Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Daily Merlin: Trust & Protection

It seems someone Maddy knew and who she trusts was who 'took' Madeleine ... it is also someone who was assigned to protect her.

Daily Merlin (Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot)
5th September 2007
9:50pm - 10:40pm

'Insights to establish if the disappearance of Maddy was indeed a straightforward case of abduction as the official storyline would have us believe'

Very interesting insights in the casting above. Note firstly the card at the top left ... the 6 of Cups depicting a couple celebrating ... one dressed in yellow and one dressed in green; the one in green holding a glass in hand. There are five other cups on a tray in front of them. Ok, the card depicts the number 6 but it suggest 'seven' seperate glasses of alcohol in that image. Seven in the celebrations depicted in the imagery. These two personas are seen in their apartment; at the rear the protective bars to the window have been bent and are damaged ... but note symbolically the door to the outside is open to the right of the window ... there was no need to go through the window at all because the door was open?

All this symbolism bears striking resemblance to the events portrayed on the night of the disappearance. But, with the central card being The Sun card (what else surprise surprise) ... there is the image of the triumphant silhouette between the gemini twins. It can be portrayed in an 'obvious' ... that the twins are the twins of the McCanns and the figure stands triumphant having just snatched Maddy from the apartment. But, I don't think so .... the figure sitting on the bed in the foreground with its back turned reading a book ... indicates that this official slant is not to be taken seriously ... so instead I interpret the gemini twins another way ... there are two versions to this 'tale'. The salamander and the net in the foreground ... indicates the official story is the means by which the public are to be caught ... the 'fish hook' indeed .... the salamander links to the image of the moon in the tarot too ... where the moon is deceptions. The sun is the yellow represented by the campaign ... which was symbolised recently by the yellow rose.

No, the official storyline I sense is not the truth. It was not a straightforward abduction at all. On face value the official story is a thinly veneered cover which disguises the truth ... deliberately dishevelled and disorganised in order for the observant to see through and decry 'conspiracy' ... this is what I sense is the intention. But why? To draw attention away from other facts and other circumstances. Whilst the public debate and muse and comment ... their minds are focussed on all the uncovered deceptions ... and therefore what is truly meant by it all slips by un-noticed . A clever ploy and a true trojan horse in other words!!! This appears to prove it was all pre-planned. Catch out an unsuspecting public and permit them to discuss, debate and accuse.

The Ace of Wands indicates the stimulation provided to the public by the direction of the campaign and all the disorganised edges to it all. The attention is thus cleverly drawn away from other avenues.

The two of pentacles and the 10 of wands ... are aspects so hard to determine. The weight of a wheel on the soldiers of a person in the 10 of wands; the combining of finances by two people in the 2 of Pentacles. Suggesting the combining of resources from two thriving ventures to help relieve the burdens of another venture ... linked to the night of Maddy's disappearance where clearly there seemed to be celebrations ... but for what?

The casting of the crystals provides hints of routes and directions .... two green stones imply that persons close or known to Maddy were perhaps involved in her disappearance. The pink stone beneath The Sun card perhaps suggest Maddy herself. Between the pink stone are the two green stones ... perhaps one known person to Maddy handed Maddy to another person who was known to her? Beside the top green stone is the crystal I term 'the deceiver' ... suggesting a diversion or a decoy to cover the tracks of the one who took Maddy away from the apartment. What do we have in the official story? A debatable 'sighting' of a man with the child wrapped in a blanket ... is this perhaps a decoy? The deceiver interestingly falls almost on the triumphant silhouette ... I doubt therefore the official storyline ... it leads the trail in the wrong direction it seems ... when in fact it seems someone Maddy knew and who she trusts (hence the white stone of trust to the left side) appears to have been who 'abducted' Maddy that night ... then above the white stone is a fragment of Amethyst ... the stone of protection ... therefore it seems who took Madeleine ... is also someone who was assigned to protect her ...but who? I intuit this person to be someone who is trusted and who is known to Maddy. Someone Maddy is quite accustomed to being with.