recycling the same old BS...<<<Read More>>>...

Sunday 8 September 2024

Trusting Spiritual Assistance

 We may have become accustomed to asking for help from the unseen world — whether from angels, guides, or ancestral spirits — but sometimes, we may forget to close our connection afterward with a thank you. When we connect to these energies for assistance, it is much like a phone connection. Forgetting to close the conversation with a proper “goodbye” is like not hanging up. When that line is still connected, others can have trouble getting through. In the meantime, batteries are being drained. Saying “thank you” is a way of releasing our concerns into trusted hands and getting out of the way so that the universe’s divine order can work on our behalf.

As spiritual beings, we may talk about staying connected, but our connection needs to be with our source. We can plug in and recharge, but we run on batteries in between. Every connection we make utilizes some of our personal power. Even being surrounded by people who energize us has its limits, and at some point, we will feel ready to go off on our own to do what is ours to do. Instead of trying to be constantly connected, we can turn to these beings for help in a way that is more like placing an order. We contact them, ask for what we need, and then say thank you and goodbye.

Beings of light don’t require our gratitude; it is an energetic acknowledgment of trust and release that benefits us. When we bring ourselves to a sense of being grateful, we affirm that what we have asked is already done. Then we can move forward with confidence to do the things we are meant to do, knowing that all will be well....<<<Read More>>>

Criminal Investigation Launched into Who Filmed Manchester Airport Attack on Police While Attackers Remain Uncharged

We should all worry about how Starmer’s Government will impoverish us with its economically-suicidal obsession with Net Zero, its open-borders, immigration free-for-all and its crusade to tax anything which might create increased employment and wealth. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of our Government’s attitude to us is the way the Government is using the police to stamp on anyone daring to criticise Government policies.

We’ve all seen Two-Tier Keir’s two-tier justice system in which anti-immigration protesters were arrested, prosecuted and jailed within just a couple of days while our normally incompetent police manage to achieve convictions on fewer than 1% of burglaries and only 1-2% of reported rapes.

But here’s yet another example of Two-Tier Keir’s corruption of our justice system which you won’t see reported by the BBC or any other mainstream national media. You’ll all remember the incident at Manchester Airport when two gentlemen just arrived from Pakistan attacked police officers, breaking the nose of one female officer. Well, rather than trying to prosecute the two attackers, we now learn that, “a criminal investigation has been launched into who gave Manchester Airport CCTV footage to the Manchester Evening News following the police ‘stamp’ incident.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Food for Thought #523


MSG - When I´m Gone

The Astonishing Achievements of our Ancient Ancestors

Among the most startling examples belonged to Inca medical practitioners, whose advanced healing agents were revered as part of a larger, cultural legacy inherited from Kon-Tiki-Viracocha, “Sea Foam,” pre-Columbian South America’s founding father and flood-survivor from an island kingdom of unique power, overwhelmed in prehistory by a catastrophic deluge. 

After establishing himself in the Andes Mountains, Inca tradition explained that he schooled their ancestors in the use of plant extracts from Digitalis lanata, a flower known today as “foxglove,” for the successful treatment of serious heart conditions. 

After the Conquistadors overthrew Inca Civilisation, its culture was entirely demonised, along with all traditional medical knowledge, which fell into oblivion for the next four centuries. Not until 1930 were botanists able to extract digoxin from the leaves of the foxglove plant and discovered (re-discovered) its effective properties for treating atrial flutter and heart failure. 

Its resulting compound is rated today on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines as among the safest and most effective measures necessary for any health system. But teasing digoxin from Digitalis lanata demands careful precision and observant skill because the slightest error in determining the correct amount can mean the difference between strengthening the heart or inducing cardiac arrest. This life-and-death discrepancy signifies that Inca physicians not only recognised its critically narrow parameters, but themselves possessed sufficient expertise to properly act upon such a distinction....<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Black Swan Cygnets"


Linsday Hoyle wants a bill passed through parliament to censor speech online

Yes of course he does to prevent the dirt that is on from coming into the public arena. Shutting it down is suggested by another corrupt politician


Lindsay Hoyle, the speaker of the House of Commons, has called for the UK government to put a bill through parliament to tackle “misinformation” on social media. This is an abuse of office and an attempt by Hoyle to censor dissenting opinions and free speech online.

Speaking to 5 Live’s Matt Chorley on Monday, Hoyle said: “Misinformation is dangerous. … [Social media is] bad when people are using it in a way that could cause a riot, threats, intimidation, actually suggesting that we should attack somebody … What we’ve got to do is make sure its factual, correct.”

“The government will have to think long and hard about what they’re going to do with social media and what they’re going to put through parliament as a bill to act,” he said.

Lindsay Hoyle is abusing his position as Speaker to advance a “distinctly political and authoritarian cause” of censorship and silencing dissenting opinions online, Spiked said.

Who gets to decide what is “misinformation”? The Government? Social media companies? They can’t be trusted. We have seen numerous examples in just the past few years of opinions and news stories initially condemned by politicians and social media companies as “misinformation” or “disinformation,” only for their truth to be revealed later on.

State clampdowns on misinformation are driven by an elite desire to silence dissenting opinions and censor inconvenient facts. Hoyle is effectively urging the government to force social media platforms to dictate online speech....<<<Read More>>>...

Volkswagen to close production plants in Germany as Europe’s industrial collapse accelerates

 One of the world's most iconic automobile brands is on shaky ground as the global economy teeters on the brink.

Volkswagen, we are told, may have to close down several of its production plants in Germany due to falling profits. Consumers in China and other major markets simply are not buying cars like they once did, so Volkswagen may have no choice but to scale back its operations.

The news comes as Germany reported a slight contraction in second-quarter growth. This points to an imminent recession or worse as Volkswagen tries to overcome its woes by investing in Mexico and the Americas.

The future of production for Volkswagen, a Germany company, appears to be all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.

"VW is considering unprecedented factory closures in Germany in a bid for deeper cutbacks, delivering another blow to Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government," reports indicate.

Volkswagen CEO Oliver Blume commented that Germany's economic environment has become "even tougher" as "new players are pushing into Europe."

"Germany as a business location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness," Blume added ominously. "Any shutdowns would mark the first closures in Germany during the company's 87-year history, setting VW up for a clash with powerful unions."...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday 7 September 2024

A Sense of the Sacred

 It seems to me that clearly if there is something truly “sacred”, it has been obscured in modern life. I haven’t taken the course mentioned above, but for those who sense that something significant is missing in our culture – maybe considering what might still be sacred could be important.

Most of us who were fortunate enough to be raised in a family were taught (indoctrinated) into some organized religion that had an anthropomorphic “God” to whom we prayed.

It’s interesting that the word “sacred” is so similar to the word “scared” – as many of us were taught to be afraid of God’s wrath – and the awe we might truly associate with the sacred has largely been conditioned into fear....<<<Read More>>>...

Black Country Communion - "Red Sun"

Food for Thought #522