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Search A Light In The Darkness
Monday, 31 December 2007
Song from 'The Trick Of The Tail' album
Manannan Mac Lir
The spirit and energy of the ocean, Manannan is the Celtic god for whom the
Manannan is associated with Avalon, and is the guardian of the gateways between Earthworld and the Isle Of Apples. He is mentioned in several Celtic tales, and is seen as both god and magician. He possesses several magickal treasures, including a sword against which there is no defence and a breastplate that cannot break. These items obviously represent the power of the sea. Another of Manannan's possessions is a magickal colour-changing cloak, and this is a literal way of describing sea mist.
Manannan is sometimes calm and sometimes restless, but always inspiring. Watching the ocean is a magickal experience, for the spiritual energy of water affects us deeply. Afterall, our bodies consist mostly of water, and the sea was our original home during the earliest stages of evolution.
Despite mankind's unceasing efforts to polute and plunder the oceans, Manannan survives. Yet that is not to say we should resist efforts to protect the environment. Manannan's realm contains fragile reefs and a myriad creatures of unimaginable diversity; all of which are under threat from our actions.
Although our spirituality relies on the ancient legends for inspiration, Paganism is truly a religion for modern times. By acknowledging and worshipping gods such as Manannan, we are shown today's quests, and protecting the environment is one of those tasks.
Daily Tarot Card of the Day

Your child within is begging to come out. Do you remember a time when you were more innocent and could find joy in all things? Remember when you could spend hours just staring out the window?
The up side of this card is that the joy of your now can help something from your past reappear. Someone you haven’t seen in years shows up to visit, you get reinvolved with a sport/art/activity from before, you capture the feeling of "awe" by watching a particularly beautiful sunset. All of this can be accomplished without the need to rehash or be under the thumb of another.
The down side to this card is that you disconnect from all of your joy -- you forget your past as being TOTALLY bad, you chose to wallow in misery rather than look for something joyful, you remain stuck in old patterns that do not, as Amerindian legend says "grow corn".
The child finds joy in all things. The adult, often finds joy in nothing. It is the first day of a new year. Which will you choose?
Loving Presence
In our everyday life we are surrounded by a variety of people. Some of the people we deal with on a daily basis are a joy to be with, and their loving presence nurtures and encourages us. Others may have the opposite effect, draining us of our energy, making us feel tired and exhausted. Our well-being can be easily influenced by those around us, and if we can keep this in mind, we will have greater insights into the quality of our social interactions and their energetic effect on us.
Once we think more deeply about the people we interact with, it becomes easier for us to work toward filling our lives with people who help us cultivate healthy and positive relationships. Even though it might not always seem like we have much control over who we are with, we do. The power to step back from toxicity lies within us. All we have to do is take a few moments to reflect on how another person makes you feel. Assessing the people we spend the most time with allows us to see if they add something constructive to, or subtract from, our lives. Should a friend sap our strength, for example, we can simply set the intention to tell them how we feel or simply spend less time with them. We will find that the moment we are honest with ourselves about our own feelings, the more candid we can be with others about how they make us feel. While this may involve some drastic changes to our social life it can bring about a personal transformation that will truly empower us, since the decision to live our truth will infuse our lives with greater happiness.
When we surround ourselves with positive people, we clear away the negativity that exists around us and create more room to welcome nurturing energy. Doing this not only enriches our lives but also envelopes us in a supportive and healing space that fosters greater growth, understanding, and love of ourselves as well as those we care about.
The Last Post of 2007 ...
We've no 'dark haired stranger' to bring in the New Year. No party streamers. No loud music and disco lights. No firework display to watch. For us it is just a quite evening, not much different to other evenings.
Our minds are elsewhere at this time. I spoke with the UK earlier this evening. My absent thoughts goes out to a family member who has little hope of survival. A Scottish relative who will be in my thoughts in the coming weeks. Absent healing to make it easier for him, is in truth all I can do. He has a great journey ahead of him. My Father will be there waiting for him no doubt. It is sad, yes, but more for the ones left behind.
A year ago, Kristine lost her Father, Stan. Her Mother, one of the 'two old dears' had prepared Kristine for what lay ahead. But it still doesn't ease the blow when the mediated information is confirmed ...
So a year on ... 2007 about to become 2008. Again I prepare for a new job 'overseas' ... last year I was anticipating a couple of years in Malta. By the end of February 2007 those plans were dashed as I made my return to New Zealand. However, this time around ... it is a new life and a permanent move to Australia we all anticipate ... all savour the prospect of ... all cannot wait to happen. Five and a half years in New Zealand is long enough. We've endured the survival ... we've flourished and we're still standing ... like the Hawthorn we might bend in the hurricane force wind that hits us in the face ... be we keep standing. We have survived that banshee's assault ... we'll learn from the experience ... and we'll grow much stronger than we were before.
Our light still shines ... much stronger than before .... nothing but nothing will discourage me from walking that path. No matter what has been thrown at me in this life ... no matter what storm I've found myself in ... my light has remained shining. Perhaps now the force which has opposes us will realise it cannot win ...
Moving on ... my thoughts go out to Kate & Gerry and their families. Let us hope that 2008 is the year when more favourable news will be reported relating to their sad plight. Since May this year it has been a year they will have wanted to forget ... that goes without saying. Fingers crossed that there is something much brighter on the horizon for them ... and soon ....
Anyway, its getting that time now ... my fingers are itching to crack open my can of Boddingtons. It is now 12 minutes to 2008 for us over here ... time for me to say adios ... Happy New Year from down under ... next time you hear from me it will be 2008 in this part of the world ... and you guys will be that bit closer to 2008 yourselves ....
Stone Circles
Although it is not known exactly why Stone Circles and Standing Stones were constructed, there have been many theories offered.
The most popular one is associated with Ley Lines and Earth Energy Lines. It is scientifically accepted that there is electromagnetic interference in and around many of these sites at particular times of the day or year, no concrete scientific evidence or research as yet has uncovered an explanation for this anomaly.
Across the
Enormous Winged Reptilean Skeleton Found In Saudi Arabia

The actual news report linked to this 'find' states 'Recently gas exploration is going in the desert of south east region of
Visit the web site HERE .... and then decide for yourself (I'm adding it to The Sceptics Corner just in case)
The new 7 World Trade Center
7 World Trade Center is a building in
The new 7
The building was officially opened at noon on May 23, 2006, with a free concert featuring Suzanne Vega, Citizen Cope, Bill Ware Vibes, Brazilian Girls, Ollabelle, Pharaoh's Daughter, Ronan Tynan (of the Irish Tenors), and special guest Lou Reed. Prior to opening, in March 2006, the new 7
Daily Merlin Insight
For Monday 31st December 2007
Using Tarot of Atlantis
NZ: 9:15pm - 9:50pm
'A working based on a focus around the end of March 2008 to assess what progress is intuited as having been made by the future date .... '
This is of a purely 'experimental nature'. It has always been determined as extremely difficult to pin down events by clairvoyant means to an exact time or date. Thus this is deemed as an approximation of the trends which may be experienced around this time ....

Any woes of a body or a corpse ... sprinkle with a large dose of salt. There really is nothing to go on here. The Sun image ... the pillars and the rocks and the crashing waves ... what is the bundle found washed ashore .... with a pinch of salt for a while ... it will be confirmed as NOT being Madeleine McCann ...
Nothing definite about a returned little girl is highlighted here but then it would not be truthfully reported anyway. It appears thus the parents are interviewed once more and the nine ... two will be seen perhaps in a different light. There seems several journeys made too and the campaign seen shining ever so bright.
The 5 of Swords indicates the effects of malicious actions. Something still circumnavigates the globe ... someone somewhere accomplishes their goals. But is that an actual arrest? He seems such an innocent man in that image. Drawing attention away from events in a rich one's court. The visit of some ambassador from another land ... coinciding with another contradictory story.
End of March 2008 - April 2008 appears to have the sense of 'after the event'; something having occurred perhaps before. Speculation still reigns here ... alliances and the joining of forces indicated by the 4 of Wands .... an alliance of some might being formed ... linked perhaps with the major 'eruption' suggested in the background of this image. Look closely at the image of the 4 of Wands ... at the statute of the 'stately one' .... a little child appears suddenly from behind his throne ... symbolic of where 'the child has been hiding after all' ... a statue almost always is created by its artist after an event. The shaking of hands in agreement ... but is this returned child Maddy? The scene appears extremely Mediterranean ... but it does not have the feel of the green lands where she resides with a large field in which to play with Red Setter dogs bounding and barking. A place where she can boisterously shout without being heard. From the image I see of her she is energetic and very much the tomboy ... tumbling and falling ... very much alive. It seems this place she was residing has its own 'adventure' playground. It also has its own church or chapel. Its own clergy as well it seems ... or is that something linked to those who had hold of her ... a link to the sacred places of the lands is evident here .... "all roads lead to . . . .'
Some injunction or objection permitted the McCanns to question a ruling ... it seems the official witness stature was considered null and void around this time ... but was it dropped completely? Or does someone somewhere succeed in making a patsy of one or more of them ... remember they were in no way involved in the disappearance of Madeleine at all. Suspect footage is under dispute around this time .... the 3 of Pentacles is secrets revealed and changes in progress .... they seem not to have a silent tongue anymore. The world image hints of a link again to Spain ... to the Algarve in Portugal ... a journey over land made ... but again nothing conclusive.
No longer tied into the controlled environment decreed by the Portuguese Law ... also their spokesman appears not be around at this time. Their daughter where is she? If she has been returned why do I not see her in the spotlight in March 2008?
Eight Verses for Training the Mind
With a determination to accomplish
The highest welfare for all sentient beings
Who surpass even a wish-granting jewel
I will learn to hold them supremely dear.
Whenever I associate with others I will learn
To think of myself as the lowest among all
And respectfully hold others to be supreme
From the very depths of my heart.
In all actions I will learn to search into my mind
And as soon as an afflictive emotion arises
Endangering myself and others
Will firmly face and avert it.
I will learn to cherish beings of bad nature
And those oppressed by strong sins and suffering
As if I had found a precious
Treasure very difficult to find.
When others out of jealousy treat me badly
With abuse, slander, and so on,
I will learn to take on all loss,
And offer victory to them.
When one whom I have benefited with great hope
Unreasonably hurts me very badly,
I will learn to view that person
As an excellent spiritual guide.
In short, I will learn to offer to everyone without exception
All help and happiness directly and indirectly
And respectfully take upon myself
All harm and suffering of my mothers.
I will learn to keep all these practices
Undefiled by the stains of the eight worldly conceptions
And by understanding all phenomena as like illusions
Be released from the bondage of attachment.
For Midnight

and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stoup !
And surely I’ll be mine !
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes,
and pou’d the gowans fine ;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit,
sin’ auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl’d in the burn,
frae morning sun till dine ;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
sin’ auld lang syne.
And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere !
And gies a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll tak a right gude-willie-waught,
for auld lang syne.
Shambhala or Shambala
The name means Basis of Joy and may derive from a very ancient oral tradition. Shambo is one of Shiva's epithets. Since Shambala is actually the name of a fabulous land, or beyul, in the
The Hindu Puranas say that at the end of Kali Yuga, the Kalki avatar (horse-headed form of Vishnu) will be born in the best of the brahmin families of Shambala in order to annihilate the evil-doers of earth. Here, Shambala is described as hidden in the interior of the planet.
Details of the realm of Shambala are described in the Kalchakra legend in which a
The Kalachakra Tantra (Wheel of Time Tradition) belongs to the highest class of Buddhist tantras and, until the initiations given with some regularity by HH the 14th Dalai Lama, it was relatively unknown in the West. He promotes it in the cause of World Peace, for it is said the Buddha prophesised that those who receive the Kalachakra empowerment would take rebirth in its mandala.
The Tantra relates how the bodhisattva Vajrapani manifested as Suchandra, ruler of the
On his return to Shambala, the king constructed a three-dimensional model of the mandala of Kalachakra, and absorbed himself in that practice. He also transmitted the teaching to all inhabitants of his kingdom. There, the teachings were preserved but remained hidden from the rest of the world until 1,000 years had passed.
Shambala is said to be somewhere north of
South of Kalapa is
The technology of Shambala is highly advanced. The windows of the palace function as powerful lenses that serve as telescopes high-powered enough for studying life on other worlds. For hundreds of years, the inhabitants have been using aircraft and subways. This advancement is not limited to the mere material, for the inhabitants have been able to develop powers of clairvoyance, swift long-distance travel on foot, and also the ability to materialize and disappear at will.
The belief in the existence of Shambala has been reinforced by reports of unusual occurrences in the Himalayan region where it is thought to be. In the early 1900s The Statesman carried a report by a British army officer of a very tall, lightly clad man with long hair who, when he noticed the major, leaped down a vertical slope and disappeared. Tibetans back at the encampment showed no surprise at the major's account, but simply explained that he had seen one of the guards of the sacred land.
The prophecy of Shambala states that there will be 32 kings who will each reign for 100 years. As those reigns are accomplished, conditions outside the Kingdom will deteriorate. Men become more warlike in their pursuit of power for its own sake, and the accompanying ideology of materialism will spread over the whole earth. When the materialists are united under a single evil king and think there is nothing left to conquer, the mists will lift to reveal the icy mountains of Shambala.
Barbarians will attack Shambala with a huge army equipped with terrible weapons. Then the 32nd king of Shambala, Rudrachakrin (Iron Wheel Master) or, according to another tradition, Kalki, will lead his mighty forces with their supra-mundane weapons against the invaders. In a last great battle, the evil king and his followers will be destroyed.
'Gimme Shelter'
This is another Rolling Stones track which shines in my acquired collection IMO.
Swan Symbolism
For many cultures the white swan is a symbol of light, both as a feminine symbol of the moon and a masculine symbol of the sun. In Greek mythology, the swan has been linked to Apollo, to Zeus who took the shape of a swan to seduce Leda, to Aphrodite and Artemis who were sometimes shown accompanied by swans.
Many cultures have stories incorporating the swan as a symbol of transformation and many of the people transformed in the stories are women.
In the symbolism of Alchemy, the swan was neither male nor female, but the "marriage of opposites", fire and water. It was associated with Mercury as it was white and winged.
The swan stands for the ethereal. It represents the presence of divine inspiration in our world.
The association of the swan with wisdom and creativity appears also among the Greeks who considered that bird related to the nine Muses. It is said that when Apollo was born at
It is in the form of a swan that Zeus assaults Leda and in so doing, engenders the twins -- the Gemini -- Castor and Pollux, who hatched from eggs and also their sisters, the tormented Clytemnestra, and fatefully beautiful Helen, whose elopement with
Despite the fact that the swan is generally judged the most beautiful of the large water birds, we can see in its long, graceful, serpentine neck, a kinship to the snake. Therefore, in Indian mythology, the swan (Skt. hamsa) embodies the union of Garuda and Naga, and since those two are enemies, it also stands for the highest wisdom teachings concerning the union of opposites ..
Sunday, 30 December 2007
An Enlivening Force
We all know inspiration when we feel it. It is a force that enlivens us and activates us to do something-we might dance, sing, paint the house, or envision a new career. We might call an old friend or plan a trip abroad. Whatever the case, doing what we do from a place of inspiration makes all things seem possible. Inspiration sometimes comes out of nowhere, landing unexpectedly in the midst of your life and lifting you out of your habitual mind and into a higher level of seeing. However, we can be more intentional with our relationship with inspiration than just waiting for it to come to us. There are many ways to cultivate its presence, from journaling to scrap booking to visiting with a particularly interesting friend. Finding what inspires you and consciously cultivating it will give you access to new ways of thinking and energy you didn't know you had.
Some people find that frequent trips into nature inspire them. Others have a box full of objects-a seashell, an old photograph, or even a collection of rocks-that does the trick. There are as many ways to find inspiration as there are people looking for it. If you already know what inspires you, find a way to incorporate it into your life on a regular basis. If you aren't sure what inspires you, or if it has changed, take some time to think about it. When was the last time you felt the spark of your imagination? When was the last time you acted on an impulse that felt totally right? When we are in the presence of what inspires us, we hear our inner guidance more clearly and we have the energy to follow its cues.
If it has been a while since you have been touched by inspiration, you may feel listless and dissatisfied. Know that you can turn things around by remembering what lights you up and bringing that into your life.
'Touching Wood'
Many primitive people of noble, highly developed civilisations treated trees, flowers and plants with great respect. Often trees were associated with having supernatural powers, being gods, ancestors and associated with different forms of worship, whilst flowers and plants were viewed too as also having medicinal applications and miraculous healing qualities.
The Druids, particularly, believed that trees possessed great mysterious powers especially the rowan and the oak. It is currently believed by some that the power and strength represented symbolically by the tree trunk could be the reason why standing stones were erected to reflect the respect bestowed upon nature.
Since ancient times man has been influenced by trees throughout Europe, whilst we can see such images reflected in Mexican sculpture and carving, and also in Ancient Indian artefacts where sacred trees have played a central role in the belief systems. The Ancient Greeks too are known to have highly respected the power and nobility of trees as paintings and pottery indicate images of reverence and gratification.
Perhaps today the idea of touching wood to ward off evil and encourage good luck, is a living remnant of our ancestor's spiritual practice, as in ancient times touching wood indicated respect of the tree and the mysterious powers of the spirit gods that inhabited the trees and woodlands. Currently, it is thought that to grow chives around the bottom of an apple tree will improve the general health of the tree. Perhaps learning more about the interdependency of flowers, herbs, plants and trees may lead us to a further understanding of how to improve our local environments?
Touching wood still occurs but has developed through time to include touching any item made from wood and rarely includes a tree (although some woods are still viewed as sacred). Regarded today by many as only a superstition, it is somewhat of a mystery why the action still occurs for the majority of people.
Perhaps this has to do with the action being viewed as a superstition with a desire not to break a custom, or a 20th-century conscience knowing the practice of boasting is frowned upon. Misfortune may occur after bragging or assuming that a successful outcome will result from a task, and hence the ritual of touching wood is used merely to salve the conscience rather than indicate any investment in a traditional belief.
Some people actually touch their own heads when uttering the expression which is perhaps more of a light hearted action referring to their intelligence (or lack of it at certain times). One Dutch tradition that is said to still be practised is the touching of the underside of a wooden table when such a thought is muttered, perhaps to divert the attention of the evil eye and negative influences.
Daily Tarot of the Day: The Empress

In medieval Europe, the Empress card was painted to represent whatever Queen currently ruled the land, probably to satisfy the Inquisitors. But the scholars of the Renaissance and beyond had no doubt of her true identity, although she could not be fully revealed on Tarot cards as the "woman clothed with the sun" until after the French Revolution.
This supreme archetype of femininity also symbolizes fertility. It is She who provides us nourishment and security. She is also sometimes seen as delighting us with flowers and fruit. A potentially terrifying aspect of this archetype manifests itself whenever karmic mood swings wipe out our plans, like a storm that has come upon us. Whatever happens, the Empress is the Source of our Embodiment and of Natural Law. She might even be called "the Great Recycler."
A quatrain is a poem, or a stanza within a poem, that consists always of four lines. It is the most common of all stanza forms in European poetry. The rhyming patterns include aabb, abab, abba, abcb.
In its narrow meaning, the term is restricted to a complete poem consisting of only four lines. In its broader sense, it includes any one of many four-verse stanza forms.
Lead to the chill of snow and frost
Hope now wears a ragged frown
O' head stay held high; all is not lost ....
McCanns 'to return to Portugal to re-ignite public interest in Madeleine's plight'
Kate and Gerry McCann plan to return to Portugal to re-ignite interest in the case of their missing daughter Madeleine. (Daily Mail Sunday 30th December 2007)
They will meet with advisers early in the New Year to work out the best way forward. But first they want their status as official suspects lifted. The hunt for Maddie has virtually been dropped from news schedules in Portugal.
According to reports, a close friend of Kate and Gerry said a return to Portugal may be the only way they can keep locals interested. It will be the first time they have been back since they left on September 9.
The period of the first monastery is referred to as the "Golden Age" of
Rock And A Hard Place
A Rolling Stones track for a change. I 'acquired' the entire Stones collection in mp3 format a few years back (a Brit over here lent me his external hard drive to copy some music and there it was) .... and I've slowly 'got into' the Stones. This song is one of my favourites.
Daily Merlin Insight
For Sunday 30th December 2007
Using Tarot of Atlantis
NZ: 9:45pm - 10:20pm

Those who took MM and hold MM are most certainly part of this covert operation. MM is sensed like a 'hostage' and an unwitting pawn used to bend and shape Joe Public's reaction.
The 8 of Chalices indicates the speculation which has graced the tabloids in recent months ... mainly fantasy and deception with so little truth to actual go on. Truth cleverly hidden .... 'give the public something to read' whilst we get down to business ... they know something is going on ... use this situation as the cover'
the 5 of Swords indicates the malicious deeds and the appalling crimes which Gerry & Kate have supposedly committed. I intuit most strongly this is pure fabrication part and parcel of the cover.
But where is MM and will she be returned? Can I intuit this from these impressions? I gaze across at the image of 'Strength' and see the familiar image of the proud Stag on the hillside once more ... the white hunter like herne ... in a barren landscape. My mind spans over the many miles to the places I have previously considered ... there is a resident of those shores who appears to truly know her whereabouts. A large estate with its own land ... where 'no questions are asked' where guests can come and go as they please. Diplomatic immunity means the eyes of intelligence will not see what they are meant to see ... thus there is every chance MM has indeed resided there. Indeed could still reside there. This man/family appears quite powerful as the 3 of Swords indicates almost a 'private army' or security force at this families disposal. The Knave of Swords suggests battle command and an initiative against what a group encompassing the McCanns stands for. Some deed which had to be dealt with in a clandestine operation to keep silent what research has unearthed. Nothing is 'final' with the situation. Negotiations are somewhere there in the melting pot. But it seems there is an impasse hence the apparent silence in the last few weeks ....
The Golden Ratio
One wouldn't think of a simple rectangle as necessarily pleasing to the eye. But one rectangle has, throughout history, formed the basis of not only art, sculpture, and architecture, but the proportions of plants, flowers, DNA, and even the human face and body. It is the rectangle formed by the golden ratio, which the Egyptians called the "sacred ratio" and is also known as the divine proportion, wherein the ratio of the length to the width equals 1.618 (a number called Phi). For thousands of years, that ratio was the aesthetic guide in art and building. It creates structures and compositions that are considered the most wonderful to look at because the human eye perceives the golden rectangle as a particularly pleasing geometric form. It is the marriage of mathematics and beauty.
Many creations by artists, musicians and architects have been shaped both knowingly and unknowingly by the golden ratio. The Greeks and Romans used the golden ratio extensively in their creation of temples, which in turn inspired later people to do likewise. Painters, including Leonardo Da Vinci and composers like Mozart and Beethoven utilised the golden ratio in their work. Modern artists and architects use the golden rectangle as well, and example being the United Nations building in
Designer Le Corbusier believed that the human soul was unconsciously comforted by mathematics and the ancient Greeks said that all beauty was indeed math. Because the proportions given by the golden ratio are natural and often unconsciously used, it can seem unimportant. But an understanding of the ratio can open the doors to a more profound understanding of what lies beneath aesthetic appreciation.
Power Animals: The Adder
The adder is the only venomous snake in the
Traditionally many of these omens were thought, by some country folk, to have been the result of nomadic gypsies.
One amazing belief was that relief from an adder bite could be achieved by rubbing the wound with the dead body.
Generally the adder was believed to be a positive omen especially if seen early in the spring and indicated success in any battle or dispute with an advisory. Some would even hang the dried skin by the chimney to add to the good fortune. To protect the house against fire, dried skin in the roof would provide a positive influence for the household whilst an adder on the loose was a powerful omen of ensuing misfortune. If one was seen by the entrance to a property fatal illness and even death was thought to be the ultimate result.
The adder has long been imbued with particular qualities especially the power of wisdom and a sly nature. 'Gloine nathair', translates as 'the glass of the serpent, and was the name of sacred Druid amulets.
The Battle of Camlan in Arthurian legend was said to have been caused by this snake. An adder is said to have suddenly emerged from bushes when the armies of Mordred (Arthur's illegitimate son) and Arthur, King of Britain (son of Igerna and Uther Pendragon) confronted one another. As it appeared one of Arthur's men pulled out his sword to kill it and this was taken as a sign to attack by Mordred and the battle commenced.
Dowsing is the ability to find people, artefacts or substances by use of maps, pictures or physically being in a place are currently the most popular applications of Dowsing.
Most dowsers use two 'dowsing rods' and/or a pendulum. The rods, traditionally known as 'Wishing Rods', are formed into an L shape and are usually made of copper although the oldest known material was wood, usually forked Hazel branches along with Apple, Beech and Alder. (It is said that metal coat hangers work just as well!). One rod is held in each hand and you have located what it is you are looking for when the rods cross.
When using a pendulum most people weight the line with a crystal, or heavy weight. The important thing seems to be the length of the line which the pendulum swings on. What does seem a mystery is how diviners can dowse over a map to find people or substances when the focus of the search can be many kilometres away. Indeed this does suggest some sort of psychic activity.
Dowsing is reported to date back approximately 7000 years but origins are still unknown. It is accepted, however, that the Egyptians used images of forked rods in some of their artwork as did the Ancient Chinese kings. In
In 1930's there was a great deal of activity in
Dowsing, scientifically known as Rasiesthesia, is the interaction of the mind of the dowser and the energy of the object of interest. Most dowsing is used to find water and minerals. It has been used to find lost objects, even people. It can be used to dowse the subtle energy field surrounding objects, plants, animals, and people. If we are doing energy healing, we can dowse the body of a patient before and after treatment, and observe any energy changes. If we quantify these results we can reach conclusions about the efficiency of our techniques.
If you want to measure the energy field of a person, make sure they are not holding or wearing any crystals or jewelry. Step back about 3 paces, turn and face them. Hold the L-rods parallel to the ground and pointing toward your subject. In your mind, or out loud, tell yourself what the L-rods are measuring. This is very important. Your mind is very precise. It will measure exactly what you tell it to. "I am measuring the reserve bio-energy field of this body."
Focus your attention only on this person. Do not let your mind wander and think of anyone or anything else, or you will affect the results. Walk toward the person, slowly, keeping the L-rods straight and level. When you enter the energy field, the wires will open wide, the left wire going to the left and the right hand wire swinging to the right. Measure the distance between the wires and the body.
Create the healing change. Once again, dowse the body. Step back at least 8 paces, turn and walk toward the body, L-rods parallel and pointing toward the subject. When you reach the energy field of the body the wires will swing open. Measure the distance and compare between the first effort. The difference is the change you made by the healing.
The same method can be used to see if crystals or jewelry have any effect on a human energy field. Measure the subject with nothing on and then add the object and measure again.
Explore these phenomena. Dowse plants, animals, crystals, trees, and people who touch these objects. This is a fascinating field to enter ...
For many centuries this plant has been the base of a range of remedies, so much so that it is also known as 'all-heal'. It is a parasitic plant. When the host or main tree died off in winter it was believed that the mistletoe held the life of the main plant within itself.
If found growing on an oak tree this had great significance for the Druid who revered the oak as much as the rowan. the druids viewed the berries of the mistletoe when found on an oak tree as the seminal fluid of the oak-tree god (or spirit).
So it was thought that this effect was then an indicator of a charm to induce fertility in action. The mistletoe was cut on the sixth day of the moon with a golden sickle and with full ceremony, which was then divided amongst the people.
Fastening the mistletoe to a doorway was thought to ward off all evil, and thunder and lightening. Perhaps the modern custom of kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas is a remnant of this pagan custom. The sprigs of this plant were regarded as a symbol by some of hospitality.
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Many still don’t recognise her
Gerry and Kate McCann hope their blitz on
Despite a massive campaign highlighting the seven-month search for their daughter, experts believe many in the north African country still lack the crucial information they need to help trace her.
Now a silent army of volunteers from the Helping To Find Madeleine campaign have given their time over the festive period to flood businesses across the nation with 11,500 letters and posters.
The initiative comes after the McCanns’ Spanish detective agency pin-pointed
The Helping To Find Madeleine campaign – affiliated to the McCanns’ own Find Madeleine Fund – has been working behind the scenes to widen global awareness of the child’s plight.
A spokesman said yesterday: “A lot of work has been focused on
A friend of the McCanns, both 39-year-old doctors from Rothley, Leics, said last night: “Kate and Gerry are really touched that people have given up time over Christmas to help them.
Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: “Anyone who puts effort into assisting us in any way, we are incredibly grateful for. They’ve done a fantastic job.
Tarot Card of the Day
Have you noticed how the world changes and forces you to adapt with it? Well, it’s one of those days today.
The up side of this card is that if you are separated from the familiar, the "same old, same old" you are forced to be more creative, find new ways of doing the same thing. This is the stimulation it takes to help your spiritual world take flight. That kind of stimulation can be enhanced if you take a little time for you -- read, relax, take a small trip where you can contemplate the world. In other words, don’t try to jump right into more going, going, going after the hectic holiday. Breathing is always a good thing.
The down side of this card is that if you are a creature of habit, you will be in for some rude awakening today. Things will not go "as usual", nor will you be able to control the outcome the way you are used to controlling things. I guess the best advise on a day like today is to simply let go and see what happens.
Remember, all things change in this world. Will you adapt, or become obsolete because you refuse to adapt? The choice, as always, is up to you.
Queen Of Swords:
A complex, courageous, intelligent woman, who may well have suffered some deep sorrow or loss. She is concerned with attention to accuracy and detail and can skillfully balance opposing factions to meet her own needs. She has attained inner wisdom and a sense of truth. The cards is one for women who have overcome adversity especially at the hands of men, to obtain a state of grace. The ability of women.
(Reversed) Sorrow for the sake of sorrow. A card of wrongdoing as a reply to adverse circumstances. A deceitful, sly, intolerant and narrow minded woman, expert in the use of half truths and quiet slander. A formidable enemy due to her subtlety and sharp intellect.
Nibiru - Planet of the Crossing
Nibiru - Planet of the Crossing
The Effect Of Music On The Brain
"music is more than a language, it is the language of languages. It can be said that of all the arts, there is none other that more powerfully moves and changes the consciousness.
Music can move the soul. It can be a very strong influence. Some music can calm us down, some music can make us wild! How does music affect us?
Music is used in a variety of ways. It is used in the medical field as a source of research and as a sort of therapy as well. Music has been used as therapy for seizures, to lower blood pressure, treat ADD children, treat mental illness, treat depression, aid in healing, treat stress and insomnia and premature infants.
Musicologist Julius Portnoy found that music can change metabolic rates, increase or decrease blood pressure, effect energy levels, and digestion, positively or negatively, depending on the type of music. Calming music, such as classical music was found to have a very calming effect on the body, and cause the increase of endorphins, thirty minutes of such music was equal to the effect of a dose of valium. Both hemispheres of the brain are involved in processing music. The music in these studies is not the "lyrics", but the music itself, the melody, the tones, the tunes, the rhythm, the chords.
Conversely music has also been documented to cause sickness. The right, or wrong music, rather, can be like a poison to the body. Studies have been done on plants where loud hard rock music, for instance, killed plants and soft classical music, make the plants grow faster.
Music is very powerful, like a drug and can even be an addiction. In the case of Patty Hearst, it was documented that music was used in the aid of brainwashing her. In the book, Elevator Music, by Joseph Lanza, it states that certain types of music over prolonged periods in certain conditions, were shown to cause seizures.
It can be said that music is a very powerful and awesome tool, that can have positive effects, virtually life saving mentally and physically when used in the right context, but has equally destructive and detrimental potential if used negatively.
Your Life's Palette
When we enter a room or see an object for the first time, our minds register its colour before any other detail. The colours our eyes can perceive are like words that form a subtle language of mood, energy, and insight. Colour can exert a gentle effect on the mind and the body, influencing our dispositions and our physical health. Colour has the ability to trigger our emotions, affect the way we think and act, and influence our attitudes. You unconsciously respond to the colour of the walls in your home, your car, your clothing, and the food you eat based on your body's natural reactions to certain colours and the psychological associations you have formed around them. The consequences of the decision to paint a room or wear a specific article of clothing therefore goes beyond aesthetics.
The colours you encounter throughout your day can make you feel happy or sad, invigorate you or drain your vitality, and even affect your work habits. Throughout history, cultures spread over many different parts of the globe have attributed varying meanings to different colours. In
There are ways to integrate colour into your life that go beyond picking the hues of your décor and your wardrobe. You can meditate with colour by concentrating on the colours that make you feel peaceful or using a progression of colours to symbolize a descent into a relaxed state. Colour breathing involves visualizing certain colours as you in inhale and exhale. Choose to surround yourself with the colours that you are attracted to and make you feel good, and you can create an environment that makes you feel nurtured, peaceful, and uplifted.
West Ham 2-1 Man Utd

Cristiano Ronaldo's missed penalty for Manchester United proved crucial at West Ham as the Premier League champions were beaten at Upton Park. (BBC Sport)
United got an early let-off when Hayden Mullins hit the woodwork and Mark Noble blazed high from the rebound.
Ronaldo quickly made the Hammers pay when he headed in a Ryan Giggs cross. But Ronaldo missed a penalty and that inspired West Ham into a late rally, which saw Anton Ferdinand and Matthew Upson each head in for the win.
The loss was only a below-par United's third of the top-flight campaign and was watched from the stands by manager Sir Alex Ferguson as he served a touchline ban.
Sila Na Geige
Sila na Geige [SHEE-luh-nah-GIG] is a shadowy sometimes-controversial Celtic goddess. She represents both mother and crone aspects of the Goddess. Her image is found carved on stone thresholds, lintels, and standing stones of sacred sites or places of worship throughout the
Sila is associated with fertility, openness, and sexuality. In one town in
Sila is the guardian of the gateway to life, death, and knowledge of the mysteries of the universe. Sila's message to us is "Open up! Open yourself to life," By embracing Sila na Geige, perhaps we can pass through the gateway to greater understanding.
You stand upon a cliff, high above the sea, in a misty grove of silver birch trees. The waves crash and scatter on the rocks below, an eternal sigh of white noise rising. The grey mist swirls around you, cutting off familiar sights and sounds. Nothing is as it was. Nothing is as it seems.
Up ahead and above you in the mist, above the hole in the stone, The Hag of Birth and Death gazes down upon you. Welcoming and challenging, silently waiting, She opens the door to rebirth.
In the shifting realm between the worlds, She reveals to you the gateway – the vulva of Woman – through which every one of us entered this world, through which all of our foremothers entered this world. Each one emerging from the one before her, all down the line, open archway after archway, reaching back through time, like a vaulted corridor leading directly back to First Woman. Wise guardian, Who knows these roads so well, Who has trod these paths for countless generations. Oldest ancestor, Who gave birth to us all, Whose blood runs through our veins. Her cryptic smile hints at secret knowledge – She can look every challenge in the face without flinching; She can meet all changes head-on… and laugh. In your mind you hear Her whisper Her name: Síla (“SHEE-luh”).
You bend low and touch the earth, offering a prayer for guidance as you approach this threshold. Out of the corners of your eyes you sense the mist swirling; spiral patterns form and dissolve around you, hinting at mysteries, sparking a distant memory, somewhere beyond your conscious grasp.
You suddenly notice a heron, Síle na bPortach (“SHEE-luh nah BURT-uckh”), keeping still, silent vigil nearby. How long has she been there, watching you? ... You acknowledge her, and her role as guardian of the gate. You open yourself to her, and you can feel her looking into you, judging you, deciding whether or not she will let you in. You open without fear (or despite fear) and join with her stillness. You feel the silvery-white energy of the birch trees entering you. You breathe in their purifying, focusing, clean and clearing energy... Opening your heart and stilling your mind. You chant their ancient name, Beithe (“BAY-huh”). You feel the powers of land, sky, and sea come together and focus within you. You take a deep breath, and climb through.