Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 2 March 2007

Remote Viewing: Moon Tower

The blackness of space located, visualised and entered. The surface of the Moon loomed. Awareness soared across invisible. Undetected. A tall, straight tower structure stood. The ground around its base deserted. The structure explored. Long thin stem like compartments for stability. Metallic. No bare metal detected. A sense the tower resonated. A sentinel watching. Receiving & transmitting signals from deep space. From the surface of nearby Earth. To the base of the tower structure. An entrance. Through a door closed. No visible lock or door. A sense the door will slide. Into an inner podium. An identical door. Through into a large chamber like atrium. Deserted. A sense of detection. Lurking presence aware of frequency. Aware of consciousness. Many transcendant forms enter here.

A distraction then in awareness. Perhaps a deliberate red herring. A link with a 'new group mind?' Offers to the new addition to join. Recruitment? No way of discerning where the thoughts originated from. Thoughts in the mind from a source. Human? Alien? No malevolence. No clinical coldness. Friendliness in the telepathy. Almost like kinship? Origins a ship in orbit around Earth?

Refocus on internal structure of tower. Some vision of the outside through screens. No concept of height. Awareness remained at the base. Presences. Many presences then in the atrium area. Like drones. Robotics? Consciousness created for a purpose. Most with no awareness or feelings. Just programmed responses. Assigned to observe (earth?). To farm (again earth?). Aware then of a few in the numbers who've had 'experience' of sentient beings. Development of emotions and feelings in their consciousness. Seen as the more advanced of the group.

No sense at any time of any detection. No malevolence. Feeling though of being observed. Some power knew consciousness was remote viewing.