There appears to have been a long battle in many parts of the galaxy between the blond-haired, blue-eyed 'Nordics' of Lyra: the Pleiades: Aldebaran and elsewhere, and factions of a reptilian race based in the constellations of Draco and Orion and within the Sirius network. It is possible that at least some of the reptilians originated on the Earth and were driven out; or literally forced underground at some point by the 'Nordics'.

Crossbreeding between the serpent race and the white race is said to have began on Mars before it was destroyed by a cataclysm. The reptilians ans the Nordics fought on Mars and crossbreeding took place there before they moved to earth. The reptilians have followed the Nordics around the galaxy for aeons because te blood of blond-haired, blue-eyed people is very important to them.

Modern UFO research has suggested that three extra-terrestrial groups fundamentally involved with life on this planet are the Nordics, reptilians and greys: with an insectoid like race also involved somewhere in this. The reptilians are believed to control the greys, who are also a reptilian form, and these groups have an alliance with a faction of the tall blond Nordics (so called because of their likeness to the Scandinavian race, though much taller).
Whatever peoples views are on the extra-terrestrial connection, one thing is for sure, the ruling bloodline of Sumer and its empire were very tall, Ayran types with blond hair and blue eyes, and throughout the same empire there was veneration of Serpent Gods. That cannot be just coincidence.
Source: David Icke 'Children Of The Matrix P87 & 88