The three toxic ingredients of Aspartame are methanol (wood alcohol), and phenylalanine and aspartic acid; both the latter are amino acid isolates.
We hope that all people will cease consumption of this deadly product and become self-educated in order to protect their own health against an array of marketed food and environmental toxins. It is our hopes that all people will live healthier and more fruitful lives, and maintain the freedom and wisdom for choosing what they put in their mouths and feed their children.
The focus of our report, is an overview of excitotoxic effects upon brain chemistry due to Aspartame's amino acid isolates.
Amino acid isolates have been artificially separated from the rest of the protein chain and are part of the Aspartame compound. Aspartame is then added to foods during the manufacturing process. Thus, these amino acids are by themselves (isolated), as single or dipeptide molecules. This is very different than the 80-300 amino acid chains that form natural proteins from dietary sources.
The isolates differ from dietary (with food) amino acids because dietary amino acids are absorbed from the gut. This depends upon the body's digestive action to break down the long amino chains (proteins) and then to absorb them. This means, that through the body's regulation of metabolism, the proteins are broken down slowly, and always in the nutritious mix of other amino acids in the proper enzyme-regulated proportion for use by the body.
Following digestion of normal proteins, the broken amino acid chains are slowly released into the body. Since they are in competition with one another for the enzyme sites, as earlier discussed, the body ensures that no one amino acid dominates the others. Although, it has been noted that phenylalanine is the strongest competitor for many of these enzyme sites.
In healthy individuals, the fact that dietary Phenylalanine is in competition with the other amino acids and is absorbed slowly over ten to twenty hours from the digestive tract, makes it helpful rather than harmful for them.
In contrast, the Phenylalanine (isolate) from the can of aspartame-laced soda pop is absorbed in about five minutes. This goes to the portal vein in the liver, with virtually no other competitive amino acids. Amino acid release from the liver is through an enzyme-linked channel. Without any competition, this Phenylalanine is released into the blood stream as an overwhelming bolus, or flood.
Even when ingested with foods, aspartame substantially increases the plasma phenylalanine (and aspartic acid) levels, due to their pharmaceutical make-up as isolates, and due to phenylalanine's strong competitive affinity for the enzyme mediators and transmitter catalysts.
Synergistic damage also results from the absorption-metabolism sequence of methanol --> formaldehyde --> formic acid. Methanol and formaldehyde are carcinogenic and mutagenic, and alter mitochondrial DNA as well as nucleic DNA through the formed adducts of these metabolic poisons. This may be a strong initiator of disease states because the damaged DNA may not allow the cell to function properly or maintain homeostasis.