Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Monday, 30 April 2007
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says next solar storm cycle in March 2008
'The next 11-year cycle of solar storms will most likely start next March and peak in late 2011 or mid-2012—up to a year later than expected—according to a forecast issued by the NOAA Space Environment Center in coordination with an international panel of solar experts.'
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Engineers say World Trade Center collapse was planned
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Pilots spot giant UFOs over Channel Islands
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**What's New in May**
** Daily Merlin - weekly predictions **
** An introduction to Astrology & Astropsychology **
** The Ancient Gods**
**Illuminati Deceptions**
** Studies of astrological charts & planetary trends **
** More Question Me & biographical blog postings **
** Introductions to the Kabbalah (the tree of life) **
** Meditations **
** Sound Therapy **
The result of well-directed energy ....
The first rule of success,
and one that supersedes all others,
is to have energy.
It's important to know how to concentrate it.
You must focus your energy on important matters
instead of frittering it away on meaningless things.
Nothing will add more power to your life
than concentrating all of your energy on a limited set of goals.
You must focus the full power of all you are
on what you have a burning desire to achieve,
if you truly want success.
Gather in your resources,
rally all of your faculties,
marshall all of your energy,
focus all of your capacities upon attaining your objective.
You must be single minded,
and drive for the things you have decided upon.
Remembering what the legends say
The eyes of the universe are upon you in your tiny part of the world
Watch for the falling lights from the sky
Times of doom and great darkness approach
But there in the shadows of the great trees you are protected
the mighty winds will miss your haven
and though you gaze into the newly cut clearing,
know the air you breath shall be fresh
We cut a hole through to you from the corridor to our dimension
We come close, so close
We overlap with your space in times as this
you respond to our thoughts and we to yours
we sense there are dark times ahead
you feel no joy in your new adventure
We are one voice but we are a universe within that sound
a vibration that contains all of our existence
and the voice which precedes your individual voice is disharmonic
a sound piercing to our minds
but at the top of the scale are minds like yours ... receptive
organised and aware
an open book for the likes of ours
Easy to manipulate; easy to control
Many times we have come to you in many guises; in many words; in many images
your existence has changed on the outside but within you remain the rock
Your language and your perceptions limit our descriptions
thus we dispense thence with words and input images directly to your core
and bless you with a sense of other existences to prepare you for the time they walk freely around you
energising the air; raising the vibrations of the earth until a new land is born
But we warn you a darkness first walks amongst you
deceiving you and brainwashing you to destroy each other
it sees you as slaves; indeed as its puppets made from the soil which covers your world
DISCARD YOUR FORM and it has no more power over you
walk the earth as we do; pure thoughts; pure energy
many, many of you shall be freed
Much sadness shall come to your most ignorant voices
changes to come to alter the harmonics of your single voice and only then shall you all understand as one what has come
We understand you have lived through these times before
this process your mind describes as incarnation interests us
for in your mind we would be what you call immortal
On whims we can appear on worlds
and adopt any form we wish for our true nature is devoid of form
we are light; we are stars; we are universes; we are infinity
and the question you always ask ... the nature what lies beyond all of life
how existence was born from a time of nothing; how there can be nothing
something you cannot perceive nor can we ...
‘Tis an answer so few existences can know for it alludes the many
but know a state of nothing has never existed in our perception
but it must have been and we too are curious to that pursuit
A time of questions comes and a time of revealing
of faces in the air and of voices from nowhere
but beware ... all is not what it seems
For many, many agencies shall be in pursuit of your light
learn the means of being invisible and protect your light
for we understand you are powerful and useful
you are hybrid; part of a universal experiment
‘tis true your mind has been modified throughout your life
we can see the times as a child when agencies came to you
and scared you and revealed so much to you
You have been prepared
We know you as Ezra
In previous times you were a hired scribe; told what to write
and not permitted to speak of what you did feel
your talents were wasted then
We appeared in visions
and those visions have been mis-interpreted throughout human time
Only you know what it was you described
we suggest you remember what it was you saw
and re-write your account in the word you meant to write
You foresaw a holocaust
bright lights descending from the sky
a wind which tore flesh from the bone
a land ravaged by a mighty heat; the very earth turning to dust
the air too toxic to breathe
a real threat then about to return in the EXACT same places as then
but the pyramid’s eyes turn the masses attention away from those events
declaring your reports were falsehoods
for the atom has only been split in this civilisation they say
yet the earth in those valleys is too toxic to sustain life
how can this be if this is the greatest civilisation mankind has ever known?
Ever since the dawn of mankind we have visited this earth in our ships
but the mechanisms are nothing like you perceive
we hinted once to ye of the corridors between worlds
vast avenues which were shortcuts between galaxies and dimensions
this is real; so very real; along these corridors we come
what you sense are merely our thoughts
memories and echoes which were sent before ever there was man
back then you were one with us
but you left our consciousness through temptation ...
Like comets you flew into the blackness and formed worlds
and as the vibrations slowed then the physical planes were created
even then you failed to heed the councils warnings for those before you had fallen this way too
Thus you ‘explored’ these planes and became trapped too
but somehow we were able to continue our communications
you are able to hear the consciousness of our universe
and thus you realise the mission you undertake
you come to rescue the original ones
the hunt continues; the rescue is eternal in the minds of man
for as a diamond shatters and its pieces are brittle they keep separating and separating
the task of reconnecting those pieces is most certainly impossible
but those pieces slowly reconnect but know the complication faced ...
They must all reconnect in the correct order
The human voice is almost complete
all the pieces have nearly been fitted back together but the order is wrong
thus more upheavals must come to break certain strands
in order for the artists to skilfully rebuild those pieces
Understand ...
We have explained it in the most simplistic way we can
Know many forces within our ranks are aware of this
dark forces which gain much by our continued separation
once you were part of this dark intent for you failed to listen to the truth
thus you were doomed to the cycle of fate
all the many, many lives you have led from the fall; rising and rising then falling back to the start
Back to the beginning; back to the point again and again where you kept failing
Sadly you were a great concern; you still are as are all the chosen
Much can we say to you but it is time you recalled all those memories
and wrote them in them in forms mortals will understand
Keep hidden your highest identity for they will not like what you reveal otherwise
Give then the light they require
The coming of the end is upon them and they seek the lights in the darkness for wisdom and understanding
Many will flock to the lands at the bottom of the world for that is where our corridor exists
and we reach out to your world and pull the survivors there
Many will not survive in lands currently locked in ignorance
We attune the earth to the lifting change for we understand perfectly the energy you created
we cull the earth to begin the return
we pull the first part of the strand back to our mass; the last to arrive will be the first to leave
and the first to arrive shall be the last to leave
Write tales to widen their perception of what you call the other side
explain how it is still part of the vibration on which you reside
the two dimensions are so very close
There is not here; it is still not part of your real existence
it exists out of your limiting time frame but it is still part of your earth
A place of thoughts and memories and regrets
but there we offer a chance to return only to those who transcend the desire to be human
few return; many volunteer to remain when they realise the game
you were once at that point and you too chose to remain
as did many, many of the chosen
Looking ahead on the strands and fibres of this current ‘life’
you have the chance to achieve many, many things
but know the dark agencies currently seek you
they know you walk the earth
they know not where or who you are
but they can trace your individual voice and already they pull out fibres to ensnare you
and when they find you they will try to confuse you
they will be hospitable and helpful and accept your gifts with open arms
but be not foolhardy like many of the chosen who they have caught in this way
for they will not hesitate to make a puppet of you
they know of eternal life and know you will be bound to return
but they know there is so little time
they know we are on the horizon, about to return
and when we do there comes an end to mortal life
as the human consciousness shifts and lifts and raises above the frequency they can control
thus they plan to ensnare the likes of you
to act like a spanner in the workings
to hold up time
Be aware of this their intention and recall who you really are
assume dream control and become that which they fear the most
be that which the legends say you are and devour their energy
savour the taste of their fear and return it back as love
and we shall be on the end of those strands
ready to remind them of the truth they have denied
(end of transmission)
Together we are powerful ...
Your love holds my life steady
A bright white light in the confusion
which gives my life meaning and a purpose
Your presence here beside me,
gives me desire
and the passion we share,
a perpetual flame
which binds and protects our souls
Together we are powerful
We are light
We are love
We are one
and you give me everything
making me whole again
And I hope I give you the same
for you are the priceless treasure I found
that day when I went overboard
and thought I was drowning in that sea
But when I surfaced
You were there
and have been here ever since
Thank you, my love for sharing your life with me
And though the cold north wind blows
and ruffles our hair
I gaze to the horizon and know it is our future
We will survive the storm
and we will prosper
and we will remain together no matter what life throws our way
I love you
always have I and always will I
Migrating Shaman
A welcoming fire hides in the deeper recesses,
In a familiar world within the earth, away from that bitter world
And the Shaman sits in silent contemplation, cross-legged, beside that conflagration
His thoughts are distant; on the wings of the eagle; beyond the live-giver,
Connected is he with another world ...
“The Great Mother cries out to me in the night,
Soon I must leave behind this safe refuge deep within her craggy mountains;
I must venture cross this desperate lands,
Beyond the plains where no sight of the buffalo ever comes
Past the raging river who’s waters are tainted red with the heartless killings of the white man
Somehow I will gain safe passage through their cities of death and abomination
and venture to a new land; one where I can gain some time
For I know the end times are upon this sorry earth;
I have read the signs and know the fiery god comes
to crush the lands and burn the skies and redeem the mother of her burdens
For the dark ones must leave behind these lands.”
He can barely stand as he opens his eyes and waits for orientation to return
Human form is temporarily a mystery, he has forgotten
So far into the spirit lands did he fly,
and it was with regret he made his return, his kindred warriors urging him on
For he is the last of his kind, alone in this demon land
Charged by the spirits of the Elders to reach his goal
A distant land where the ancestors once lived in peace
A land once split by mighty upheaval, cast adrift on those molten seas
Coming to rest in a different ocean ... its treasures then hidden for ten thousand years
Now ready to be reclaimed by the chosen; over-run by a warlike race
A race reluctant to relinquish those magical lands
And he, The Eldritch Shaman, permits the spirits to see through his eyes
and fill his mind with their wisdom; surging realisations rocking his consciousness
And he becomes their tool, forced to disregard his life on a wanton vision quest
Charging him with total trust in their declarations
Thus he is now ready to make that journey, for he has nothing now; he cannot remain
Lest he die, poisoned by the toxins in the air, in the food, in the soil
He knows, with that perception, it is not that difficult a choice to make at all ...
“Great Spirit, protect me, lead me to that magical destination
Permit me to have the voice and the words that others will listen to
Allow me to be your tool there,
Lead your people to the success they deserve, through me
I am your servant, I ask only for a happy life
I ask for fulfilment and an ascension on the wheel
Grant me passage to the star worlds
For there are many souls there I wish to visit
Friends of mine I have not seen for so long
Ever since your impressions touched my spirit and I agreed to this mighty fall
I am your humble servant and I have done all that you ask so far,
I ask now that you grant me this wish in payment for all I have sacrificed for you”
Original Artwork 'Sarcen Magnetics' By Matthew James
Virtual revelations
I know from years of communication and contacts that what we perceive as 'the spirit world' is NOT the other side. It is a continuation of the virtual reality but on a higher vibration. A higher vibration with its own laws and attributes; one of which is the existence of physical forms that vibrate higher than here.
The true other side exists beyond this virtual reality. For the moments we are within this reality ... and it will be moments to our true selves outside of these constraints ... we are somehow made to forget our origins and our true persona's. Why? And how?
I grasp now the process of 'forgetting' and the memories of 'remembering'. I'm now curious having gained a degree of enlightenment if true enlightenment is connection with the other side beyond the virtual reality. All the new age mumbo jumbo about separating from the selfish separate self and linking with the higher or true self ... is that referring to linking with a part of our consciousness beyond this vibration but still within the virtual universe? Or is it the moment when a connection is made between here, in this virtual reality, and the true other side beyond the virtual reality?
I intend to continue this journey of discovery and unearth (or truly remember) these momentous realisations. It is after all within us all to know these facts. As we are all perfect replicas of the total hologram it means we have the answers in every cell and in every crevice of our DNA.
We can remember if we reprogram our consciousness to do so. We've been programmed somewhere along the line to forget our origins and the mighty truths which go with it .... did we volunteer to have this amnesia? Or is it forced upon us as we descend into the virtual game? How is the link made on the true other side? Is it like being linked to a computer terminal in 'The Matrix' ... as simple as that ... with the commencement of the game when we are 'born' as a baby? I think so ....
My research to date, over the last 36 years, has revealed some astonishing revelations. Revelations I am only now 'able' to discuss. They have remained dormant in my awareness for the best part of my life ... intentionally? But now the amnesia is lifting ... lifting ... lifting .... should this posting be at the very start of the blog ... or at the end??
Daily Merlin: Remote Viewing

Event 1: Four of Weapons & Three of Crescents. Card of recovery and of deserved rest. This card will pay dividends. The dream will NOT come true for a 'sea of blue'. Worthy opponents overcome them. Eight of weapons makes for the victor to have increased their advantage by one earlier to progress. A performance marked by a single minded 'star' on fire.
Event 2:... and 'gods' from the sea of blue to lift the sleeping babe (Prime of crescents) or is that just someone's dream because in the world of reflection a marching red stain appears to have been victorious (again) because the garden already bears blows of that colour.
Three stars in the heavens in the north oppose one in the south ...
Deep Delta
Voice 2: 100 - 50% Volume: 0.3Hz
Voice 3: 50 - 100% Volume: 0.9 - 0 - 0.9Hz
Background: Babbling Brook: 25 - 50 - 25% Volume
Length: 1
Repeat: 2000
Mildly hypnotic. Relaxing. Releases growth hormones. Vital calming effect. Background is soothing ...mantra-like 'ur-a-ne-eta' ...
Lulu Amela & the black headed ones
So, the identity of the Biblical 'God' to mankind is the Anunnaki ENKI. He is the entity responsible for the creation of Home Sapiens. He created us as Primitive Workers to make it easier for the Annunaki to mine the gold which was required to stabilise the atmosphere on Nibiru.
The Atra-Hasis text and other 'creation of man' texts outline it. I've already outlined the basic story in the posting 'Anunnaki'.
But what these discovered texts outline in amazing detail is the tale of genetic engineering of Homo Sapiens. To achieve this feat Enki suggested that a 'being which already exists' - Apewoman - be used to create the Lulu Amelu (The Mixed Worker) by binding upon the lesser evolved beings 'the mould of the gods'.
The Anunnaki Sud purified the 'essence' of a young male Anunnaki; she mixed it into the egg of the Apewoman. The fertilized egg was then implanted in the womb of a female Anunnaki, for the required period of pregnancy. When the 'mixed creature' was born, Sud lifted him up and shouted 'I have created! My hands have made it!'
The Primitive Worker - Lulu Amela - Homo Sapiens - had come into being. This took place some 300,000 years ago through a feat of genetic engineering and embryo-implantation techniques which mankind itself is beginning to employ.
There has without doubt been a long process of evolution; the Anunnaki having taken a hand in the process and basically jumping the gun in the process, creating us sooner than we might have evolved on our own!
This feat required that the Anunnaki had considerable trial and error to achieve the desired 'perfect specimen' of the Primitive Worker. But once it was achieved, a mass-production process was launched with fourteen 'birth goddesses' at a time being implanted with the genetically manipulated Ape Woman eggs. There were seven to bear males and seven to bear female workers. As soon as the 'workers' grew up, they were put to task in the mines; and then as their numbers grew, they assumed more and more of the physical chores.
Soon the workers, known as 'the black headed ones' began to perform tasks in the mines and above ground. Here they 'bore the work and suffered the toil'; 'with picks and spades they built 'gods' houses, they built the big canal banks; food they grew for the sustenance of the gods'.
You see ... the gods ... the Anunnaki ... were of physical flesh and bone just like humans. They were not metaphysical. They were just a more advanced intelligence than mankind ... and a slightly malevolent one at that!
Eventually, the toll must have begun to pay on the young Anunnaki female 'birth goddesses'. So it was that Enki contrived to give the new creatures one more genetic 'twist'; thus granting to the sterile hybrids, the ability to have offspring - the sexual 'knowing' for having children. 'The Original Sin'!
And when Enlil discovered this further genetically engineered modification by Enlil, he ordered the expulsion of Homo Sapiens ('The Adam') from the E.DIN ('The Abode of the righteous ones'). So no longer confined to the settlements of the Anunnaki, Homo Sapien man began to roam the earth; and start to mingle with the other humanoid races which populated the planet at that time.
Pagan heritage

And so, the god of the overwhelmed faith is portrayed as a 'Devil' in by the victors. This was the precise methods exercised by Christianity against Wicca when it rose to Inquisitional Supremacy; and with practitioners of the Wiccan Way keeping very much to themselves, most of what we know about 'witchcraft' comes from strategically contrived Christian propaganda.
The most visible aspects of old pagan lore were the regular festivals. However, no matter what steps the church took to overawe and suppress the festivals, it was the destiny of the festivals to persist and in doing so remained visible and popular. In order to cope with this, the bishops hit upon the clever plan of upsurging these festivals by superimposing their own self-styled calendar; to the extent that today we still celebrate many of the important days of ancient Wiccan & Pagan lore without necessarily being aware of it.
Similarly, the emblems of pre-Christian heritage are still very much apparent: the holly, ivy, mistletoe, robins, pine cones and tree decorations of christmas; Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets, flowers and hot cross buns ... all emanate from their pagan originals.
Source: 'Realm Of The Ring Lords' by Laurence Gardiner
… With concrete on their mind
By David Icke
”The Skeptics Society is a forum for concrete psyches ‘devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs’. To speak to them would be like talking to a wall and I have one in front of me that I can use without any need to travel.
People say it’s good to be skeptical, or sceptical as we spell the word in
Look at that line again about the Skeptics Society: ‘… devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs’. Who decides what is pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational belief? They do, from their fixed belief in how things are. I have met a number of these people and many are utterly desperate to find ways of dismissing anything that is different to the norms that they slavishly worship.”
Well said David! I couldn't have put it better myself; and I couldn’t agree more having experienced the brunt of the stubborn minded sceptics myself. Having been a ‘Medium’ and a ‘Clairvoyant’ brought the sceptics out of the wood work at the venues I’ve attended throughout the North West & Midlands of the
What is Wi-Fi?
Is Wi-Fi bad for your health?
The argument about Wi-Fi causing health problems is rumbling on, with the news that part of London has been fitted with a new network reigniting discussions about the prudence of installation while long-term repercussions have yet to be ascertained.
Wi-Fi networks are proliferating across the UK, with many coffee shops, universities and homes now able to take advantage of a technology that allows connectivity without a cumbersome wire trailing from the device to a phone or broadband socket.
The fears about the technology are similar to those being expressed about mobile phones – although in radiation terms the amount received from a wireless network is a significant amount less than from a single mobile – simply because they are designed to operate over much smaller areas.
The Independent on Sunday suggest that 1.6 million Wi-Fi units have been sold in the past 18 months, with Internet Service Providers such as BT, Sky and AOL all including wireless in their options. The increased numbers of wireless devices mean that people are becoming less and less tolerant of being without a connection and cities such as Norwich and now part of London now have major coverage networks.
What seems to concern many people is the lack of a major study into the effects of the Wi-Fi networks.
The Professional Association of Teachers has written to Education secretary Alan Johnston to ask for an enquiry to be mounted, as a growing number of pressure groups lobby for action.
"We believe that the level of publicly-funded research into the effects of microwave emissions falls short of an adequate programme into an area where public health implications should be regularly reviewed," read the report. "We recommend that the Government ensures a higher priority is given to a research programme into the health impacts of mobile phones. The public health aspects of new technologies should be incorporated into the Foresight Programme."
An Insight Into 'Readings'
That is a difficult one! There's been so many over the years. But what springs to mind is when I did a stint on 'Dial-A-Medium in Manchester. It was one of these phone line reading scams. However, I approached the whole thing naively and totally honestly. All the other 'readers' were just saying anything to keep folk on the line. But not me. As soon as the red light came on the box & I knew I was 'on air', I would turn the cards and give what I could see and hear. What made it especially difficult was the fact there was no voice on the end of a phone! I just had a red light to let me know someone had phoned in and I had to speak through a microphone. Impossible you would say! How can you give information when you don't even had a voice link? I did it! And very accurately. I insisted that everyone sent their thoughts to me and concentrated. I would then turn the cards; get a mental image of the person and speak. I received the perfect proof one afternoon. Unbeknown to me a close friend decided to ring up Dial-A-Medium. I received an 'inkling' this particular afternoon that I knew who was on the line; so I kept a note of the time the light came on and the time when the light went off. I also noted down what I'd said. It was about a week later when I next saw my close friend. The first thing I did was ask if she'd used Dial-A-Medium? On the date and at the time I'd gleaned she'd been on the line. She could only nod in surprise. My hunch had been correct. Even down to what I'd picked up as the mental link and the information I gave her.
What then is the most satisfying reading you've ever done?
Again a difficult question. There are many. But the ones which spring to mind are the time I did a venue in Warrington Uk and I told a client, Sharon', that was going to asked to travel down to London visit a friend who'd just moved down there. I warned her she was not to go on the weekend she was invited, but change it to another weekend. Months later I revisited the same venue and was greeted by 'Sharon' and her Mum. At the time I gave her the reading she didn't know a friend down in London, so she couldn't take the information. But weeks later her close friend did move down to London. Her friend then invited her to visit her one weekend. 'Sharon's Mum remembered my warning and told her to rearrange the weekend visit. Good thing she did! The weekend she was asked to visit her friend was the weekend when there was a train crash at one of the London stations. The very station she would have used, as she would have gone down by train!!
CCTV, computers and the 'climate of fear'
Mr Thomas, who three years ago warned that Britain is "sleepwalking into a surveillance society", argues that his fears may have already been realised. He believes that excessive monitoring of personal information has not only damaged the rights of individuals but has also undermined society as a whole.
He will present the evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee, which is conducting an inquiry into the issue. Mr Thomas will demand new powers from the Government to protect individuals' privacy.
The UK has 20 per cent of the world's CCTV cameras, with 4.2million watching our every move - one for every 14 people.
Gareth Crossman, of the civil rights organisation Liberty, said yesterday: "Our details are held and shared not because we are under suspicion now but because we might be one day. At this rate, future generations will neither enjoy nor understand the concept of privacy"
Sunday, 29 April 2007
And the flame keeps burning ...

The weekly report from Sitemeter confirms the continued good news that A Light In The Darkness still has a bright flame. The weekly traffic is around 12% down on last week; but the average time is up slightly by 5%. It is pleasing report. But, there is still room for vast improvement, which will be made. "A good vintage wine takes time to develop" .... time will tell!
Beauty is within ...

People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.
Delta 0.3Hz
Preparing for my 'beauty sleep' very nicely with mind wave set at 0.3Hz playing through speakers; lulled into a hypnotic momentum with the sound of a bubbling brook ...
Alien skulls?
Of course it’s possible that there are rational explanations for these anomalous discoveries. Some researchers for example have proposed that the skulls may be illustrations of ancient cultural traditions, while others suggest that some can be attributed to specific medical conditions.
However, a growing number of researchers support the theory that man’s evolution could be the result of genetic engineering by extraterrestrial cultures (alien intervention theory), and believe that at least some of the skulls could offer DNA evidence of such alien contact.
These alternative theories, along with related research into the origins of these skulls, are slowly beginning to challenge the mainstream scientific paradigm regarding human evolution, and are drawing attention to our lack of knowledge about what occurred in humanity’s distant past.
Read the rest of the article here....
Me and my new shadow
The Anunnaki were the builders of the Great Pyramids

The Southern line of the Landing Corridor was a line connecting Ararat with the highest peak in the Sinai Peninsula, the Harsag (Mt St Katherine) and its twin, the slightly lower Mount Moses.
The Northern line of the Landing Corridor was a line extending from Ararat through the pre-deluge landing platform construction at Baalbek, and continuing into Egypt. There the terrain was too flat to offer any natural landmarks, and so it was that the Anunnaki proceeded to build the artificial peaks of the two Great Pyramids at Giza.
In order to erect an anchor to the pattern, an east to west imaginary line was conceived by the Anunnaki in their space sciences. They arbitrarily divided the skies which enveloped the Earth into three bands or 'ways'. The northern band was the 'Way Of Enlil'; the southern band was the 'Way of Enki' and the central band was the 'Way of Anu'. Seperating them were the lines which are known as the 30th parallel north and the 30th parallel south.
The 30th parallel north appears to have been of particular 'sacred' significance. Holy cities from ancient times have been located on it. It was chosen to be the line on which the great pyramids were to be built, and also the line which would indicate, in the Sinai's central plain, the site of the Anunnaki Spaceport. A line in the precise middle of the Landing Corridor, the Landing Path was lead to the exact location of the Spaceport on the 30th parallel.
This is how it has been assumed that the Landing Grid was laid out; how the size of the Spaceport was marked off, and how the great pyramids of Giza came into being.
The three pyramids of Giza would have been constructed by first erecting the smaller Third pyramid as a scale model. Then, in keeping with the preference for twin-peaked focal points, the two large pyramids were erected.
Source: 'The Wars Of Gods And Men' by Zecharia Sitchin
Temporary status
It's been given 'temporary status' until I create the masterpiece I really want there ...
I've tweaked the appearance more too. Changed the blue background ...

Monarch of the golden age

The Path Of Heh ...
Wandering through the fearsome Abyss ...
‘Son Of The Morning’ ... a misconstrued, misplaced name,
Referring to The Morning Star ...
The original light bearer ....
Here is where I laugh ... and I smile
I chose instead to step back ... and permit the archetypal conditioning to fall like a cloak
And the monarch ... no, that is not I ...
So, now ... my entire perception of the mysterious open window has changed
In a moment the billowing mists dissolve
I am now the simple man and I am remembering the plan ... the plan of life.
The Path Of Heh is said to be ‘the substance of creation in pure darkness’
All around me is the light
Well beyond the conceptual world of man
I stand on the breach ... at the entrance to the abyss
Magister Templi

It stirs insight and emotion ...
As the gazes at the image of the tree,
Its countenance ... a mixture of Sephiroth and paths
Like a comet he sees himself emblazoned across those shores
In his reality ....
Along those pathways ... through time, all the many lives
He’s wandered, sweating and toiling through all the experiences
Until that time he came to a void
Until he came to the boundless passage of the abyss
It is there he made his home
Slightly above the thinking of incarnate man
As an adept ... choosing the times to incarnate
To aid fellow travellers when it was his time to be human
Hidden within the throngs ... is he
Appearing as them within them
Experiencing again ... this addiction
Magister Templi ... walker between worlds
‘Inner Planes Adept’ on earth
Obscure face ... hidden life
Observing them all around him
Aiding the human vibration ... with presence.
No man shall ever know
Few humans shall ever comprehend
For he comes from a vibration higher than the known
Yet ... he appears just like they .... deceiving them.
But that is his best defence ...
Quakes shake North Island
A new earthquake has been recorded at Matata, New Zealand. It measured 3.8 on the Richter scale, and was felt at 9.49 last night throughout the central Bay of Plenty.
The shake was centred within five kilometres of Matata, at a focal depth of five kilometres. Earlier a moderate earthquake was felt in the Wanganui area. It struck at 6.29 last evening and measured 4.2 on the Richter scale. It was located 20 kilometres south of the city, at a depth of 15 kilometres.
Earthquake shakes Britain
The largest earthquake to hit Britain for 10 years struck large parts of England and Wales today, triggering at least one aftershock. The quake, which measured 4.8 on the Richter scale, hit at 12.54am. The aftershock, which measured 2.7, struck at 4.32am.
Both tremors had their epicentres "right under the city of Birmingham" and people as far apart as south and west Wales, Northamptonshire, south Yorkshire and Oxfordshire felt the main quake, which shook homes, broke windows and set off alarms.
Emergency services across the region were deluged with calls, but there were no reports of serious injury.
Glenn Ford of the British Geological Survey (BGS) said the earthquake reached 4.8 on the Richter scale.
"It's an extremely large earthquake in UK terms but not large in world terms - we'd only classify it as a light earthquake. This would have been right under the city of Birmingham itself and we've already had reports of the fire brigade being called out to fallen chimneys."
The earthquake would have lasted for at least 10-15 seconds, he said.
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The vibrational veil
The key to lifting this "veil from the face of the serpent" is a sound frequency that disrobes the illusion of human form to reveal their reptilian nature. It resonates a vibration that prevents them from holding their 'human' cover.
Source: "Tales From The Time Warp" By David Icke
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Meeting their masters
A reason for the Illuminati obsession with rituals is to permit Reptilians and similar entities from other dimensions to manifest before them. Some researchers suggest that the Reptilian faction behind the Illuminati was banished from the surface of the Earth and this five-sense reality by closing the interdimensional 'portals', which allowed them to move into this reality or density very easily. These portals are vortex points on the Earth where dimensions connect and these are often the places held most sacred by the ancients. The portals are similar in theme, if not detail, to the one featured in the film Stargate, the story of an ancient Egyptian people controlled by high-tech, extraterrestrial 'gods'.
In their rituals, the Satanists summon the manipulating entities into their presence by creating the vibrational 'doorways' that allow them to manifest. Words, colours and symbols all vibrate energy and the secret rituals use the combinations that have the required vibrational effect. Researcher Alan Walton writes: "Some claim that the Crowley and Satanic rituals and Montauk projects have been very useful to them in ... tearing holes in the fabric of space-time that separates our dimension from theirs."!
As the Emerald Tablets say: "Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open, at times, to the world" and "Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said." (Illuminati rituals to open the 'stargates'); "Again as time passes onward, shall they take the semblance of men" (which they have).
This theme of sealing the portals might be described in the Bible's Book of Revelation, which clearly describes the 'Devil' or 'Satan' in reptilian terms. It tells of St Michael, an ancient Sumerian/Phoenician deity, defeating the dragon:
"And the great dragon was cast down. the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to Earth and his angels were cast down with him.
" ... And he laid hold on the dragon. the old serpent. which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and cast him into the abyss. and shut it. and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more."
This could also relate to being condemned to live in the inner-Earth.
Source: 'Tales From The Time Warp' by David Icke
Hellraiser IV - Bush Cenobite - Even More Hell On Earth

Lip Reading Surveillance Cameras To Stop Terror

Electronic Design is reporting that the Home Office is interested in a project being pursued by a senior lecturer in computer vision at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England.'
Contrails or chemtrails and freak weather
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Creating 'reality'