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Friday 27 September 2024

The UK government’s war on people aged over 75

 Between 100,000 and 250,000 old people will be murdered by the British Government during the winter of 2024/5 – they will die of cold and hunger. And Starmer’s labour government will be responsible, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes.

“Short of forcefully enrolling pensioners in a euthanasia programme, it is difficult to see how much more Starmer and company could do to kill old people,” he says.

The murder victims will die of cold and hunger. But Starmer’s Labour Government will be responsible.

Governments are desperate to kill as many old people as possible and they’ll do whatever it takes. Politicians know that when thousands of old people were officially murdered during the fraudulent covid scare, the Government saved billions. Politicians actually boasted about the money that had been saved. Politicians killed old people with the covid fraud, the pointless lockdowns, the murderous midazolam injections, the stupid, stupid masks and the toxic and entirely useless covid-19 vaccine. They knew all these things were killing old people.

Starmer’s Government has withdrawn the annual winter fuel allowance which is vital for millions of pensioners. Starmer knows that withdrawing the allowance will kill old people. He is deliberately promoting a policy which he knows will kill thousands. Why hasn’t Starmer been arrested? Seriously, why haven’t Starmer and the rest of the murderous Labour Government been arrested?

Without the fuel allowance, and with oil prices going up massively this autumn, millions of elderly citizens will have to choose between heating and eating. Cutting the winter fuel allowance will save £1.4 billion – a fraction of the sum the UK spends on sending bombs and bullets to help other people kill one another. And a fraction of the sum we spend on illegal immigrants...<<<Read More>>>...