"Nefilim" is the name of a highly intelligent and evolved reptilian alien species that is the real dominant species on planet Earth."
"Maya" is the Hindu word describing the perceived illusion humans are under before we enlighten through meditation and silence of mind."
"The Nefilim Maya is an induced illusion."
The Nefilim have been around for a long time. After the Lumarian humans of the Atlantis period, was the Nefilim's time on planet Earth. They came from a constellation called 'Draco'.
Their modus operandi is to kill a planet's etheric and spiritual being, cutting it off from the positive love energy of the universe and thriving off the remaining negative energy. The problem is that they have attacked the heart chakra of the physical universe, Earth. She is our true mother, the planet of love and humans are the children of love. Do you really think humans are solely capable of all the murder, taking, hating throughout this tangible history of the last few thousand years?
The Nefilim bred themselves into humans to look like us and thereby assured control over humans through the many generations of both species. The Nefilim's great plan for us is to wipe most of us out with World War III, and then the rest of us will be completely under the spell of aerial and satellite broadcast mind control wavelengths of 425 megahertz and microwaves measuring less than 1000 microwatts, which can make people hear voices and a more inhuman cruelty with nervous system damage.
Overall, they plan to make us slaves, like they did to the Hebrews in Egypt, only now they have progressed us to the point where this illusion with its own explainable, manipulated and concreted history has given the Nefilim a collective and co-ordinated power over us.
I'll say nothing for the Nefilim's designer history, but that history is written by the winners.
Of course, were supposed to be the step down transformers of the universe's energy, and should be working with the elementals / devas, Mother Nature's emissaries (the intelligent entities that inhabit everything, including rocks, rivers oceans, mountains, winds, trees - everything!!!) Their job is to do what Humans tell them to do. When we build a house it begins in the mind, and from this point until completion the elemental evolves with the house. It holds it together and can be happy or sad, depending on the people who live in it. Thinking kind and appreciative thoughts to your house, car, etc will make it so happy.
We should be working and communicating with these beings of higher energy vibration so that we can heal Earth and all help her through the naturally rough transition as she nears her higher conscious awareness and the magnetic poles returning to zero degrees, let alone what our thoughts do to her, coupled with the fact that we don't work with the devas on mass and 'carry our own weight', as it were.
Double that with what the Nefilim are doing to her soul by ripping into her surface and extracting all kinds of things that can provide for the basis of the world's economy and "reality" as we know it and weaken and imbalance her further. The universe will cut her off if she becomes too much of a burden to the system with its various forms and energy frequencies. Each planet is connected to other plants and suns by lines of energy, effectively connecting the entire physical universe together.
We must work fast because the Nefilim are very much in control of humans and this planet at the moment, and plan to kill her. Many great souls have come to Earth through the ages, who just wanted to give humans a positive thought pattern to carry the Earth through the past two thousand years. Unfortunately the Nefilim twisted and distorted historic documents such as the Bible into the "ethical and moral" foundation of Western society. It has also served as a brilliant tool when all reference to re-incarnation was removed from the Bible in the 6th century AD.
This gave birth to the concept that if you didn't behave and live like a quiet little slave you would go to Hell when you died, and Heaven if you just followed the instructions throughout your life. In reality, Hell can be likened to returning to Earth for another lesson because you didn't spiritually evolve enough in the last lifetime, and Heaven can be likened to moving on to the higher realms of the universe's great wisdom, only to return to assist humans in their development. By convincing the Christian based Western society that the battle of Armaggeddon has been won, and that they will all evaporate into thin air "when the rapture comes" is just another way to make humans give up and wait, neglecting our duty to Mother Earth. How we have been misled, and still are.
The entire universe is energy, love energy to be exact. This energy ranges in frequency / vibration through many dimensions and physical matter is just a very low vibration. It is all one energy, just different manifestations of it. Communication between the higher vibrations is easy, but the connection between the higher vibrations and the physical universe requires a catalyst to help bridge and blend the powerful energy with anything from planets, galaxies, seasons, animals, us.The devas are the ones who spin up planets and suns, then less evolved devas do smaller jobs - triangles within triangles.
On planet Earth, human beings were designed to use their minds and inherent system of chakras to bridge this gap, thus maintaining Mother Earth. We are the guardians of the animals, trees, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.
How can we allow the Nefilim use us against our nature? Eating meat, dairy and any animal by-products will give you negative energy and bad karma.