Dr Haneef, was arrested on July 2 at Brisbane Airport. He had been working at a hospital in Queensland after emigrating from Britain last year. (Sky News)
Daily Merlin Insight
Page of Wands indicates seeking or looking for something or someone during a time of 'volcanic activity' (all the media attention relating to this case can be the volcanic activity) ... the appearance of 'the Devil' image denotes the fear and the subjugation around the case. Everything raked up concerning the 'suspects' in the case and the alleged plot. Finally the Nine Of Swords indicates the 'desperation' of the intelligence authorities to come up with those guilty to satisfy the cries of 'something must be done' ... something has been done but not necessarily the ones who were 'guilty' have been charged. This doctor appears to be an innocent party roped in. Meanwhile the real perpetrators walk free in my opinion. A worthy storyline to place under 'conspiracy theory' therefore..