The Aces correspond with the number 1. This is considered to be the beginning of anything - first emanation of an idea, an action, a venture. The number 1 contains raw energy and power. There is, as yet, no form of substance to that energy - it is simply the beginning of anything that follows. 1 is considered esoterically as the point where individuation occurs. It is the moment at which the egg is fertilised and new life results, the moment of conception, that brief second where the seed takes root.
In each case, we have already moved away from 1's by the time that growth and development begin to take place and as a result, it is immediate, incredibly powerful and yet completely fresh and new. You can see, maybe, that the energy in this particular number is very vital and dynamic, but probably slightly uncontrolled and unstable. The number 1 corresponds with the colour red, which is also associated with passion, immediacy and rage.
The Aces, therefore, are raw expressions of the element that they represent. They usually relate to beginnings and starts in one way or another, and always relate to great power and force.
Twos are about the one becoming two - joining together with others, becoming involved in partnerships, both of the intimate and platonic variety. It is about the way in which we work in groups, and about sharing warmth and loving feelings with other? Inherent to the concept of 2's is the idea that the immediacy of the egotistical 1's has been transmuted into a more sharing, caring experience. There's negotiation, compromise and the ability to merge in a 2 number, which doesn't appear at all in 1's.
We see here that the raw energy of the Aces is beginning to shape itself according to the world which surrounds it. Instead of seeing only itself it begins to recognise other outside features of life, and to identify itself with them.
Three is an important figure in numerology, for it denotes that which is completed, or that which has reached the end of an appointed phase. Of course, when one phase ends we must, of necessity, begin another. This is the case with 3 - having completed one particular stage in life there is always movement or progress. This forward momentum is usually built upon whatever has been attained in the early work of the individual.
So 3 might be seen as a logical progression from the 1, where we saw the ego - the primal force; and the 2 where we saw that force beginning to integrate and work in harmony with others. The three, therefore, might be considered to be the end result of this initial integration of forces.
There are lots of symbolic connections with the number - the Father, Son and Holy Ghost trinity of Christianity, the same principle echoed in the Isis, Osiris, Horus mystery of Egyptian tradition; the three faces of the Goddess as virgin, mother and hag in pagan mythology. You can probably see from each of these that we see two independent units which merge to produce the third element of the trilogy.
You might also compare this effect in relationships - two independent people coming together, and between them create the third principle of the relationship. It is a creation which has come about as a result of the actions and energies of the two people involved. It is wholly unique, and neither of the initiating partners would be able to create the same relationship with anyone else.
In numerology, three is much concerned wilh one's ability to enjoy life. People who have this number featuring strong in a numerological analysis are considered to be outgoing, convivial and gregarious. This effect of going outward and sharing experience with others is a continuation of the general theme of the number, in that, it acknowledges the concept that when 1 merges with 2, 3 results. (Angel Paths)