What is 'sacred space'?

If humans dedicate and define a zone, a location, something remarkable happens within that defined sphere of consciousness and energy. The space will interact and communicate. This is in keeping with ancient traditions of the seer or seeress communing with the land ...
The land, any immediate locality, enlivened by consciousness and energy flowing out from within ourselves ... is attuned to (the) six directions - east, south, west, north, above and below. There is a seventh direction, that of within; within ourselves. This is the one direction which cannot be conscious in the land; for within each human being is the ultimate spiritual seed which brings the land to full consciousness.
The most obvious Sacred Space is your own body, the manifestation of all that you are within this virtual reality. When this is aligned and attuned to a dedicated zone or physical location, the attuned realities [yourself and the sacred space] can interact.
Source: R.J.Stewart 'The way Of Merlin"
My Own 'Sacred Space'
Wherever I write, muse, meditate, communicate I will always form a 'sacred space'. A zone I feel protected in; and at ease in. Whether it is the room of a house; the interior of a car; beneath a copse of trees outside ... I will always evoke a sacred space. I see it as defining a 'work space' or 'an intention'. In its simplest form I visualise a circle or band of energy around the area I am using as the sacred space. Much like the magician's circle I visualise it as a line which much not be crossed by stray thoughts or stray entities. It is a technique I first developed around twenty years ago as a 'form of protection' and as a 'focus' for energies. It developed, as a side track, that often when I created a sacred space and drew in my will to communicate or meditate I would often form a 'portal' within the sacred space between this level of awareness and others; usually those I was accessing at the time.
Having just recently moved property, and once more residing in another rumpus-like room with unknown energies and unknown presences, I find it necessary to set up a sacred space in order to recreate the energy levels and frequencies which I have been accustomed to, enabling me to be still within and able to communicate with known frequency levels. No doubt another portal shall be created here; communion with the land at my feet will also occur ... which is another reason for sacred spaces. Through this it is possible to tap into the consciousness of the land and understand past histories of the space I am sitting in.