Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 6 April 2007

The Astral World: another virtual reality level

The astral body moves out of the physical body during sleep and travels to many places. However, there is always a link to the physical body, even during sleep. In other words, the consciousness drives the astral body from the home station of the physical body.The consciousness does not need sleep - only the physical body needs sleep. Generally, in this Virtual Reality, when a person dies and sheds his or her physical body, the astral body goes to the astral world. It is at this time that the "soul" leaves the physical body and thereafter resides in the astral body of the deceased. The astral world has its own "natural laws". For instance, a person can travel or change his or her appearance at will in the astral world. Once a person enters the astral world after physical death, he or she will eventually enter into a deep "sleep", after which the being resumes a new life in the astral world. Note that this is not the normal, "day-to-day" sleep of the astral world. It is a sleep whereby the new arrivals are stripped of much of their knowledge acquired throughout their physical lifetimes, and during which they are also programmed with false memories and various types of programming - "brainwashing". After they have gone through the initial programming, the new arrivals "awaken" and begin their conscious lives in the astral world. Once "awakened", the new arrivals receive further tuition in the halls of learning, which are really programming centres. The majority of the residents of the astral world are oblivious to the ugly truth behind the workings of the astral world virtual reality, because they have been fed with untruth. Even the sincere ones are convinced that they are helping others by promoting what they have been told is good for themselves and others in the astral world.

Astral beings, like physical beings, require sleep from time to time. However, very few of the astral residents are even aware that they require sleep because the type of sleep that exists in the astral world is very foreign to the process of sleep in the physical world. Therefore, the astral residents often mistakenly believe that they never need to sleep except upon their early days of arrival in the astral world. Their explanation is that until the new arrivals are adjusted to going without sleep they will think that they need to sleep. Many people think that the astral world is heaven, which is far from being true. The astral world is yet another virtual reality within the Virtual Reality. After astral beings have been programmed and encouraged enough by others in the astral world, they begin to accept the situation as normal. The astral world is even more of a programming centre than the physical world. The so-called higher masters of the astral world are usually Anunnaki agents of Darkness. Amongst the programming in the astral world is a programme to mask the truth and allow the residents to artificially feel that they are happy and free. This is similar to giving a depressed person an anti-depressant medication. In other words, the astral beings are all "drugged" to the extent that they are nearly oblivious to the deceptions in which they exist. Everything looks clean and pure in the higher astral worlds, but this is only illusional. Things in the astral world are at least as deceptive as they are in the physical world.