Forever the eternal optimist. Plodding on regardless is the English way. Smiling in the face of adversity (and brushing the crumbs under the carpet in the process), I have elected to continue with A Light In The Darkness. Things can only get better. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems. The cliches. They are endless for a situation like this. Cash strapped but knowledge-rich,
I sit amid an etheric haze of cognitive contemplation. Trying to use my strength of will to forage a path through this darkness. For us all. Not just me. I realised long ago that it is a group effort here in this virtual world. We are all linked and we all influence each other. Our actions are the domino effect in other people's lives. Everything is as a response to the actions and reactions of others. But I ceased being careful. You cannot live your virtual life worrying about your every thought and your every deed. It's a definite realm of c'est la vie. Inevitability. Facts of life. It's crazy but that's the way it is. However, I'm not ceasing the thinking, even though thoughts are the most powerful form of energy in this realm. I think constantly. I ponder constantly. Like most of us faced with adversity. It is a major frustration, but I will overcome it. I always do. My resolve is of rubber, knocked down and it bounces back up again. Thorn is a perfect talisman at this moment. I'm focussing on our own personal issues which truly need resolving. I don't acknowledge the popular New Age programming of 'karma' but our situation is rather 'dire'. Rather otherworld at the moment. So very few options are left....We stand on a shoreline and ahead of us is a wonderful clear expanse of sand. However, we know we cannot escape by crossing that expanse....We just know by bitter experience that visual wonder is a hidden peril. Quicksand! The thing is ....we can't turn back because there is quick sand there too ... our passage through by way of outcrops of bed rock which were sticking out above the quicksand. We cannot go back....The tide is coming in and it is behind us! Ahead is the only way ... but the rock outcrops have run out. So we are stuck in a real predicament. And it seems all I can do is look beyond our square ..... and witness the world of man beyond with all its bloodshed and its conspiracies. Seemingly I care less about our situation..... but it is not the case. I am under the programming of something much greater than me. I always have been. It has always dominated my moves .... there in the background. Now .... that it has us trapped in this desperate cul-de-sac ... it looms close ... and tries to make me aware of the much bigger picture. It is tempering my thoughts ... creating the imagery of the helicopter and the rope ladder in my mind and asking me to focus on that rescue.... the impossible. The seeming impossible. I've not been let down before ... usually at the 11th hour rescue comes. But it is now 11.59 and 55 seconds and no hope has arrived. Already the tide as up to our middles and I can't seem to focus on the image I am meant to. Without concentrating my will and focussing ... I won't get the image in my mind. I won't think it ... my thoughts of rescue won't be there ... and we will drown. But my will is failing and my focus is poor at this moment. All my disciplines of meditation and mind clearing are not there. I've forgotten. I once could clear my mind of every thought and sit in blissful nothingness indefinitely. Now I'm lucky if I get five minutes. Meditation is difficult there days. I'm stressed out. So how can I be expected to be the advanced Magician and visualise the impossible escape? A Light In The Darkness is the open doorway which appeared when I began trying. I'd always intended putting my arts, my experiences and my philosophy 'out there' sometime. But no time was ever right. I was always 'awaiting the signal'. Always putting it off. Then out of the blue an intelligence urged me to begin a blog. Call it 'A Light In The Darkness, after all you started a series of prosody and biographical semantics under that title fifteen years ago.' That was the tiny melting piece of snow. The snow ball has started to roll. But seemingly it is not on a slope anymore. Not a downhill one anyway? Somehow the snow ball is to go uphill. Nothing is every easy, but you will get there if it is meant to be .... but where is 'there'?? What is the destination. What is it all for? It appears pointless with so many others doing the same as I. Mine is just another note in the overall frequency of the human sound. So why? And how will the ladder and the helicopter manifest IF I can create the impossible escape? How will we know when it arrives? We will see it as another cul-de-sac as every path we take leads us to a dead end. We remain positive even now. But eventually, positive runs on empty. What remains then? When optimism lies six foot under beneath an unmarked grave. What then? So I sit and I write. I muse. I wait. I visualise. I wait. I need the inspiration. I need the understanding what lies beyond the door threshold I stand at ....