Savage conflicts taunt the thoughts of the messenger
Skywards above the valleys
All is red below ...
But in the heavens where the apparitions glow,
Understanding dawns.
Because the two are not connected
Never are they meant to be so
For the two minds exist on different frequencies
However, they may feed of each other
They are different existences
Joined by the same soul.
Bright sunlight surrounds the one
He who watches the flight of the hawk
Terrible rain and thunder hides the face of the other
A passage through ice and snow
Across rugged wastelands; slippery screes ...
Razor sharp edges of ancient stones
To the observatory and a view then of the great star nation.
The two may know each other,
And share their passages in dreams
But the red conflicts with the aura of the heavens
It is why ... there are so many within one
And one with the many ....
Why light always prevails within the matrix worlds
Curious universes send their minds to explore
Each and every crevice of creation
Made by thoughts ... within the light of the universal mind.
---Matthew James---