Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Creative Harmonics

Sound is the very essence and backdrop of creation. All of creation is energy vibrating at different frequencies and sound is the primordial frequency. Music is the singing, vibrating pulsation of these frequencies interrelating, colliding and coalescing. Music has powerful effects on the human brain. The brain vibrates at different frequencies, beta, alpha, delta and theta. When the brain receives differing harmonic resonance's, through exposure to music, its resident frequencies are thus enhanced and entrained.The influence of music in our life is more pervasive than we might realise. This influence can ultimately harm or it can heal us. It can change our mood from boredom to exuberance. Music can bring tears to our eyes in graceful reverence. It can also plunge our spirits as with a Dirge. As a consequence music can enhance our creative potential or deter it, depending upon its harmonics and frequency.

The range of frequencies that the human ear can hear is from 15 cycles per second up to 20,000 cycles per second. Below this range is called infrasonic and above this range is considered ultrasonic. An interesting note in man's relationship to the cosmos, via his audible frequency range, is that the wavelength of the earth's sonic frequency is 53.1 and 54.7 minutes. This is exactly 20 octaves below the audible range of man. The tone of the atom is twenty octaves above the audible range of man. Therefore, man is placed audibly exactly mid-way between the microcosm and the macrocosm.

Sound is an acoustical wave frequency as opposed to an electromagnetic frequency. An acoustical frequency operates on the principle of compression and rarefaction of air molecules. This means the pushing together and pulling apart of air molecules.

Electromagnetic frequencies are created by an oscillating electrical charge. Since sound needs air to be communicated, there is no sound in a vacuum. Sound is also transmitted differently through solids and liquids than through gaseous material. The elasticity and density of the material it travels through determines the speed of sound. Gaseous material is more elastic and therefore retards the velocity of the sound waves passing through it. Sound travels more quickly through solids and liquids. Sound waves are comparable by their pitch, loudness and quality. Pitch of a musical note is the frequency of the sound producing it. The loudness of a sound is subjective to the listener, but is a function of the energy of the transmitted sound wave. The quality, or timbre, of a sound wave depends upon the instrument producing the wave, i.e. the difference between a piano, violin or flute.

Harmony is the quality of music as a frequency that renders its ability to touch and move the soul. Harmony is understood to be "a pleasing agreement of parts." The difference between music and noise is defined by the attribute of harmony. Isaac Asimov describes this difference as, "The wave patterns of musical sounds are composed of separate sine waves that display an orderly set of interrelationships. Where this is not true, but where the component sine waves are chosen and combined at random, so to speak, the result is not music, but 'noise'."

With an understanding that music is based on the relationships of harmonious frequencies, and knowing that everything is energy patterns comprised of differing frequencies, we can see why music has such a profound effect on the human psyche. The human being is a compilation of energetic frequencies vibrating at a rate that appears as organic matter. It only stands to reason that one frequency body should be effected by the frequencies in its environment. Music is an environmental frequency of harmonic resonance.(Enchanted Mind)