Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Special Purpose

Nothing is ever by chance … the universal entity never works that way;
All fits in place … cogs in the wheel of a simplistic blueprint …
Everything has a reason and a rhyme,
But when the observer gazes at the wood within the trees … there is chaos within the grand creation
It is meant to be that way …

All motes are kept eternally guessing,
Until they transcend from one vibration to the next..
The veils are lifted,
And enlightenment comes surely, to some
But not all …

For blindness to purpose … special purpose,
Appears to be necessary,
To keep the wheel turning at the speed it has been designed
Permitting the light to shine where … and when;
And the darkness to hide segments … as is required
Always in harmony to those gazing at the inside ..
From the highest level.

At the highest level of creation,
It is all self explanatory,
Well planned,
Magically devised ….

All the great mysteries are known up there
And those that are being researched through the universal experimentation
Will be revealed in time;
With that wisdom being passed down the line
In the perfect cyclic motion of time …

Monday, 15 March 2004