be worthy of thy wage
though if ye built a palace
very soon 'twould be thy cage
for bounty is but folly
and its kingdom be unsound
and it shall bring no pleasure
as ye rest within the ground
Othel represents the immutable ancestral property of the family -- the homestead. Othel, as the form which represents 'the enclosure necessary to delimit possession', represents the qualities of belonging, togetherness, ancestral heritage as well as all the numerous qualities handed down from generation to generation. These qualities are sacred to Odin.
Othel is the wisdom of integrity; wise husbandry of resources and the liberty of the individual and clan within the framework of natural law.
In rune castings, Othel represents land, or the family home, property or possession which has passed down from one generation to the next. Wills' Legacies. Legal matters appertaining to properties .... are all linked to this rune.
Othel is the wisdom of integrity; wise husbandry of resources and the liberty of the individual and clan within the framework of natural law.
In rune castings, Othel represents land, or the family home, property or possession which has passed down from one generation to the next. Wills' Legacies. Legal matters appertaining to properties .... are all linked to this rune.