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Tuesday 4 September 2007

The Aeonic Perspective of the Enochian Temples

The initiatory system of the Enochian Temples divides the path of initiation into four major stages, distinguished primarily by the types and sources of the influences they are sensitive to. Briefly, these stages are:

1. Lunar-planetary, focused in Yesod and governing the triangle formed by Netzach, Hod, and Malkuth. Sensitive to forces originating inside the aura of the Earth (primarily elemental), and generally controlled by those forces. Represented in the Temple by the floor and altars. Related to the aeon of Taurus.

2. Solar-planetary, focused in Tiphereth and governing the rectangle formed by Hod, Netzach, Geburah and Chesed. Sensitive to elemental forces, but actively dominating them. Also sensitive to and controlled by the forces of the zodiacal signs. Represented in the Temple by the pillars and sephirotic crosses. Related to the aeon of Aries.

3. Solar-systemic or Solar-transitional, governing the rectangle formed by Geburah, Chesed, Binah and Chokmah. This stage has no stable focus point. Sensitive to the energies of the other planets of the solar system. Represented in the Temple by the roof and outer curtain. Related to the aeon of Pisces.

4. Cosmic, focused in Kether and governing the triangle formed by Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. Sensitive to cosmic forces, primarily those of the zodiacal constellations (not to be confused with the zodiac signs) and the constellations of Polaris, the Great Bear, Sirius, and the Pleiades. These latter four constellations are the cosmic prototypes for the four levels of this initiatory system. Represented in the Temple by the Sphere of the Three Names of God, and by the pillar of fire in the middle of the Temple. Related to the aeon of Aquarius.

The progression through these four stages is symbolized in the formula I.R.N.I., a reversal of the Piscean formula of I.N.R.I. or IAO.

The older formula is primarily concerned with the relations between the Lunar- planetary and Solar-planetary stages through the cyclic process of reincarnation. Under that formula, one lived in the world (first I), then died (N) to be reborn as a soul (R), which then incarnated again (last I). But the actions of the Aeonic Prophet of the Piscean aeon symbolized in the stories of Jesus, and their absorbtion into the zeitgeist, have completely eliminated any need for death or a death-like experience in the transition between Lunar and Solar stages.

At humanity's present level of development, the Solar consciousness can be achieved while in incarnation by anyone who wants it through strong desire (the lowest aspect of Will), self-analysis, and meditation. Effort is still required, but no loss of self occurs in the process. In the incoming Aquarian aeon, the shift from Solar-planetary to Cosmic awareness still requires a series of willed death-like experiences. So the "N" of I.N.R.I has been properly moved to follow the solar "R" in the new formula.

The mythological system of the Earth Tablet working depicts the I.R.N.I. formula under the character of the two Warrior-Mages (Horus and Set) whose efforts link the Lesser Mother, the Earth, with the Greater Mother, Nuit. In the old formula Set was depicted as inferior to Horus, representing a false death which the earthbound soul conquered to achieve full awareness of itself. In the new formula, he represents the conscious destruction of the soul that must occur before the person can unite the awareness with the divine Will. This is a true annihilation of the Solar being, unlike the death of the old formula, which was only a change of state having no permanent effect on the Solar being.

Thus, at the end of point 0 Set proclaims himself to have finally conquered Horus. The soul, the individual self-aware identity, perishes, to be replaced by the monadic awareness symbolized by Hadit. As it is said, "There is an end to the word of the God enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening the girders of the soul." The higher formula, linking the Earth with the Cosmos, supercedes the lower formula, linking the Earth with the Sun. (Benjamin Roe)