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Friday 21 September 2007

The definition of Magic

Magic is the highest most absolute and divine knowledge of natural philosophy advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult vertue of things, so that true agents being applied to proper patients, strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced; whence magicians are profound and diligent searchers into nature, they because of their skill know how to anticipate an effect which to the vulgar shall seem a miracle.

Origen saith that the magical art doth not contain anything subsisting, but although it should yet that must not be evil or subject to contempt or scorn; and doth distinguish the natural magic from that which is diabolical.

Tyaneus only exercised the natural magic by which he performed wonderful things.

Philo Hebreus saith that true magic by which we come to the secret works of nature is so far from being contemptible that the greatest monarchs and kings have studied it. Nay amongst the Persians none might reign unless he was skillful in this great art.

This noble science often degenerates, and from natural becomes diabolical, from true philosophy turns to nigromancy, which is wholly to be charged upon its followers who, abusing or not being capable of that high and mystical knowledge do immediately hearken to the temptations of Sathan, and are misled by him into the study of the black art. Hence it is that magic lies under disgrace and they who seek after it are vulgarly esteemed sorcerers. And the fraternity of the Rosicrucians thought it not fit to style themselves magicians, but philosophers. Thay are not ignorant empirics1 but learned and experienced physicians whose remedies are not only lawful but divine.] (The Lesser Key of Solomon)