Castlerigg Stone Circle close to Keswick in Cumbria is what I consider a magical place. It stands within a stunning setting with Blencathra making a perfect backcloth to enhance the rugged enchantment this place creates.
Ever since I first visited the English Lake District as a nine year old I made regular sojourns to Castlerigg. That was up until our emigration five years ago. But the magic of Castlerigg still lives on. Even though my physical presence no longer adorns that special space, its memory remains fresh in my mind.
I find it very easy to close my eyes and wander back to there whenever I choose. Within the inner realms I retain the five sensory memories of Castlerigg, which is an unusual perception in itself ... I still feel the ground there beneath my feet; the swirling breeze on my face; the touch of the rough volcanic rock standing stones on my hands; fragrances I smell on the breeze. The taste of the place on my lips. I hear the wind whistling around the rocks; the cry of a distant bird.
With certainty I know I still wander to there. Within the inner landscapes I have found a perfect replica of Castlerigg. I often stand within the ancient circle round and feel that swirling, sizzling energy there. It is much more profound a sensation however, than ever I remember on the manifest plane. It is a raw powerful masculine force ... as rugged, barren & unforgiving as the landscape which makes its backdrop. Eternal icy cold is part of its vibration; a chilling signature to its power. Something I have learned to tether and use whenever there is a need.
Its energy is a portal to deep recesses within my psyche. A force of raw and unhindered universal force. A nameless maelstrom of strength. A whirlpool within the reservoir of thought form energy which was shaped and forged to manifest as the Earth on the physical plane. It is part of the primal fragments which remained after the last unmaking. Remnants from the time before ... memories remaining of the void.
It is an awesome concept to behold when standing within the Castlerigg circle round of that inner earth. An inspirational vibration to assist in times of obstacles and hurdles. A universal formation to enter and realise the part which I represent within it all. For through that maelstrom it is possible to wander in namelessness to meet with the I am I. That which is the inner earth representation of myself. That potential of thoughts which is I.
Then ... I leave behind that maelstrom ... and walk away from within the centre of the circle. Back then to return to this moment in time. Remembering then the many times I would venture to Castlerigg for contemplation and wise counsel. Often after a sojourn across the nearby fells; or a drive around Borrowdale; or after a visit to my old friends in Keswick. The journey back home which then followed was always a somber time I seem to recall. Deep in thought I would spend that journey. Grateful as always for those precious moments spent in that magical place.
Ever since I first visited the English Lake District as a nine year old I made regular sojourns to Castlerigg. That was up until our emigration five years ago. But the magic of Castlerigg still lives on. Even though my physical presence no longer adorns that special space, its memory remains fresh in my mind.
I find it very easy to close my eyes and wander back to there whenever I choose. Within the inner realms I retain the five sensory memories of Castlerigg, which is an unusual perception in itself ... I still feel the ground there beneath my feet; the swirling breeze on my face; the touch of the rough volcanic rock standing stones on my hands; fragrances I smell on the breeze. The taste of the place on my lips. I hear the wind whistling around the rocks; the cry of a distant bird.
With certainty I know I still wander to there. Within the inner landscapes I have found a perfect replica of Castlerigg. I often stand within the ancient circle round and feel that swirling, sizzling energy there. It is much more profound a sensation however, than ever I remember on the manifest plane. It is a raw powerful masculine force ... as rugged, barren & unforgiving as the landscape which makes its backdrop. Eternal icy cold is part of its vibration; a chilling signature to its power. Something I have learned to tether and use whenever there is a need.
Its energy is a portal to deep recesses within my psyche. A force of raw and unhindered universal force. A nameless maelstrom of strength. A whirlpool within the reservoir of thought form energy which was shaped and forged to manifest as the Earth on the physical plane. It is part of the primal fragments which remained after the last unmaking. Remnants from the time before ... memories remaining of the void.
It is an awesome concept to behold when standing within the Castlerigg circle round of that inner earth. An inspirational vibration to assist in times of obstacles and hurdles. A universal formation to enter and realise the part which I represent within it all. For through that maelstrom it is possible to wander in namelessness to meet with the I am I. That which is the inner earth representation of myself. That potential of thoughts which is I.
Then ... I leave behind that maelstrom ... and walk away from within the centre of the circle. Back then to return to this moment in time. Remembering then the many times I would venture to Castlerigg for contemplation and wise counsel. Often after a sojourn across the nearby fells; or a drive around Borrowdale; or after a visit to my old friends in Keswick. The journey back home which then followed was always a somber time I seem to recall. Deep in thought I would spend that journey. Grateful as always for those precious moments spent in that magical place.