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Saturday 1 September 2007

Daily Merlin: Located In The Palm of the Hand'?

I wonder if those who are custodians to Maddy have property both in England & Spain? It is likely to be the Spanish location where Maddy resides ... but might they who look after her travel backwards and forwards each taking turns to be at the locality?

Daily Merlin Insight (using Servants of the Light tarot)
1st September 2007
9:30pm - 10:15pm

'Using The Star significator ... insights into surroundings, circumstances ... '

The intention of the insight was to glean a possible current location for the Shining Star, the first tarot insight upturned was the Wheel of Fortune, which when related to the Kabbalah is 'Path 21' which is the Path of Kaph ... 'palm of the hand' .... which when related to the saying 'in the palm of someone's hand' is a 'known' location ... known by whom? Obviously those dealing with the 'abduction' will already know her location ... so it must be related to those who seek her locality ... the 2 of Crescents is basically the 'lord of love' ... which implies she is located with person's who link to her by love. I sense this is 'spiritual love' ... as there is an overwhelming religious feel to the locality. Indications are also of a business partnership. Either money passing hands to keep Maddy out of the way ... or it is a business associate who currently has access to Maddy. Also, the ebb and the flow of the moon suggests the custodians of Maddy may change from time to time. Predominately this is a family who care for her. A family who seem to link closely to around the McCanns?? Interestingly, the wheel of fortune can be seen to rest equally on the back of a bull and a lion ... the bull can be linked to Spain and the lion to England. I wonder if those who are custodians to Maddy have property both in England & Spain? It is likely to be the Spanish location where Maddy resides ... but might they who look after her travel backwards and forwards each taking turns to be at the locality?

The World is indicative of a celebration of victory as the travelling 'fool' has come full circle. The meaning is of conclusion and triumph. It appears something has been achieved or completed. But what? Again we are faced with the imagery of the Bull & the Lion ... but is this a political angle? Add the image of the Eagle (USA?) and it is another perspective to muse over.

The hebrew letter for The Lovers is 'the sword' so I link the Lovers in this instance to the praying figure before the flaming sword on the 9 of Weapons. It appears some kind of agreement or harmonising between opposing forces is indicated here? Some type of 'reconciliation' perhaps to permit the safe return of the Shining Sword? But when? It's not a matter of IF it is definitely the issue of when ... the 9 of Weapons shows the dedicated prayers and hopes for the flaming sword ... the figure praying has many, many secrets and much to hide, hence the 8 swords above its back. This appears to be the religious persona of one who conceals the shining star ... hence the halo of light around the figures face .. as the healthy and living shining star stands close by; perhaps partaking even in visits to church or chapel. There is religious dedication here and this dedication to god prevents the persona most closely linked to Maddy permitting any harm to befall her. This same persona sympathises with Kate McCann it appears ... aware of the concerns and the effects this event is having on the McCanns and the general public. The persona has connections to networks of media and law enforcement. But is unable to confirm the location of the little girl, because everything is going to the preconceived plans ... and there is no need to change those plans. The girl appears to be a nurse or healer who is linked to 'the lion' ... an English Doctor perhaps? Someone in the English medical profession is either with Madeleine McCann or knows who has Madeleine McCann. It seems this English Doctor may well be known to the McCanns. Has there been a female doctor who's gone out of circulation? Changed hospitals? Perhaps an English female doctor working between Spain and England ... linked to media and government. There appears a link to dentistry too ... perhaps her husband or partner as it doesn't appear to be her profession. Symbolically there appears to be a battle raging between 'Hercules and the Nemean Lion'?? There are links to infidelity somewhere .... and the many secrets held in the mind of the praying figure in the 9 of Weapons.

Is Maddy currently located in a holiday villa in Spain owned by someone in England? Perhaps an English Doctor who sometimes works in Spain and has influential links to both media and government? I deduce the locality to be not far from one of the recent Spanish sightings.