Unbroken golden sands await the slight touch of excited running feet
Long distant mountain peaks shaded purple await discovery
Tall Pines, Alder, Oak and Ash stand in profusion
The human outnumbered by at least ten thousand to one
Unmoving grasses, their stalks tinder and dry, form the cover from sea to tree
Their edges razor sharp, uncovered flesh surely torn to shreds by their touch...
A sense of adventure magnifies the scene
Heightens the senses, creates the adrenaline surges
Compels the human to journey without fail onto this, the new shore
A new shore now haloed with rays of red, and orange, and yellow
Pastel shades of vegetation fading into a back cloth of waking sounds
The Curlew close, overhead many voices of passing gulls
A cacophany of summer sounds overload all hearing ears
And then the crisp, fresh touch of fine grained sand
The long boat left behind, the taste of the sea on salt dried lips
Bare feet feel the strength of the earth on their bases
The human chances a smile, and brushes a slow hand through straggly hair
Feet take a slow passage across the beach towards the grasses
Far seeing eyes catch sight of the distant peaks
A destination perhaps, maybe, after many days of on-foot passage
And the sense of adventure awakens so much possibility
The new land virgin to the mind of the human
Each turn of the head reveals another sight still to behold
An immense oak with lower bough in the shape of a human torso
A waiting Magpie cackles to confirm the entry to within a new realm
The human's magic stones burning the palm of a pocketed palm
A new land certainly the tonic after a voyage across enchanted seas........
The extreme passage across the banshee's seas now put to the back of the mind
The Scythian Elf, brave, poised ready, the threshold seen as the green of the grass
Mighty trees strong memories of a forgotten home
Phantoms of former friends stand in the cool shade below proud boughs
waiting to render the human completely insane
Painful solioquy a tender time of transformation and spiritual realisation
Two old friends now left to rot in the ocean seas, their wooden touch now lost.....
The longboat now discarded, scant possessions thrown over a lanky back
Then through the grasses the human moves
Cautiously, eyes to the left, to the right, up, down...
Then the first inhabitant blocks the viking's path
A mighty, mighty Yew, its base too many hands wide to count
Tired limbs making the decision easy
The time has come for rest and a respite from the spirit of adventure....
1000th post