…it produces a substance of the same, the same nature according to the strength of its virtue, and it afterwards produces gold. Take for example, a tree. The seed cast into the ground produces some apple tree which begets apples.

Since you see then every day effects resembling those of our Stone; believing the one does not doubt the other, that the miraculous effects which I attribute to it may not make you deny to the mineral kind which is conceded to the vegetable and the animal. Know that there is a seed, thence judge the possibility of the Stone. Know furthermore that the seed has the same power in the mineral kind as in the two superior ones, and thence you may gather how it can be multiplied: and take not up with the sentiments of such thick skulled and ignoramuses as blame the design of such those who seek the Stone, because they cannot attain to it: the knowledge of it is above their capacity.
The man who is accustomed to find fault with what he cannot comprehend, is like the fox in the fable who disliked the grapes which he could not get. As this science has not been given but to the holy and the wise philosophers of whom the number is but small, thence it comes that the greatest part do dis-commend it. Ignoramuses love not sciences, the grossest spirits get afar from the schools; so does the world find fault with our secret because it is all filled with madmen, it is thought impossible because they love ignorance.(From ‘The Adventures of the Unknown Philosopher)