Something of significance appears to be occurring behind the brick screen wall? Or is this just pure supposition? Gerry McCann can clearly be seen as an ambassador ... his new boots filling an undeniable role. Shortly he flies to the United States in the next leg of his awareness campaign. Is this by sheer coincidence or by much deliberated design? Clearly insights reveal the distinct possibility the ambassador role as not being one of his own choice. Gerry appears clearly to have been 'groomed' for this high profile role. It matters not who or what he was before the watershed ... the disappearance of his eldest daughter ... we are not meant to know the Gerry McCann from then. That slate appears to have been wiped clean. What is important, and clearly important at that ... is the image of the Gerry McCann we currently see before us. The Charioteer has fixed us, the observer, on this persona ... and has provided us with little else to focus on. The media blackout means we are scrutinising every inch of the power play before our eyes. On the drawing board .... when this was first contrived, surely this reality will have been considered? Every other angle of it all appears to have been considered.
It is most surely of significance Gerry now heads for the United States. It is not a minor event .... not with the media coverage generated around him; not with other significant visits under his belts ... the visit to see the Pope for example. Through the campaign Gerry is in contact with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and other 'high profile' faces. He has access to telephone numbers & e-mails which are deemed to be highly secretive. He moves in very powerful circles now ...
It seems like a 'conjunction of major planets' here on the material plane. Orbs of significant influence are coming into alignment and their forces seem to be combining. This appears to be well underway ... the snowball finally rolling.
Daily Merlin Insight
11:20pm - 12:10am
21st July 2007
Navigators of the Mystic Sea Tarot
Interesting insights 'revealed' by 'The Empress', 'Destiny', 'Ten of Swords' & 'Lovers'.
Commencing with 'The Empress' which carries the header of 'conception' ... it implies two things with the Empress being the significator of Kate McCann; the other relates to the obvious implications of 'conception' ... the theme of the conception of Madeleine McCann and the relationship between Gerry & Kate perhaps indicated by the 'Lovers' imagery. This image bears the header of 'discrimination' ... provides the insight that the entire situation has been effected as a way of discriminating against the McCanns for perhaps their relationship and/or the conception of Maddy. Perhaps the very sources that aided Gerry & Kate with their treatments now turn against them? Ten of Swords with its indication of conflict and also the banner 'destitution' .... it appears there is a real monetary need for the McCanns ... I wonder if in truth somewhere there has been a ransom demand? That Gerry is pulled into a conflict against his wishes to protect the assets and interests of someone significant? Become high profile to remain protected ... and also be used as a service by someone in perhaps a cruel blackmail. Gerry is not all that he seems ... all that he appears. There is more to him and his family name. Linked inexplicably to high places ... this current public face in someway due to the fact he has trod on a Mr Big's toes and stumbled therefore into a high level campaign.
Their daughter a 'retainer' to ensure he undertakes a mission or a campaign? He has significant circles around him to discount any belief he is a Mr Ordinary .... The significance of Maddy & her special eye has already been intuited here. Attention in recent times has been centred on when Maddy is to be returned. For all insights truly lead to the fact she is to be returned. This has not changed in any shape or form.
Many distractions are left like obstacles on this trail. Herne a hardy hunter aware of the pitfalls ... and the eyes which watch from within the undergrowth. A badger stands symbolically before him ... indicates the skills of a well trained medical practitioner ... perhaps this relates to Gerry, but intuition says it is someone else. Gerry links closely to this other doctor ... one other than Kate his wife. Somewhere within all the statements and deceptions ... the truth about this other doctor has been made to hide. Along with all which has taken place prior to 3rd May 2007. Intuition indicates all these events are kept on file .... with secret password and codename. Intelligence has all of these files, knows all the inaccuracies ... knows all the truths and the deceptions. Is aware of the story which has been contrived. Knows the true intentions behind the campaign ... but has been instructed to overlook ... given orders instead to assist. To escort and to hide. To conceal and ensure utmost safety.
What lies around Gerry is highly classified information ... a side I feel to Gerry which is not to be known. But he is not a man of deliberate deceit. I speculate he is well ranked within a hidden organisation ... a face fitted to a current task ... with a figurehead to ensure there is weight to a trojan horse campaign.
The image of 'Destiny' provides something compelling ... it implies Gerry is meant to be doing what he is doing. The disappearance of Maddy was truly planned and not a common snatching. It was born out of necessity and now goes according to plan. There were concerns in the early stages ... but now ... the critical stage as it is initiated. The stages will ascend up a clear ladder so when the shining star is returned and the rumour mill releases the snippets already planned ... most of the world will know her face and that of her family. Her plight will be a household concern. Therefore when the fabricated truth is known ... the general public will agree to that which is revealed when the sides of the Trojan horse are opened.