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Wednesday 25 September 2024

DNA contamination in mRNA covid shots up to 145 times regulatory limit, first independent Australian study shows

 Synthetic plasmid DNA contamination has been detected in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines at levels of between seven and 145 times the allowable limit, a new study shows.

The independent study of three modified RNA (mod-RNA) vaccine vials, including lots for children and adults, was commissioned to provide evidence in a Federal Court lawsuit over the validity of the regulatory status of the vaccines.

The case, brought by legal firm P.J. O'Brien & Associates, alleges that the vaccines contain unlicensed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the form of synthetic DNA contamination and mod-RNA-LNP complexes which could pose an untested safety risk, including the potential for DNA integration into the human genome.

In an affidavit provided to legal firm P.J. O'Brien & Associates, molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher said that the amount of synthetic DNA he detected in all three Australian vials "far exceeded" the allowable regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Given scientific evidence suggesting that synthetic DNA can enter the cell nucleus and potentially integrate into the human genome: "It is important to investigate whether integration can take place in primary cells in the vaccinated population."

The Australian study confirms independent lab findings of high levels of residual DNA in mod-RNA Covid vaccines from Germany, the U.S. and Canada, highlighting that this is a global concern....<<<Read More>>>...