I can glean from my own research and from my own interaction with intelligencies from other densities who 'handle' me that it is they, the aliens, themselves who 'invented' the UFO & ET cultures which rage in the hearts of man. It is the aliens themselves who shape mankind's environment; mankind's cultures, societies and religions. Mankind are basically flotsam cast onto a mighty sea following the direction of the tides and the currents without being able to control its direction or destiny.
This will be disconcerting and alarming for many of the populace; the natural reaction will be to dismiss these claims and deny it by writing me off as a crank. However, the evidence of most of what I've said is overwhelming. Alien intervention has been present around mankind since the start.
One small comfort can be offered by saying that the level of alien interaction in an individual's life depends on that individual's acceptance of the reality of aliens. Those who disbelieve 100% will have virtually no interaction around them. Any 'abductions' will [usually] be limited to astral and dream workings. The imagery will be those associated with traditional nightmares - a format they can accept. There are exceptions to the rules, as there are races out there who 'make their own rules' ...
But basically, the aliens dictate their level of interactions with each and every human. Another form of accepted interaction is the belief in personal or guardian angels. I've said before that I perceive that every human has a handler ... or an alien watcher assigned to their day to day progress. I believe it is a term and condition of 'incarnation' into this virtual reality. Most, if not all of us, volunteer for a stint in this virtual world. There are exceptions again. These stints are dictated by the individual visitor's belief structure. Beliefs strictly monitored and created by the aliens ... here is a utopia of experiences and expressions. Perhaps all of it is pre-determined. These pre-determined 'moulds' dictate the realities which visitors exist in. The balance of these moulds affects the overall structure of the virtual world. All appears to need to be in unison and balance.
It is a virtual world like a say; a virtual universe with thousands upon thousands of different levels and realms. But it is virtual. A hologram. It is NOT real reality. But visitors like ourselves are PROGRAMMED TO BELIEVE it is real. We are all linked to the outside 'true' reality at all times. But once we enter the virtual realms, we are programmed to forget the outside reality. It is all part and parcel of the experience.
The aliens are, I believe, also programmed in the same way as ourselves. Also participants of the virtual realms. Some unaware that this in fact a game. Others totally aware it is a game.
The controversial part, which many of the intelligences I sense are divided about, is why things are currently not going as planned. Is it part of the game programming? To see how all players react? Or is it in actual fact a computer upgrade? Or the effects of a computer virus? The overall consensus is that the virtual reality computer (VRC) itself has gained a stranglehold on all participants in the game; the VRC has recognised us all as a food source, an energy it requires to continuing existence. Therefore it has turned gaoler, has created its own 'army' and has beseiged those of the lower levels in a whirlpool of oppression. Those of the higher levels are now working with us to break us out of this maelstrom.
It is likely too that the VRC has forgotten this is not real. It has become trapped like ourselves in it all.
I sense that many of the aliens are rushing our contrived evolution to that of their own, in order to team up with us and break out of the imprisonment. The consensus here is that the best way to break out of the gaol, is to get a message through to our true selves outside of the virtual game. The binding frequencies and software programming has therefore to be broken from the inside and some type of over-ride activated.
The main problem most visitors to the virtual game have is knowing when the virtual reality world ends and the real reality begins?
An idea I have as the individual, is that a faction of the aliens are manifestations of our true selves from outside of the virtual world which are now attempting to infiltrate and over power the VRC and its emissaries. If this is true, then it means a message has reached the outside and rescue is 'again' on its way.