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Tuesday 27 February 2007

Nibiru Once More

FACT -Nibiru arrived in 2003 as it had been anticipated by 'those in the know' around this planet

FACT - The world's population has been kept out of the loop and not informed of this 'visitor'.

FACT - The much spoken about and media pushed 'reasons' for Global Warming are total bollocks! Nibiru is the cause. Nibiru is the reason for all the weather changes. For all the anomalies being experienced. Nibiru will effect a polar reversal due to its highly charged plasma nature.

FACT - The ancient civilisations of the world have experienced the effects of Nibiru on its previous visits. Their ancient testaments warn us of what to expect. We are in for a very torrid time. The big dipper ride has barely started, there is worse to come! Much worse.