Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 2 February 2009

The Dragon’s Brain and Wormhole of Daath

The Kabbalistic hidden Sephirah of Daath can be aligned with the throat area of Adam Kadmon whose spinal column is the trunk of the neural network of the multi-verse world tree of knowledge around which the fire serpent winds as a bio-photon lightening strike of illumination. The serpent flashes up and down the tree constantly, being ones lightening strike of consciousness which assembles a world of a synchronicity mesh of a cooperative creative existence being ones experiential reality of fixative inertia.

One is usually unaware of this process of fixation, betwixt and between the mental piloting field of the branches that touch each and every star of far flung futures beckoning back and that of the past roots of matter calling to one through deepest memory. However one can shift the fixation of consciousness by becoming aware of Daath.

By becoming aware of ones inborn ability at Daath one can shift ones fixative awareness into assembling another synchronicity mesh of experiential phenomena by tuning into another reality. Daath is that of the reptilian brain stem at a physiological level and is the oldest part of the brain. It evolved more than five million years ago and inextricably links us all to our reptilian amphibious ancestors.

Because it resembles the entire brain of a reptile, it is often referred to as the reptilian brain. The brain stem determines the general level of alertness and warns the organism of important information. The brain stem also controls the basic handling of the bodily functions necessary for survival such as ones breathing and heart rate.

Located at the centre of the brain stem is a core of neural tissue that travels its full length known as the ‘Reticular Formation’, it contains a number of nuclei, which are part of the reticular activating system RAS. The RAS acts akin to a telephone bell, which alerts the cortex (the thinking area) about arriving information such as “visual stimulus on the way”. There are areas in the reptilian brain stem associated with ones sleeping processes known as the ‘Locus Coerulus’ being a small patch of dark cells which is thought to produce a secretion that initiates REM sleep in which we dream.

Should one be able to catch that point between waking and sleeping, where one is at the periphery of going into deep sleep, known technically as the hypnagogic state, one can gain conscious ingress into ones dreams. The technical term for ones egress out of ones dream between sleeping and waking is called the hypnapompic state. One will then have the sensation of being sucked into a void of a torsion tunnel as ones conscious awareness is introverted into that of the dreaming state via the captured hypnagogic state.

The experience of the void was known to the ancient Qabbalists as the experience of the Abyss over which Daath becomes as a bridge, being that of the pathway, which links the two sephirah of Tiphareth and Kether. The Hebrew letter associated with the pathway that links Tiphareth and Kether is ‘Gimel’ that means a ‘Camel’. The ancient Iranians associated the Camel with the Serpent Dragon, which the Qabbalists see as being the vehicle, which carries ones awareness over the desert of worlds and through the Abyss at Daath.

The Tarot card associated with the pathway of Gimel is that of Priestess of the ‘Silver Star’. The ‘Silver Star’ is associated with the star of Sirius. The image of the Priestess is depicted seated upon a throne between two pylons one ‘White’ the other ‘Black’ forming a gateway of a stargate. The two pylons are associated with the two main chains of nerves that are on either side of ones spinal column being that of the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system are the two parts of the Autonomic Nervous System. The Parasympathetic Nervous Systems nerve fibres emanate largely from the upper and lower part of the brain stem.

The two pylons on either side of the Priestess that form a gateway are called the pillars of severity and mercy. These two pillars one can be equate with dual aspects that the ancient Babylonian Goddess Ishtar whose nature was that of war and love and thereby the Priestess becomes as the ‘gate of Ishtar’. (Source: Spiral Nature)