The salamanders are the spirit of fire. It is said that without these beings fire cannot exist. You cannot light a match without a salamander's being present. There are many families of salamanders, differing in size, appearance, and dignity. Some people have seen them as small balls of light, but most commonly they are perceived as being lizard-like in shape and about a foot or more in length.
The salamanders are considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals. Their ruler is a magnificent flaming being called Djin. Those who have seen him say that he is terrible, yet awe-inspiring in appearance.
Salamanders have the ability to extend their size or diminish it, as needed. If you ever need to light a campfire in the wilderness, call to the salamanders and they will help you.
It has also been said that salamanders (and the other elemental beings) can be mischievous at times. For example, a fiery temper and inharmonious conditions in a person's home can cause these beings to make trouble. They are like children in that they don't fully understand the results of their actions. They are greatly affected, as are all nature spirits, by human humankind's thinking.
The salamanders collect warmth and transfer it into the flowers. They feel very connected to the world of butterflies and insects. They are very difficult to see.
The fire spirits are spirits of transformation and regeneration, they make the compost pile into fertile soil. The are the fire that burns the candle or the wood. They take life processes to maturity, and through the processes of decomposition and transformation they take them to the threshold of a new birth. For the nature spirits in between life and rebirth there is a period of regeneration in the blazing life force of fire.
Salamanders are also radiating light and are linked with enlightenment and with the world made visible through light. They can appear in light bodies, radiating brilliant light.
They also can be spirits of inspiration, mediators between the angelic world and the more physical levels of creation. In ancient times they were called the muses.
While the fire-spirits in the forest are small, in a volcano they are seven up to fourteen feet tall. They can appear in human form with a kind of devilish look on their face, although they are quite attractive. In a volcano are also great angels of fire.There are also important fire spirits in the center of the earth, connected to the destiny of the planet. (askyewolfe)