Search A Light In The Darkness
Remote viewing: possessions
Remote viewing today with the intention of linking to the (lingering) positive feeling within. it commenced with the visualisation of the Rune FEOH. Rune of possessions: ‘Cattle were the livelihood of the tribe, that is why this stands for wealth, prosperity and possessions won or earned.’ Visualising the sequence of one 'branch' from above with two 'tributaries' from below which then changed to the reflection of one 'branch' from below with two 'tributaries' from above. it was at this point that the first disruption occurred; external pressure, like the palm of a hand on my chest in the heart region. The visualisation then switched to a facsimile out of my control. The experience of being a slave in a cage, below ground. Being under the command of an unknown force. Brought out of the cage to work and for experimentation including breeding? Strong knowledge of being one of them? A memory of the genetic creation of home sapien and their captivity below ground. Second disruption then with the physical sense of being pushed away from visualisation; gently by an unknown force. My visualisation body was pushed along a corridor. I was then ascending or floating away from vision. Dying in that memory? Symbolically therefore I was being shown I was once (still am?) the possession of an unknown intelligence? Something owns me. Perhaps still! I sense this part of this incarnation is a return to slavery and a return to the whim of my possessor. Finally as the imagery was fading I became aware of a being .. in black and white approaching from left moments before phone alarm brought me back to the present moment.