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Saturday, 14 July 2007

Val Camonica Enigma

Val Camonica is home to the greatest complex of rock drawings in sub-Alpine Italy, with approximately 250,000 petroglyphs drawn by members of the Camunni tribe on hundreds of exposed rocks dating from about 8000 BC; cosmological, figurative, and cartographic motifs are featured, in some locations forming monumental hunting and ritual `scenes´.

The best-known drawings were first discovered in 1909 by Walter Laeng, a Brescian geographer. He announced his finding of two carvings on two boulders on the Pian del Greppe near Cemmo. Since the 1950s, the imagery from thousands of rock surfaces has been `catalogued´, in a vast, on-going project of transcription and classification.

Val Camonica is a valley in the lower Alpine regions of Lombardy, Italy. It is the upper valley of the river Oglio, upstream from Lake Iseo. Most of Val Camonica lies in the northern part of the province of Brescia. (Wikipedia)