11:00pm - 11:40pm
Monday 9th July 2007
Unseen like a wisp of smoke, floating through the shady confines of the interior of an unknown house. Out through into a patio garden at the rear ... a garden within a courtyard; a group of persons unknown sitting around a long wooden bench. Atop of the table is much food. Festivity. Joy. Celebration. A group of several families with many young children sitting and in prams. When and where is this? Floating above a magnificent fountain, water flowing freely from many tears. Immaculate marble stone matching the tidy streets and walls around. But where is this? And why was this seen ... ??
A well travelled trail. A holiday destination. A camp site within a wood. A camper van parked beneath trees. From a distance this is the past. Conversations requiring clarification. Unable to discern what is said between a group of men.
A young child running past a guarded place. A place of grandeur and religious finery. A city within a city. A guarded place within its walls. The young child feeling safe within these confines; many gardens in which to run and to explore. This was viewed as an event which now has already taken place ....
"Don't muck about ... say it now as it is. There is a voice from within the walls which needs to be heard. It is a whisper above the din. A story needs to be broken out. It will never be too late. Silence may be applied to those very words. Now. But later it will have to be said. There comes a time for a split or a parting. It is not easy then, now or ever.' A tight knit, close together kind of group all sworn to reveal the same events and say the same story. A guitar with broken strings won't play the same as one freshly tuned ... get to the one who that is ... a would be magician ... a chain is as only as strong as the weakest link. That link could be seen to be broken. The last to join ... the youngster in the pack. I refer to those who were around 'the camp table' that night. The one who saw more than the less he admitted to seeing. They were all aware it had been planned. They knew it would go to the wire. They realised but respected those chosen for one was the senior. But nobody will say anything about him ... despite a terrible reputation."
'Where is the location that the little girl is to be found?'
18 - Moon
10 of Crescents
7 of Swords
Keeper of Weapons
Indications here of elements of previous insights. Reminders of much of the ground already travelled. Clearly the little girl has been on the move; and is to be returned to where it all began. I refuse to accept she's been at the start of the circle all the time. When this all began, the indications were that she would be there where it is least expected .... go back to where the trail began for sight of the little girl. That is where it appears she is to be found when this all has finally been concluded.
Retracing the steps ... the Keeper of Weapons indicates the boat, or a boat, in which she was initially taken. Owned by the symbolic court which is shown in the background of this image. The Keeper of Weapons the 'agent' of those behind the creation of the flaming sword. The boat owned by a knight of knights of some secret order ...
The 7 of Weapons some exchange made between the party who held the flaming sword and another party who had the '7 swords' as currency to either buy the flaming sword ... or permit a valid exchange .... clearly the swords need to be determined to understand more the background to this situation. Somewhere somehow person's unknown linked to the McCanns are implicated in this exchange. Within this the McCanns are unwitting pawns. Note the #7 linked to the flaming sword here ...
The Moon retraces the journey around the Mediterranean which I still intuit did indeed take place. I disregard the disclaiming statement made by the Portuguese LE. The little girl appears to have passed through the Straits of Gibraltar at least once ... one the way out ..
Finally, the 10 of Crescents indicates more recent indications ... 'the happy couple' standing on the balcony of a current home. Meaning 'a ship is coming in to a safe harbour' ... I deduce Maddy's safe return is indicated in this imagery ...
Prime of Crescents
Nine of Crescents
Nine of Crescents is 'the all time happy ending'; the Prime of Crescents has the numerical value of 5 and indicates a new creative phase. The numbers 9 & 5 are therefore what are relevant here ... and a suggestion of a time period after the significant birth of a child or significant announcement of a new project or ideal' ...