Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 2 September 2007

Avalon Meditation #1 - Getting to the Otherworld

This is the script for a meditation based on a pathworking to Glastonbury Tor. Preparations are easy. I suggest the background music to be something by Medwyn Goodall ... 'Merlin', 'Druid' or 'Excalibur' would be the best to invoke the mood of the meditation. Burn some incense beforehand and cleanse the space or the room where the meditation will take place. If possible, google search Glastonbury Tor in order to familiarise yourself with the locality of where inner world pathworking will be taking place ...

I suggest that you record the following transcript onto a tape or directly onto your computer as a voice file. It will help to have the meditation music in the background. The entire 'experience' should take about half an hour (if you are not able to meditate to the sound of your own voice, then get someone who's voice you trust to recite the transcript for you) ... places in the transcript written in brackets (like this) indicate instructions to the reciter and are not points to be spoken into the tape

One last thing, before commencing. Permit yourself about fifteen minutes to half an hour prior to the pathworking to relax and unwind from the mundane world. Let all your worries and grievances flow through your thought processes until you are able to calm your mind and enter a calm silence. Permit your breathing to slow, to let your body relax. Permit your mind to unwind and become focussed. It is at this point (plenty of practice will make this point more and more noticeable) .... where the material world seems to fade into the background that you should turn the meditation music on ....

OK. Let's make a start. Make yourself comfortable once more. Close your eyes ...

(permit a few moments here for the background music to play without any documentary. Count slowly to 15)

Become totally familiar with your surroundings with your eyes closed. Sense the boundaries of your immediate space around you. Try to imagine the room you are in with your eyes closed ....

(Count slowly to 20)

As you are doing this become aware of a slight light feeling coming over your body. There will be a floating feeling. Almost like your body has become weightless like a feather. Explore this feeling for a while .... it is a gentle sensation. A wonderful feeling. Your mind becomes almost euphoric as a feeling of tremendous excitement begins. You feel happy ... a child once more ... expectant like you know a great adventure is about to unfold ... explore that feeling

(Count slowly to 20)

Now, become of your surroundings again and realise they have changed. With your eyes closed still ... begin to sense or imagine there is a ring of blue light encircling the space in which you reside. If you can't see the ring of blue light it matters not ... so long as you feel it with your mind. Feel the blue .... sense the protection offered by this blue light. Feel the blue light build.

(Count slowly to 30)

Then sense a cloudlike substance beginning to form around you ... between you and the encircling blue light. Watch with your inner eyes ... as this mist begins to build stronger and stronger. The sight of the blue light is gone now ... but you still feel its protection and you will have that feeling throughout this journey.

Watch then as the mist begins to fade. Look it is leaving you now ... and as you watch, see that you are no longer in your room ... you now sit on a hillside. At your feet is cool, damp grass. Stretching out in front of you is rolling countryside in every direction. To your left and your right are tall, proud trees .... spend a moment taking in this splendour ... you have arrived in ancient Avalon ...

Notice the blue sky. The bees busying themselves in the hedgerows below you ... feel the gentle breeze. Feel also the band of protection which is still there around you ....

(Let the music play for about 1 minute)

Notice now a narrow worn path at your feet running from right to left along a terrace made in the ground. Walk now slowly to this path. Walk slowly ... your excitement will bubble within you at this point.

'There is no need to rush. Here in Avalon there is no time. All things happen as they are meant to' ... hear the voice of the element of air itself speak to you. Sense an unseen presence then. A calming presence as you turn left on the path ... below you are tall oak trees in a straight line. Hear the cackle of Crows then overhead ...

(Count slowly to 25)

You catch sight of a wooden fence and gate ahead of you on the path. Walk slowly until you reach this marker. There are some stone steps there which lead upwards. Glance upwards then and see the Tor for the very first time. See the chapel standing there in brilliant sunshine. Be aware this is to be your destination. See the steps then and begin your climb onto the first step.

Be aware you are bare footed. So as you make the transition from grass to stone you will feel a marked difference in feeling throughout your being when you stand on the first stone step ... feel also the sensation of becoming lighter and lighter as you climb the steps towards the spiralling pathway that is there ahead of you that travels in an ascending clockwise direction round the tor. Concentrate ... really feel the stones and visualise being there in the otherworld ... as you climb up the side of the Tor .....

(Let the music play for approximately 5 minutes)

Now, as you approach the summit of the Tor, you will notice that a cold wind begins to blow and clouds begin to form around you. Know instinctively this is a sense of wintertime. But know you will not feel the cold. Watch as the mists thicken. Walk slowly now upwards and travel the short distance now to the summit of The Tor. Realise you are not able to take in the view from the summit because it is obscured by thick clouds. But you can see the Chapel on the top of the Tor.

Walk slowly towards the Chapel and notice the mysterious robed figure that waits for you there. Feel the band of protection around you. Know you are safe and will come to no harm. This figure is a friend and a companion at that moment. Walk in the Tor now ... and sit down on the stone seat you will find there. Notice that the robed figure sits to your right ... become aware of another presence to your left. Though invisible the figure is there nonetheless. Know this is the Guardian which permitted you entrance into the Otherworld.

Become aware then of the feeling you sense from these two energies. Really concentrate on familiarising yourself with those energies. Focus in on both. Is there anything familiar about either of the two?

(Let the music play for about 1 minute)

Now, watch as the robed figure beckons you to stand up ... see its hand extend and point upwards through the chapel towards the sky. See it is night time and there are stars in the sky. Watch then as a number of stars are seen to shine clearly brighter than the rest. Watch as they appear to move closer and closer towards you.

Concentrate then on the pattern these stars form. Watch as a beam of light forms from one of the stars and creates a light beam which you can clearly see to be travelling towards you. Watch as it touches a point on your forehead. The point between your eyes known as 'the third eye'.

Feel an incredible jolt of energy then. A tiny electric shock. A warming sensation in your mind. Travelling to the top of your spine. Travelling down your spine to your stomach, felt then like butterflies in the stomach. Become aware then of a sense like cobwebs forming on your face. Let this sensation build as you walk out of the Chapel onto the summit of the Tor.

You will have a light headed feeling. You have an urge to turn and run; to dance; to laugh; to shout ... as the cobweb feeling recedes and you are left with a real euphoric feeling ... you know your vital energies have just been topped up ... your Yin and Yang has been balanced by that jolt of cosmic energy.

You know too it is your time to leave this place. You know also you can and will return to the Otherworld. Slowly and regrettably you now venture back into the Chapel and lie down on the stone seat. Close your inner eyes and imagine yourself going to sleep.

(Count Slowly to 10)

Now begin to let the awareness of the otherworld fade. Let your awareness of the material world begin to return. Count slowly down from 10 to 1 in your mind. When your countdown reaches 1 you will open your eyes and the pathworking will have been completed. You will feel totally relaxed and light of mind at that point. Begin the countdown now 10 ....................... 9 .............................8 ...............7 .........................6 ...............................5 ....................4 .................3 ..............2. ................1

Open your eyes.

This meditation can be used at anytime to reach the Otherworld. With practice you will find yourself transported to the summit of the Tor without much prompting. Each time you visit you will sense the presence on your left shoulder which is your Guardian which permits you entry to this realm. You will always feel the circle of blue protection too.