Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday, 10 March 2007

A Difficult Choice To Make

They are here, at the dawn of the new age, when the darkness is at its darkest
The wait on the periphery of our senses; the prepare for the salvation
the rescue of those living the ways of the universe; as selfless souls
The chosen who dedicate themselves to the saving of the sheep
without the need for ego satisfaction ...

The beings that observe and listen are peaceful and understanding
They stand in the beam of light sent to this universe
The vibrationary lifting wave of cosmic plasma which will correct the imbalance here
The beams of light from the central sun to the universes
The beings observe and know those they will save
The True Teachers; those souls willing to heal and teach those on lesser vibrations
Humbled to not take to heart any selflessness negative cast around them
Those of the human race attuned now as instruments to the hierarchy

When the silver ships descend, it will be they who will be saved
Plucked from the rising icy seas
Lifted from the lava fields
Saved from the toxic clouds of dust and smoke
It will be they

Not the ministers of god or the clueless politicians
Not they who ignorantly cling to their monetary possessions ...

Only they who value universal unconditional love
having transcended their selfish separate selves
And become the inner being
Thus ensuring their voice and their intentions match the universes wishes
It is they who will be lifted clear

If that is there wish
For they may choose to remain to sacrifice themselves to help those who remain ...
Thus the Children Of The One, of the hierarchy, it is a difficult choice to make