Mr McCann said yesterday: “The real issue is that we should not have a constant fear of abduction of our children. What Kate and I did was at worst naive and no one should forget that the real criminal is the predator who has taken a completely innocent child in such a premeditated fashion."
Speaking on ABC’s Good Morning America, Mr McCann said: “We were dining 50 yards away and we could see the apartment from where we were. It’s like we were sat in our back garden, albeit at the end of our garden. The kids were sound asleep and they were being checked regularly. We didn’t think we needed a babysitter. We are good parents and what we did felt perfectly reasonable at the time.”
In a second TV interview Mr McCann was quizzed over the possibility that the couple could be prosecuted for leaving Madeleine and two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie alone.
He told CNN: “We have been assured by the authorities that what we did fell well within the boundaries of good parenting. Madeleine was targeted by a predator and we shouldn’t have to be worrying about people getting into our homes and gardens and playgrounds. That is the real criminal act here.”
Mr McCann added on his internet blog: “We felt our actions were responsible. We were essentially performing our own baby listening service although we have talked of the guilt we felt at not being there at the moment Madeleine was taken.
“These types of criticism, particularly at this stage, as well as being hurtful are extremely unhelpful in the search for Madeleine.”
The key words in this news story appears to be 'The real issue is that we should not have a constant fear of abduction of our children. What Kate and I did was at worst naive and no one should forget that the real criminal is the predator who has taken a completely innocent child in such a premeditated fashion."
I get the inkling here perhaps of revenge in some way. Gerry is referring seemingly to their naivety in leaving the kids the way they did ... but I sense it refers to something else. The insight I intuit here relates perhaps to Gerry being taught some kind of valuable lesson ... by those that perhaps he has disobeyed in someway in the past.
It appears his naivety is in 'treading on the toes' of someone who he has no idea what 'power' they have. Gerry may have gotten too big in free-masonic or Opus Dei circles perhaps? It seems he might well have told someone what HE was going to do ... and what HE wasn't going to do. This will have aggravated someone with immense 'power' in to being forced to teach Gerry a valuable lesson in following out the instructions given to him.
Thus they 'organised' the disappearance of Madeleine and then threatened Gerry with a series of 'occurrences' if he did not do what 'they' wanted him to do. In other words, the disappearance of Maddy was a deliberate & premeditated decision by hidden hands to force Gerry to follow out orders ... which is what I feel we are now witnessing with Gerry's ambassador role on Missing Children.
And Maddy? She is the unfortunate innocent victim in all of this. Conceived by pioneering design to a couple desperate for another child. So desperate they are willing to 'beg, steal or borrow' to pay whatever it takes to have Kate conceive once more. Thus Maddy was born ... and at an early age 'eyes' will have noticed her significant mark ... and that will have been passed on along those secret corridors until it reached the ears of this hidden person of great power. Scrolls and parchments of ancient prophecies will have been checked and rechecked ... and the significance of Maddy's mark perceived. Its advantage discussed and an agenda realised ... perhaps?