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Monday 30 April 2007

… With concrete on their mind

By David Icke

The Skeptics Society is a forum for concrete psyches ‘devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs’. To speak to them would be like talking to a wall and I have one in front of me that I can use without any need to travel.

People say it’s good to be skeptical, or sceptical as we spell the word in Britain, but it isn’t. It is good to question and research, but that’s not the same as being sceptical. A sceptic is someone who comes from a fixed position and then filters all evidence to the contrary, and the main method is by always finding another explanation for something, no matter how far fetched and ludicrous. By finding another means of explaining away something that challenges their fixed position, they can maintain the fixed position; and that’s the whole idea of the exercise: defending their belief. It is irrelevant if the explanation they come with up is not valid — they never bother to research that. So long as they can find something, anything, that’s enough to preserve the perception.

Look at that line again about the Skeptics Society: ‘… devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs’. Who decides what is pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational belief? They do, from their fixed belief in how things are. I have met a number of these people and many are utterly desperate to find ways of dismissing anything that is different to the norms that they slavishly worship.”

Well said David! I couldn't have put it better myself; and I couldn’t agree more having experienced the brunt of the stubborn minded sceptics myself. Having been a ‘Medium’ and a ‘Clairvoyant’ brought the sceptics out of the wood work at the venues I’ve attended throughout the North West & Midlands of the
UK. They are the first to dismiss your claims; the first to try to influence the genuinely interested souls who would visit the venues. No matter what ‘proof’ you offer them … they always come up with total unprovable bollocks as the foundations for their skepticism. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of the years. But mind you, I’ve also quite proud of having ‘converted’ a number in my time to the way of the Occult. But that can only take place under exceptional cases (for example a poor young guy in Warrington who sat down before me and admitted he was a sceptic and wanted ‘proof’. I immediately pulled through his closest friend from the ‘other side’ and related to him the friend’s untimely death in a motorbike accident and also their pact that whoever went over first would come back and let the other know they were still ‘there’. The poor guy’s face dropped and he shook my hand, admitting I’d proven it to him!)

Sceptics are the scourge of the world. They seem to question and dismiss anything and everything. They are the morons of the 'scientific world'. They use very little scientific basis for their disarmament of the proof they are offered; always changing the goal posts to make it impossible for you to comply to their ‘experimentation’.

Sceptics, however, are often highly skilled in tying up their opponents in clever verbal knots. Any argument with them usually ends up with you feeling exasperated and feeling you’ve been bamboozled. I know it because I’ve been there so many times. In the end I just usually shut up and let them think they have won; I find the niche where my conversations and my insight are appreciated and let the sceptic think the world is how he or she perceives it!

One 'famous' sceptic is none other than a former Occult Magician ... James Randi. His 'One Million Pound' challenge to 'prove' paranormal activity is about the biggest con still going ...The Win A Million Pounds Con..... I know of old friends who have fantastic genuine 'paranormal' skills who've pitched themselves against this moron. Prior to the 'real thing' they were able to practice the 'test' and succeeded seven times out of ten. But then ... the time of the real test and it is IMPOSSIBLE. The object they were told to move (this was one of the tests nearly 15 years ago) was GLUED DOWN so they would fail!! One friend discovered this months later and threatened to sue the moron (fact). Needless to say he slimed his way out of the con. To date nobody has claimed the prize AS NOBODY IS MEANT TO OR WILL BE ABLE TO. It is the ultimate depth that sceptics resort to in order to prove they are right. He is part of the 'official' word that paranormal ability doesn't exist!