Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Daily Merlin: Spotlight On 1 Of 'The 9'

Daily Merlin Insight
Tuesday 18th September 2007
10.05am (GMT) - 11:05am (GMT)

Well, here we are ... the circle gong back round again, right back to the start. Questions raised once more about the fateful night, after the recent shenanigans by the Portuguese PJ . Doubts cast on the 'evidence' which the Portuguese supposedly has, as a high order player disrupts the hands of one of his fellow opponents. So now what is left .. is an awful bloody mess ... and the general public no clearer in knowing the path taken by Maddy McCann. Everything is supposedly drawn a blank. The perfect decoy ... the perfect ruse by clever hands perhaps?

'Let us bring the spotlight back on one of the Tapas 9. A Person who I had my suspicions appertaining to, back in June 2007.....'

Interestingly 9 crystals feature in the casting. One crystal for each of the 'Tapas 9' ... and this was not done by design. This was the number of crystals instinctively pulled during a meditative muse as I focussed on a photograph of one of the Tapas 9.

What I initially took notice of was the appearance of The Chariot ... and the way one of the crystals rests at the right hand side of the charioteer. Instinctively I 'know' one of the 9 knows more about the disappearance than we are led to believe.

The photograph I studied as part of this insight ... I sensed tremendous pressure on the individual. Sorrow. Grief. Guilt. This person watches the 'despair' of the 5 of Spheres ... the fiasco that has been unfolding before us ... but this person knows that, by way of the agreed 'pact of silence', any crossing made by this person over the threshold into the world where the Charioteer resides will not come to light. The person is aware of the true connection between the Giver of Staves & the User of Weapons (Gerry McCann). There is something key and significant with this connection. I glean too that the 10 of Staves represents the limited movement which is felt by Gerry McCann in this situation. There is perhaps so much he could say and maybe could reveal ... but due to a secrecy agreement ... which binds him to his role within the organisation linking him to the Giver of Staves & the Unicorn ... he cannot say a word. It seems there could be a covert operation. Something which made him the unwilling volunteer for this current situation?

I sense there the four crystals linked closely together ... crystals 9,8,7 & 6 are Gerry, Kate, Jane Tanner & Russell O'Brien ... suspicions point towards them hence their casting above the 10 of Staves ... the illustrated card of imprisonment. For Gerry the two edged sword because he and Kate are not able to defend themselves, nor is he able to explain what it is he is really involved in. For the remaining two .... the spotlight looms ... as the 8 of Spheres indicates the change in the 'case' and the expansion of possibilities to get the mystery solved ... the moving away from 'all the eggs in one basket' .. for the other two (Jane T & Russell O'B) it could be difficult times ....

So what of the other remaining members of the Tapas 9?? There is one of these who appears to link with The Charioteer ... the personality perhaps the one who perpetrated and organised the disappearance? There is then another of these remaining four is represented by the white stone of 'trust' .... someone of trustworthy standing ... who perhaps nobody will ask to question at all.

At the end of the line, crystal #4 .. a tiny blue stone ... one of the 9 who nobody knows very much at all. This is not the person whom I've focussed this insight on. Nor is the person represented by stones #9,#8,#7,#6 ... I sense the person may well be crystal #1 or #5 ... either linked directly to the Charioteer and then in full understanding of the disappearance .... or stone #5; linked closely to Gerry ... and also perhaps partner to #1 .... from the press release photograph ... which I've used in earlier transcripts ... I detected nervousness and anxiety ... because either way this person appears to know a great deal.

Interestingly the image of the Maker of Spheres links with 'the Devil' ... portraying the current path of fear ... and face the fears which seemingly are not going to materialise because they are fabricated as decoys and smokescreens disguise the real purpose .... I note the eyes of The Charioteer on 'the observer' ... it draws the observers attention away from elsewhere. Still unexplained is the 2 of Staves & the 6 of Crescents. The 2 of Staves signifies some kind of balancing agreement. It is linked with the card of wish fulfillment ... it appears what's done is done; that which occurred is now in the past ... it appears time much now move on. There is a current sense of impasse. Riding the current event and 'milking it for all its' worth' ... someone unscrupulous perhaps who won't give the instruction for all of this to end. Perhaps a sense it is now long overdue ... the finale ... the wheel keeps going round and round. It could be ended by the silence being broken perhaps? Forcing the hand of the Charioteer ... one word perhaps form one of the 9?

Or is the impasse a waiting game for the hand of the Giver of Staves to be played ... behind the illusions created by the Maker of Spheres ... the landscape it creates to hide the whereabouts of Madeleine McCann? The more the illusion is accepted ... the more the fear is generated ... the more the Charioteer holds the observer's gaze ... personally I disbelieve the imagery of the Maker of Spheres (pied piper? Pinocchio?) ... I discern my own 'reality' ... and a clearer picture is forming. Perhaps it is time for others to gain a clearer picture too ... ??