Choosing a known tarot deck to I, the mediator, I enter this hallowed space and define this order through the perfection of chaos. I express now that which the physical pictographic images reveal; because they respond to the will of the puppeter who pulls this sparks strings ...
Watching this world go by; seeing the dreams of others made into reality on those cruel seas. Together in the sense of failure; together in the collected inability to achieve what appears to come to others so easily and so readily; without realising the magnetics are wrong; change the compass heading of the boats out to sea; change the garments of fear worn; discover the basics to the dreams of others and use them too.
Know previous hostilities still shape; still influence decisions and drives. Programmed minds are the hardest to change; adapt the surroundings to the mould. Harness the aggression and the regret and the sorrow and the despair. Use it as weaponry. Make weakness strength and focus it on a different horizon.
Work together not against; learn to accept the views and weaknesses of each other; fuse it all together and make one. In its current state the two halves do not combine. The square and the circle only compete. They must become a complete whole; an entity equal to the number one.
Be aware of the mystery of the child of the power of the waters for it is the tides which hold you back; they take you against your flow; away from where you wish to be. Accept this, do not fight this for it can only compound the problems. Experience truly the boundaries of this path; accept the images of containment and enclosure which abound you now. Overcome the feelings of waiting; the brooding which comes with this. Thy chariot will again be made ready to steer ye, away from this doom. But only when the fullest power of this intelligence is felt and the hidden senses that dwell in its shadow are met. Accept that here lies the once and the future monarch; but where does that kingdom lie?
Overcome too the oppressive demands of duty and reconnect with the demands of self. Break down that programmed barrier to overcome this most dreary of rituals. Know a council is in waiting; is watching the every move. That which has been created; handed down and signalled is alive and well. Its signature alive in every electron of the scenery before you.
Incredible powers are at hand, but lie stagnant. Present circumstances hinder as the chariot tacks the wrong course in difficult seas. Adjustments have to be made in physical circumstances before the time of endurance can be overcome. Life in its present form cannot remain. These powers must course through into the physical plane. Those watching will make this take place before long with unpredictable outcomes. Patient they watch, willing the participants to make those changes by their own freewill to permit circumstances that will be more acceptable to them. Nothing is lost; they have only been deprieved of what should rightfully be in their environment.